Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:15 AM

Chapter 1053

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From the beginning to the end of the song, a complete turn, as if it is a reincarnation.

The scene was filled with applause and screams.

Even those music makers who are so strict that they have to stand up and clap their hands.

"Good, I've been singing and crying by him."

"The transition from bass to treble is no less than eight times. It's a stunt."

"Mr. Xiao's songs are so infectious and shocking. Now, singers in Europe and America are in great trouble. I'm afraid it's not a simple thing to take the king from him. "

Music producers from all over the world clapped and talked.

After hearing what they said, Chen Huan said with a smile to Wang Lin: "it seems that they feel pressure."

Wang Lin said: "can there be no pressure? Such songs, such coordination and singing can be described with the sounds of nature. If it had been for me, I would have lost my confidence in the game

In the singer's room, the singers who had been chatting and laughing with their agents seemed to have become dignified after listening to Xiao Yunhai's songs.

In Eliot's room, Chen Cheng, with tears in his eyes, quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and asked, "Elliott, how do you like Mr. Xiao's singing?"

Eliot shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "you are crying like that. Do you still need evaluation? I'll take it, but I'll never give up. "

American country music female singer bessier tearful, said: "hateful Xiao, he reminds me of my father who went to heaven. It seems that I need to make up again."

Tanaka Jun exclaimed: "the conversion of high and low frequency area is easy, and there is no defect in technology. Emotionally, it's the most emotional live performance I've ever heard. It's amazing. "


On the Internet, Xiao Yunhai's fans were so excited that they published their posts one after another.

"Strongly recommend the cloud emperor's" Ulan Bator night ", great."

"The night of Ulan Bator" made me cry. "

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud, and he is the first one."

At the scene, Xiao Yunhai bowed deeply to everyone and said, "thank you for our Mongolian Rehe band, for our excellent performers, thank you all."

The scene applause thunderous, Xiao Yunhai can sing this song like this, accompaniment is indispensable. In particular, Rehe band's long tune, horse head harp and tone, make the songs more infectious.

In the cheers of the crowd, Xiao Yunhai waved and walked off the stage.

Out of the studio, agent Zhu Bixia asked, "brother Xiao, you sing really well. I've spent all my crying makeup. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, way: "have such exaggeration?"

"Of course. I'm sure you'll get the first place this time. It's very touching

Coming to the backstage hall, Yao Na stood up and said with a smile, "fortunately, I chose to sing in front of you, otherwise I would be in great trouble. Who are you writing about this song? It's so emotional. "

Xiao Yunhai felt a little sad in his heart and said, "it's my grandmother."

Xiao Yunhai inherited all the memories of his predecessor. When he sang this song, he always had the feelings of his predecessor and his grandmother. He could not help but burst the song.

Yao Na nodded and said, "it's true. Your grandmother will be very happy to see you come to this day

Both conversations were filmed by photographers and shown on television.

In front of the TV, Chen Xiuzhu finally recovered to normal. She couldn't help but shed tears again. She said, "I knew that Yunhai must be singing his grandmother."

Xiao Changfeng patted her back and said, "don't worry, mom will hear this song sung by her favorite grandson for her."

On TV, Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "can we not be so sad? What I hate most when I watch TV programs is bitter love drama. I feel very fake. I don't want to direct such a show myself

Yao Nanjiao said with a smile, "I really admire you. Sit down quickly, we two new people learn from these predecessors, don't be eliminated in the next game

They sat on the sofa and watched the singers walk on the stage.

It has to be said that their singing skills are really very strong, basically zero defects. Whether it is professionals, or on-the-spot audience, all listen to infatuated.

In particular, Eliot, the king of the United States, sang a passionate rock song, which not only won the audience, but also Xiao Yunhai had to applaud it.

People rely on their own real skills, and Xiao Yunhai just plagiarized the works of previous lives. Of course, he also has his own efforts. After all, it is his singing skills and ability that make the songs perfectly expressed.

After Eliot entered the hall, Xiao Yunhai stood up on his own initiative, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "you really deserve to be the king of America singer, very wonderful."Eliot was stunned, obviously did not expect Xiao Yunhai to praise himself so much.

For such praise, Eliot listened to too much, but from the mouth of Xiao Yunhai, the king of music in the world, he felt a sense of satisfaction. He could not help smiling and said, "thank you. Your song "night in Ulan Bator" is really good

The two people's compliments seemed to shorten the distance between them. Eliot sat down beside Xiao Yunhai and talked with him enthusiastically. From time to time, he gave out a burst of hearty laughter.

Thirteen singers finished all the songs in just one and a half hours. The last one to come in was bessier, a female American country music singer.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, bessier walked over with an excited face and said, "Xiao, I'm so happy to see you here. You are my idol. I can sing almost all your songs, whether they are English songs or Chinese songs. It can be said that every capital is a classic. "

Generally speaking, a top singer will not say that the other person is his idol in front of others, because in that case, he will feel inferior to others, but bessier does not mind this.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with her politely and said, "thank you for enjoying my songs. It's great to be able to sing American country music to this level. "

Bessier said happily, "I'm so happy to have your praise."

Eliot and bessier were in a company. They knew each other very well. They laughed and said, "Beth, please sit down. If you want to have a good chat with your idol, you can invite him to have a snack after the show. I don't mind going with me. "

Bessier brightened her eyes and asked, "do I have the honor?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "in China, how can I let you treat me. Ladies and gentlemen, since you have come to the program "singer's night", it shows that we are all predestined. If you don't have anything to do, I'll invite you to dinner. How about it? "


"Mr. Xiao's treat. I must go."

"My plane was set at 3 a.m. and there was no problem."

People did not want to think, then all agreed to come down.

Several singers who had planned to return to China immediately postponed their return.

I'm kidding. Big people like Xiao Yunhai don't invite others to dinner. It's rare to have such an opportunity, and people naturally don't want to miss it.

Next, Xiao Yunhai gave full play to the strength of his super Duan player, and became one with the public. The atmosphere became very warm, and the whole hall was filled with laughter.

Fifteen minutes later, director Wang Bensheng appeared in front of everyone with a mobile phone.

"Oh, the atmosphere today is obviously different from before."

Yao Na said with a smile: "with the sea of clouds, of course, it's relaxing and pleasant. Lao Wang, you should be quick and announce the result. We have to go out to eat big families. "

Wang Bensheng said with a smile: "I think this big family must be Mr. Xiao?"

Of course, Yao Na nodded. All of us together can't compare with him by one percent. We don't eat who he eats. "

Wang Bensheng asked, "Xiao Dahu, do not know if I have this opportunity to sit together?"

Xiao Yunhai showed a mysterious smile and said, "it depends on your performance. If you want to go together, it's going to make me happy. Now, what makes me happy? Mr. Wang, you are so smart, you should understand what I mean

Eliot was surprised and said, "is this a public bribe? Wang, I can treat you to dinner for a day

The crowd burst into laughter.

Wang Bensheng said, "OK, no kidding. First of all, we welcome Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Ms. Yao Na to our program with the warmest applause. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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