Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:09 AM

Chapter 105

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After listening to Chen Qingqing's question, Xiao Yunhai said: "director Chen and teacher Huang, my acting skills are not as good as you said. The reason why I was able to be close to Mr. Huang in momentum is mainly because I am a martial arts practitioner. The most taboo in fighting with others is to be timid before fighting. Knowing that we are invincible, we must not show any flaws. It's the same with acting. Even if my acting skills are not as good as yours, I will try my best to perform my own characteristics. "

"Well said."

They all nodded.

"Actually, I've always wanted to ask Mr. Huang a question." Xiao Yunhai asked Huang Peiqi, "as you know, I'm going to play Yongzheng. If the gap is too far away from you, the whole play will be stronger than before and weaker after. What I want to ask is, how can I perform the majesty of the emperor? "

Xiao Yunhai has always been very clear about his position. He himself is a person who practices Xingyiquan. He has a sense of domineering and cutting edge. He can control the roles of general, warrior and president.

However, in addition to being domineering, the emperor also had the dignity and solitude which Xiao Yunhai did not possess.

But Huang Peiqi has all of them.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai asked such a question.

Other young actors also looked at Huang.

There are not many opportunities like this to consult the film emperor directly.

Huang Peiqi looked at everyone's eyes of seeking knowledge, and his heart was also very pleased. Maybe these young people are the hope of the future entertainment industry.

At present, I don't have the slightest privacy to say what I have learned over the years.

"In fact, acting is not unchangeable. Everyone has his or her own way of expression in acting. It may be OK to use it on me, but it may be applied to other people. Therefore, what I said can only be used as a reference, not suitable for everyone. If an actor wants to become a top performer, he must go out of his own way, and blindly imitate can only be imitative. "

"I ask you, what is the most important thing for an actor?"

Gao Wei didn't want to think about it. He replied, "acting, of course."

"Absolutely wrong. Yunhai, what do you think it is? " Huang Peiqi asked the thoughtful Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said: "is it temperament?"

"Yes, it is temperament. Acting is only a means for us to act, and its ultimate goal is to achieve a high degree of unity between actors and roles. What we call acting like is not only about appearance, but also about temperament. "

"For example, a person who often gives orders on weekdays will naturally take on a kind of upper man's momentum. If we want to play such a person, we must have such a temperament. Otherwise, we will only have the appearance but not the spirit

"The same clothes, put on by a beggar and an official respectively, stand in front of us, we can easily identify them. Why? It's their temperament. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can we develop such temperament?"

"It's hard. It is not easy to cultivate another temperament in the day after tomorrow. We need to devote ourselves to each role, pour our spirit and understanding of the role into the role, and truly endow it with its soul

"Because after all, we can't have all the role experience, especially the emperor, a profession we've never really seen before. Then we need to form an emperor in our mind, and then we fill in our understanding of him bit by bit. Imagine what kind of reaction he will have, what kind of expression he will have and what kind of action he will have when he encounters various problems. If you think about these things more and act more, you will naturally act as the emperor. "

"I'm ashamed to say that although I'm known as the film emperor, in fact, my acting talent is not high, and I can only achieve this level after acting all my life."

Gao Wei said with a smile, "Mr. Huang, if you all say that, we will be even worse."

Huang Peiqi shook his head and sighed: "I once saw a genius who cultivated three temperament of" loneliness "," cowardice "and" Sadness "in a few days. Well, that's the real life for drama. At that time, I wanted to quit the entertainment industry. "

The more surprised Deng said: "there are still such a bull in the entertainment industry? Mr. Huang, who is this man

Huang Peiqi showed admiration on his face and spat out a name: "Liang Hui."

It suddenly dawned on them that it was him.

Xiao Yunhai quickly recalled Liang Hui's information from his mind.

Liang Hui, a native of Hong Kong Island, entered the circle at the age of 43 and 12. He has played countless well-known roles in the film industry for 30 years.

He doesn't sing, he doesn't walk around, he doesn't shoot commercials, and he's focused on acting.

He has won the golden cup award for best actor three times in a row, won the Cannes Film Festival twice, and even won the Oscar for best supporting actor.It can be said that in the whole Chinese entertainment circle, Liang Hui said that his acting skills were second, so no star dared to say that he was the first.

