Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:17 AM

Chapter 1052

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On TV, Zhu Bixia stood in the center of the stage in a long white dress and said, "first of all, let me introduce my singer. He has a lot of identities. First of all, he is a director, and three films have made it into the top ten in the world. Secondly, he is a martial arts novel writer. His works are popular in China. Now he has caused a huge sensation in Asian countries, with a total sales volume of more than 300 million copies. "

"He's also an actor, his acting skills are superb, and he has won numerous awards."

"He is also a laughing star. Although he plays a few skits, he brings happiness to thousands of families."

"He is also one of the world's top 20 super rich and philanthropist with assets of hundreds of billions of dollars. He and his wife founded the Yunqing charity foundation, which has helped countless old people and children."

"In the end, he is a singer. All the songs he has sung since his debut are composed by himself. The total sales of records exceeded 250 million copies, which is known as the king of pop in the world

"Tonight, he brought a song with Mongolian characteristics called" the night of Ulan Bator ". Now let's call out his name

"Cloud emperor."

The huge noise at the scene seemed to overturn the roof.

In the applause and shouts of the crowd, Xiao Yunhai came out of the moon gate and stood in the middle of the stage. The whole scene suddenly exploded.

"Cloud emperor, I love you."

"Yunhuang, you are the best."

"Cloud emperor, come on, we will always support you."

The fans, especially the young people, were all screaming there. Some even burst out in tears and tried to climb onto the stage. They were stopped by the security guards.

Because of the arrival of Xiao Yunhai, the whole studio was in a mess, which no one had thought of before.

The main reason is that Xiao Yunhai is usually too low-key. He is either at home or busy making movies. Fans can hardly see him.

Suddenly, seeing him at such a close distance, those super fans are naturally excited.

After singing, Yao Na, sitting on the sofa in the backstage hall, sighed: "the boy's popularity is really too high. If you look at this situation, even if you don't sing well, you can take the first place

In room 10, Japanese top singer Junjie Tanaka said: "are these more professional audience? I don't think they are all fans of Mr. Xiao. "

"If only I could have so many fans," South Korean singer Jiang Boxian enviously said in room 6

In room 4, bessier, a famous American country music singer, said excitedly, "Xiao, it's Xiao. He's here. I'm a big fan of him. It's amazing

Xiao Yunhai did not expect that he would create such a scene. He frowned a little and said to the microphone, "I am Xiao Yunhai, a singer. On this stage, I am not a director, an actor, a star or an idol. I am just a singer. I hope you can be quiet. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai's words seem to have magic, the whole scene instantly restored order, those fans who have rushed out also quietly returned to their seats.

"Whoa, that's great. Mr. Xiao's aura on the stage is simply too terrible. He can control the emotions of all the fans in his every move. It's so strong. " Jed Mercurio sighed.

The show finally officially began.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and nodded to the band.

Three seconds later, Xiao Yunhai put the microphone to his mouth, closed his eyes and sang the first sentence.

"You've been gone for so many years.

You're still with me.

That day, your smiling face.

Now I can see with my eyes closed. "

There is almost no accompaniment in the first few sentences, only the sound of horse head Qin of Mongolian Rehe band echoes with his voice, as if coming from another world. Xiao Yunhai's tone is very high and powerful. Only four words set the emotional tone of the whole song.

"Master. Just hear the beginning, British top musician Jimi Murray gave Xiao Yunhai such a definition.

The other singers in the room were all absorbed in watching TV, and their expressions were not restrained with a trace of solemnity. The main reason is that these sentences of Xiao Yunhai are so beautiful.

In Xiao Yunhai's home, Chen Xiuzhu's circle of eyes has become red. He said, "Yunhai is really singing his grandmother."

Xiao Changfeng did not say anything, just held her hand.

"Walk slowly through the wind of the wilderness.

I tell you in silence that I'm drunk.

The night in Ulan Bator is so quiet, so quiet,

you can't even hear the wind.

Floating to the clouds in the sky, slow down.

I tell you with running, I don't look back.

The night in Ulan Bator, so quiet, so quiet,Even cloud doesn't know. I don't know. "

Compared with the beginning, Xiao Yunhai has dropped at least two tones in this section. His voice is sad but not sad, as if he came from outside the nine sky clouds. He speaks softly in people's ears, coupled with the harmony of grassland flavor, which makes the picture feel full.

