Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:14 AM

Chapter 1054

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"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

The singer and the agent clapped their hands enthusiastically.

Xiao Yunhai and Yao Na stood up and expressed their thanks to everyone.

Wang Bensheng asked, "sister Na, this is your first time on the stage. How do you feel?"

Yao Na said: "excited, nervous and a little nervous. After all, I'm dealing with the best singers in the world, and it's hard to avoid some drumming in my heart. "

Wang Bensheng said with a smile: "but what I see on the stage is Yao Na, who is full of self-confidence. It seems different from what you said. How do you feel, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have a sense of familiarity. Last year, I accompanied my leader to come twice, once sang a song "never left", once participated in the final and sang a love song for men and women. So I stand on the stage, there is no sense of strangeness, but very enjoy

Wang Bensheng said: "it's said on the Internet that it's not worth the loss to come to the singer's night because of your status in the music world. What do you think?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "before I promised to come, I had expected that everyone's reaction was very normal. In the past two years, most of my efforts have been devoted to movies and TV dramas, and the frequency of singing on the stage is very few. Therefore, I take "singer's night" as a platform, and the main purpose is to sing some good songs to you. It doesn't matter to me. Even if I'm eliminated next time, I believe my fans will still love me

"To tell you the truth, I always feel that you have overemphasized the outcome. Who dares to say that the singer who stays here must be better than the singer who leaves? I'm afraid not one. The proportion of accidental factors in the singer's night competition is too large. We have 3000 different audiences judging each issue. Your singing today won a very low number of votes and was eliminated. However, if you change another group of audience, you will probably become the first. Why? Because everyone's preferences are different. So, I think it's good for everyone to be normal. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

"Well said."

Xiao Yunhai's words won the approval of all the singers and clapped their hands one after another.

Wang Bensheng said with a smile: "thank you, Mr. Xiao, for looking at our" singer's night "objectively. Let's get back to business. We'll announce the ranking of the game right away. The first is the winner of this issue. You can guess which singer will be the first one? "

Wang Bensheng's voice just fell, and all hands were pointing to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "can't we do this? If I didn't get the first place, I would feel sorry for you

The crowd laughed again.

Wang Bensheng said, "you guessed That's very true. Yes, Xiao Yunhai moved the whole audience with his missing songs and won the first place in this field. Do you want to know the number of votes he has won? "

"Think," they all said in unison.

Wang Bensheng said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao has created a miracle since our two programs."

Yao Na is surprised to say: "can't be 3000 votes?"

Wang Bensheng shook his head and said, "definitely not. Because almost every issue has an audience who filled in incorrectly or abstained. Like this time, the number of valid votes is only 2987, while Xiao Yunhai's is Of the 2984 votes cast, only three were not voted for him. "

"No, it's amazing."

"Yes, it's definitely the highest number of votes ever."

"2984 votes, this result is really not to mention the slightest interest in catching up."

"Did the three audiences see it wrong and didn't vote for Mr. Xiao?"

"I think it's very possible. Miracle, this is a miracle. "

The singers exclaimed.

Wang Bensheng looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao got almost full marks when he first arrived. Is there anything you want to say?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's certainly worth being happy to be the first. I'm just talking about the previous part of the story. Don't take it seriously. "


"Ha ha ha."

Everyone at the scene was amused by Xiao Yunhai's words.

Yao Na was not angry and asked, "Yunhai, if you are 13th, what would you say?"

Xiao Yunhai said righteously: "of course, I repeat what I said before."

Yao Na shook her head and said, "Yunhai, do you know? You are indeed a genius, and you are a particularly shameless genius

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for your praise. As the saying goes, good skin is needed. A tree without skin will surely die. People don't want to be shameless, and the world is invincible. "

Once again, the crowd failed.

The audience in front of the TV can't laugh.

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I really don't know what to do with him?"

Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile: "this boy is not in a proper shape all day. Even when he comes to the TV station, he is not restrained at all. Let's wait until the two children are older and see how they can build up the dignity of being a father. "Xiao Changfeng said: "I think we should rely on Wanqing to teach our children. You can't make a good boy just because of his virtue. "

On TV, Xiao Yunhai made a gag and then said: "just joking. To get the first place, I would like to thank the Mongolian Rehe band and performers for their help. Without their perfect performance, this song can't sing such an effect. Of course, I would like to thank the audience for their support. It's a pity that you all left. Otherwise, I will invite you to dinner to show my sincerity. "

Wang Bensheng was directly happy and said, "Mr. Xiao, don't worry. We have telephone numbers for 3000 viewers. We'll let you know when and where. "

"Ha ha ha"

when we heard Wang Bensheng's words, they began to make a fuss.

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Wang Bensheng and said with a smile, "I want to ask the TV station where I found the director. I can't be a man."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed again.

With Xiao Yunhai, the atmosphere of the whole scene has been driven up, and there is no longer the tension when the results were announced before.

Wang Bensheng said, "well, let's announce the second place. Guess who this singer should be?"

"Sister Na should be the second. She sang "the past" very happy

"I think it may be Eliot. First, he appeared in the back. Second, his songs were so popular that they left a more profound impact on everyone."

"The possibility of ISTA is also very high."

Wang Bensheng said with a smile: "it seems that everyone's opinions are somewhat inconsistent. Just as Mr. Xiao said, music is not a unified standard. I can tell you that the singer who won the second place is bessier

In a burst of congratulatory applause, bessier said in disbelief, "how could it be me?"

Wang Bensheng said, "yes, you are. You are two votes higher than third place and six votes higher than fourth place. "

"Wow, no, it's so close." There was a burst of wonder.

Bessier shook her head and said, "it's incredible. Director, how many votes are there between me and Mr. Xiao? "

On hearing this, Wang Bensheng said with a bitter smile: "can you not ask this question? It's mainly for fear of hitting you. "

"It doesn't matter," bessier said, "I'd like to know how far apart we are."

Wang Bensheng said, "then I will directly announce the number of votes for you and the third and fourth places. You got 2631 votes, Eliot 2629 and Yao Na 2625. "

"It's more than 1300 votes short."

"There's no comparison."

"It seems that emperor Yun is sure to be the king of songs."

The audience in front of the TV set exclaimed.

Eliot shook his head, showed a bitter smile, and said: "behind me, there are many top Western musicians who help me. After the song came out, I practiced for five days, but I didn't expect to end up defeated in the end. It's really devastating

Bessier chuckled, "I've been ready for a long time, OK. Although there is a big gap with idols, I am very happy to get the second place. This is my best performance

Next, Wang Bensheng said about your ranking and said, "thank you for your performance and so many good songs for us. The last game of our regular season will be held at this time of next week. Please get ready. Well, that's all for today's program. See you next week. "

After the singer's night, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to the hotel for a big meal and became very good friends with the singers.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai on and off the stage is so humorous and humorous, without any airs, everyone has a good impression of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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