Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:23 AM

Chapter 1048

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Xiao Yunhai went to Wang Yuandong and said in a lofty tone: "I don't know why you want to target me? I don't want to know. I just want to tell you that you are not qualified to be my enemy in any way. If you want to get me into trouble, expand your e-commerce company by ten times. Do you understand

Wang Yuandong has never been so humiliated since he was young. His anger is like lava in a volcano. His teeth are gurgling and his eyes are full of hate. He says, "Xiao Yunhai, I remember that. Today's events will never be forgotten in my life. "

Xiao Yunhai disdain said: "how enough in a lifetime, you'd better give me the next life to remember."

Wang Yuandong looked at him deeply, his eyes were cold and deep, and said, "let's go."

Wang Yuandong left the conference room first. Zhao hang and Huang Mingmei, who was shocked, quickly followed up.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a trace of murder, and said in his heart: "this man can endure this degree. It seems that he is much more difficult to deal with than Tian Junhao."

Yu Hai shook his head and sighed, "we have known each other for such a long time. I really haven't seen that you have such a domineering side."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and says: "this guy is obviously asking me for trouble. I didn't beat him, and I have already given him face. By the way, why is he targeting me? "

Wu Chenglue said: "his e-buy electronics company and Stell network company, want to enter the United States."

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "I see. Forget it, let's sign it. Originally, I really planned to pay you five billion dollars first. I brought all the checks, but I couldn't give them to you when he made such a fuss. Otherwise, there is no place for face. Well, I'll ask DreamWorks to settle your account once a month from October, so as not to delay your normal business

On hearing this, Chen Zixuan sighed: "Wang Yuandong is really a gentleman's abdomen with care. OK, we can sign now. "

Soon, the contract was printed out and signed. Xiao Yunhai shook hands with others and left with Wu Hao.

Before getting on the train, Hu Yaoting told Xiao Yunhai the details of the meeting, and said in a meaningful way: "the interior of Yanhuang cinema is very complicated, you should pay attention to it."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "thank you, sister Hu. I understand."

Sitting in the car, Xiao Yunhai dials Kristi's number directly.

"Hi, Mr. Xiao, I'm flattered that you can call me on your own initiative."

Xiao Yunhai thought, in addition to just beginning to know, he has never actively contacted her, can not help laughing: "this shows how much I trust you."

Christie laughed, "I'm afraid that's not the real reason. No kidding. Go ahead. What's up? I'm very busy here. "

Xiao Yunhai began to smile and said, "Ms. Kristi, I'd like you to help me check the e-buy electronics company in Huaxia."

"Easy buy?" Kristi said: "it is the largest household appliance company in China. It has defeated many competitors and its market share is more than 50%. It can be said that it has always been the only one.". The general manager of e-buy is far east Wang. He.... "

when he heard that Kristi was so familiar with the company, Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said," how can you know it so well? "

Christie said with a smile, "any company with a market value of more than 100 billion dollars is in my mind. Yes? Did e-buy electric offend you? "

Wang Yiyun, the enemy of the Far East, did not like me. Do you have any idea? "

"Of course, we're the best business team, and if we can't do it, it's going to be bad for our reputation," Kristi said. We are an investment company, the easiest way is to find a strong competitor for him. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said, "very good. It's up to you. "

Christie said with a smile, "this is the first task you have given us, and we guarantee that it will be done excellently."

After talking with Kristi, Xiao Yunhai frowned and thought.

Originally, he felt that with his own identity and status, if he wanted to get the full support of Yanhuang cinema, there should be no problem.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

First of all, Wang Yuandong holds 45% of the shares, which is definitely a very dangerous thing for Xiao Yunhai.

As long as one of the five Yu Hai people falls on Wang Yuandong's side, the whole Yanhuang cinema will become Wang Yuandong's private cinema completely.

In this way, Xiao Yunhai is in great trouble.

Secondly, it seems that Chen Zixuan, who drank with him last night, is not a simple person. Among these shareholders, his position is very special.

From Hu Yaoting's narration, Xiao Yunhai finds that the reason why the 6000 pieces of screen became 4000 pieces has something to do with Chen Zixuan.

However, Xiao Yunhai did not feel disgusted with this person, after all, others also have their own ideas. In case 3D movies catch fire and occupy 6000 screens, Yanhuang cinema will be in trouble.It's too much to transform, because Xiao Yunhai's 6000 screen is still here. It's too few. It's not good. The box office will be greatly affected.

Therefore, the number of four thousand is not much, but just good.

Xiao Yunhai suspects that even without Wang Yuandong's trouble, Chen Zixuan will find other reasons to reduce the number of screens.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I don't have my own cinema. I'm under the control of others."

Wu Hao looked back and said with a smile, "don't worry, boss Xiao. With the 7000 screens in China and other regions, it is enough for our 3D films to go to the world. At that time, all the cinemas will try to curry favor with us. You can put your films where you want them. "

Xiao Yunhai was shocked and said: "you are right. The key is whether our "2012" can succeed? Wu, how do you feel about most of the content? To tell the truth. "

Wu Hao said: "only two words, shocking. Although I have also participated in the research and development of 3D imaging technology, I can't help but imagine and really see it. If this film can't succeed, I'll write Wu Hao's name upside down. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I believe that the name of Haowu is definitely not going to appear. By the way, in recent days, you can study how these 4000 screens are distributed. We must have at least two 3D studios in each big city. "

Wu Hao nodded and said, "I understand. Boss, I heard you're going to the singer's night, OK? Are you confident? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's worth saying. The king of songs hat, who give me

Wu Hao said: "then I wish you success in advance."

The office of Wang Yuandong, President of e-buy electric appliance company, is in a mess. Everything that can be thrown is smashed by Wang Yuandong.

His eyes were red, his eyes were ferocious, and he looked like a devil from the eighteen layers of hell.

Zhao hang and Huang Mingmei nearby never saw Wang Yuandong like this, and they ran to one side in a hurry.

It took ten minutes for Wang Yuandong to feel his anger dissipated.

"Xiao Yunhai, you dare to insult me in front of so many people. I swear that I will never let you go." Wang Yuandong said gnashing his teeth.

Zhao hang boldly came to Wang Yuandong and said, "brother Wang, Xiao Yunhai is not an ordinary person. What should we do?"

Wang Yuandong snorted and said, "of course, we dare not move him, but if the dream special effects company wants to successfully show the film, it is also impossible. I'll let him know what it's like to offend me

It's a pity that he hasn't come to find Xiao Yunhai's trouble, and Wang Yuandong's own big trouble will come.

Two days later, sun Deyi, the former boss of the No.1 brand in China, held a press conference, announcing that the company had received strong support from Yunqing investment company and would launch refrigerators, washing machines, stainless pans, rice cookers and other products to the market in the near future.

Then a billion dollar advertisement began to appear on the Internet, on TV and in supermarkets. After five years of incubation, smug electric appliances once again entered the consumers' view and launched the most powerful challenge to e-commerce. The shares of e-buy fell in response, which almost made Wang Yuandong angry.

In China, smug Electric has always been a leader in China, and its quality is very high. Wang Yuandong, in order to replace him, deliberately suppressed smug electric appliance with no visible means. Even so, it took five years to make it quiet.

Now, Xiao Yunhai's investment company and smug Electric Co., Ltd. cooperate with each other. The past means are useless. The head of government is his uncle Xiao Yuanyang. Who dares to fight against Xiao Yunhai.

In this way, the battle between easy buy and complacency started again. However, this time, Wang Yuandong had to devote most of his energy to the offensive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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