Therefore, his fans called him "the God of the film" and "the film emperor of the film".

Xiao Yunhai's eyes suddenly brightened and asked, "Mr. Huang, do you know how Mr. Liang did this at that time?"

"I asked him this question, too. At that time, he said that I created a world in my heart, and this role is in this world. I can see his life every moment, so I can play him well," Huang said

Huang Peiqi's last sentence is like a flash of water, opening a real road for Xiao Yunhai.

He found that when he played some roles in his daily life, he was a little bit superficial. On the surface, he created a very good character. In fact, he did not touch the inner heart of the characters and their deepest things.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai took up his glass and sincerely presented a glass of wine to Huang Peiqi.

Other young actors also raised their glasses.

Since Xiao Yunhai got the guidance of Huang Peiqi, he began to shape Yongzheng at the deepest level that night.

He thought of himself as Yongzheng and constructed a huge and real world in his mind. He was totally immersed in it.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai ate some food and came to the crew early. The whole person was blind and like a fool, he sat there and let the makeup artist put on his makeup.

This time, the makeup artist was a middle-aged woman. Seeing Xiao Yunhai's worried appearance, he did not communicate with him.

After making up, Xiao Yunhai found a corner where no one else was. He closed his eyes and sat there quietly.

Many staff members took a strange look at him. They didn't know what happened to the young investor and screenwriter.

Last night, we all got up a little late because we all drank wine.

Huang Peiqi, who has been in battle for a long time, was the first one to come here. After seeing Xiao Yunhai's state, he showed an incredible look and said with emotion: "how savvy this boy is! Only one night, can enter such a deep state. It's against the weather. "

The second came Deng Yue. He said hello to Huang Peiqi. He saw Xiao Yunhai sitting motionless with his eyes closed. He was curious and asked, "what's wrong with Xiao Yunhai, Mr. Huang?"

Huang Peiqi said: "he is building up the personality of Yongzheng."

Deng Yue's pupil in the eye suddenly shrinks, surprised way: "so fast?"

"I didn't expect it to be so soon." Huang Peiqi sighed.

It's not easy to shape a person's personality. First of all, you should clear all your thoughts, actions, actions, language, etc.

Then force another person's memory, thoughts and daily life habits, experience what he has experienced, and constantly imagine and conceive in his mind.

Ordinary people can't stand this, and the pain they suffer can be imagined.

Why so many people in the previous life can not come out of the play, some even need the help of a psychologist, in order to slowly recover.

It's because they go too deep into the role and take themselves as another person, hiding everything on themselves. After I finished, I didn't want to shoot it.

Therefore, artists, especially actors, are the most vulnerable to mental illness.

Just like Xiao Yunhai now, his mind is full of Yongzheng's shadow.

His gentleness, his ruthlessness, his tyranny, how he would talk when he met people, what kind of expression he used, what kind of action he would do; how to deal with a thing from his point of view, and the degree to which the effect would be satisfied, etc., all of which should be passed in his mind.

Xiao Yunhai has to immerse himself in it almost every moment and realize with his heart everything that happened to Yongzheng. The more you think about it, the more detail you build, the better it will be.

Deng Yue felt a huge pressure for a moment. As a student of Mordo film and Television College, he was the first senior brother in his class since he entered the school, and he got the key training of the school.

After graduation, he made several TV plays in succession. With his superb acting skills, he was called the God of drama by the circle.

Although he said many times in public that the title of "drama God" was not worthy of, in fact, only he knew that he cared about the title.

To this end, he worked hard to improve his acting skills, crazy pursuit of the footsteps of his predecessors, is to hope that one day he can become a film emperor, can really deserve the title of "drama God".

Today, however, he was beaten and stimulated by an actor who was younger and more talented than himself.

"I won't lose. I want to be the real God of drama."

The frustration in his heart flashed away in Deng Yue's heart. He was determined to play his role well and not let Xiao Yunhai specialize in beauty.Other actors came in one after another. Seeing Xiao Yunhai's situation, their hearts were full of ups and downs. They all thought about how to play a good role and how to stand out among so many young actors. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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