"Good. I feel like I see a picture. "

"It's so beautiful. It's just the sound of nature."

"This song is so touching that the emperor seems to have moved the truth."

Some emotional fans on the scene have shed tears.

At this time, the accompaniment is finally all up, Xiao Yunhai's voice suddenly from the shallow singing low chant straight up, the forehead is loud and loud, as if breaking through the sky, but with a sadness that can not be broken.

"The night in Ulaanbaatar, Wuwuwuwu .

when singing the onomatopoeia "Wuwuwuwu", people's hearts were filled with a strong sadness for no reason. Everyone looked at the sad Xiao Yunhai, tears could not help but flow down.

"Heart and lung. This has not reached the climax, even I can't help but feel emotional, too strong A musician sighed.

Xiao Yunhai's mother, Chen Xiuzhu, was crying when she heard this sentence. Zhao Wanqing rushed to persuade her.

"Don't do that, mom."

Chen Xiuzhu choked: "the child has always attached great importance to love. I knew that although he did not say so, he certainly did not forget his grandmother in his heart."

Xiao Changfeng said: "Xiuzhu, you should be happy. Mother in the spirit of heaven, to see his favorite grandson has such a great achievement, will be proud and proud

Chen Xiuzhu nodded, but she couldn't help her tears.

At Chen Jiahong's home in Anhui Province, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "singer's night" is also on TV.

Chen Jiahong looks sad and sorrowful. He is the most unforgettable love for Xiao Yunhai's grandmother. Otherwise, he would not have been single for so many years, and he would not even find an old wife.

Chen Zhan sat on the sofa, his mouth trembling, his eyes staring at Xiao Yunhai on TV. His eyes were red, and a line of hot tears hung on his face, but he didn't realize it.

Xiao Yunhai in the studio suddenly showed a smile on his face. His eyes were full of yearning. He looked up as if he was talking to someone in the dark.

"Hey, you're here, you're in the world, everywhere."

"Hey, you're here, you're through the wind, through the clouds, through everything, back "

in this section, Xiao Yunhai's voice is combined with the band's hula, Changdiao and Matouqin, pushing the emotion to the extreme, giving people a feeling of ethereal and ethereal.

"The night of Ulan Bator" has been covered by countless singers in previous lives. Xiao Yunhai used the version of Tan Weiwei's "I am a singer". After his careful modification, it was brought to the stage.

As an actor of the film Empire level, Xiao Yunhai is far better than Tan Weiwei in sensational aspect. No matter singing, action or expression, Xiao Yunhai is particularly easy to get people into the play. Under the dual stimulation of vision and hearing, the whole scene, whether singers, musicians or ordinary fans, was brought to his world by Xiao Yunhai.

After the treble, the score quickly slipped down, and Rehe's Singers stepped in and sang in a voice that made the whole song more sad.

"The night in Ulaanbaatar, so quiet, so quiet."

Xiao Yunhai also sings softly: "even the wind can't hear, can't hear."

"The night in Ulan Bator is so quiet, so quiet,"

Xiao Yunhai: "even the clouds don't know, don't know."

The cooperation between the two is seamless, as if they are talking about each other's missing feelings, but the effect is no worse than the treble.

Chen Huan deeply breathed a breath and said, "a stroke of magic."

When the flood burst, the passion of all of us suddenly broke down, just like the music.

"Our world, what has changed.

Our world, looking forward to what.

What's left of our world.

Our world, only desert

At this time, the high tune of Xiao Hai is still not good.

Xiao Yun transported the elixir field like a prayer. He sang a large part of Tibetan language. His voice was loud and clear to the extreme, and his emotion broke out completely here.

Chen Xiuzhu lies in the arms of Xiao Changfeng with a sad face and tears her heart and lungs.

Zhao Wanqing seemed to realize the deep missing feeling in her husband's heart, and her face was full of tears.

Zhao Mingsheng and Yan Piaoyun are also deeply felt, dim eyes.

Chen Jiahong was trembling with tears.

Chen Zhan covered his face and sobbed softly.

Everyone at the scene stood up, tears streaming and clapping wildly at the same time.

After venting, the music also calmed down. Xiao Yunhai's eyes were red and he sang word by word: "through the wind in the wilderness, you should walk slowly, and the singers from time to time Drop Eyes... Tears. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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