Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:08 AM

Chapter 1058

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At 2:30, hundreds of media reporters were let in by the school security guard. Under the guidance of several students, I came to the auditorium where the press conference was held, which is the place where the school organized the party performance.

"Shit, how many seats are there? There seem to be more than 40. "

"What's the matter. Over the past decades, Yanjing Film Academy has taught many entertainment stars. Since "flower thousand bones" is all produced by college students, it must have invited all those who can be ranked on the list. "

"Yes. I've heard that there are several movie stars after the movie, and there are more stars above the first line, and most of them are supporting roles or guest stars for people. "

"Who plays the leading role? It's a wonderful life

"I don't know. The crew of huaqiangu is very confidential about this matter, and it has not been disclosed to this day. "

While the reporters were talking, more than 40 stars such as Xiao Yunhai came up from the backstage with a smile.

With their entrance, the flashing lights in the hands of journalists were all over the world.

"Damn it, this line-up is gorgeous."

"After Yun Huangqing, Li Xun, Huang Haibin, Zhao Qi, Yu Yuexian and Li Meiqi, there are seven of them."

"There are so many first-line stars. Zhang Xinyi, Huang Bo, Zhang Ya, Chu Chao, Lin Lu, Li Yuxia, Yan Chunling, Wang Wei, Li Xin, you Siyue, Li Linjing, Ma Cuiying... My God, there are too many people. They are almost catching up with the large award ceremony. "

"Inside story, this is China" is another masterpiece of Xiao Yunhai after langyabang and Yongzheng Dynasty. It belongs to Xianxia film. I am sure that huaqiangu will achieve very good results. What questions do you have now? "

"Director Luda, how much is the total investment of" flower thousand bones "and the remuneration of the film masters

Ruda laughs: "I've said that there is no limit to investment. As for the remuneration of the film stars, it will be kept secret for the time being. "

"Mr. Wang Wei and Ms. Lin Lu, how do you feel when you have so many top performers in the industry as the leading actor and heroine of" flower thousand bones "

Wang Wei said: "one is the honor, the other is the pressure. Originally, I just wanted to play a role in the drama "flower thousand bones". I didn't expect that the director let me play the leading role. I was really honored and had great pressure at the same time. I'm worried that if I don't play well, I'll ruin the drama "huaqiangu" and blacken the faces of our school and so many of our teachers and sisters. Then I am to blame for my death. "

Lin Lu nodded and said, "elder martial brother Wang Wei and I feel almost the same. The only difference is that he has played a leading role, but I have never played a leading role, which makes me a little lack of confidence. But I promise that I will try my best to play the role of Hua qiangu

The reporters asked questions to the three people, just abide by the unspoken rule of asking the director first and then the leading actor and heroine at the press conference.

In fact, what they really want to ask is Xiao Yunhai and other seven movie queens.

So, after dealing with business, the reporters focused all their firepower on them.

"Mr. Xiao, how can you suddenly think of calling on the school's brothers and sisters to shoot a TV series?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "last time, Daqing, our school, we talked about this matter when we chatted backstage. I think it is very meaningful for our school and students. That's why I took the time to write the script "flower thousand bones."

"Do you think this play can surpass the ratings of" Langya Bang "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the achievement is not the focus of my attention. As a student of Yanjing Film Academy, it is of great significance for us to play a drama together. This significance has gone beyond the so-called ratings. It doesn't matter whether you can surpass the "Langya bang."

"Miss Zhao Wanqing, you have been in a state of recuperation since you gave birth to your child at home. Why did you take part in the play? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it's very simple. I am a student of Yanjing Film Academy. How can such a meaningful thing reduce me? "

"Miss Zhao, what is your role in the TV series? Can you tell me? "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't disclose the relevant information about the role. This is our discipline."

"Miss Yu Yuexian, can you tell me about your role?"

"Didn't you hear what Wan Qing said? We must strictly abide by the discipline set by the crew and the Academy. "

In fact, it's just to keep a sense of mystery.

In the drama, all the Empresses of the film play the kind of dispensable roles, and the longest shooting is over in a week at most.

If we talk about it now, it will certainly lower the expectation of the audience and have a great impact on the audience rating. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai and Luda discussed with the college to prohibit anyone from disclosing the situation of the crew to the outside, and violators will be punished seriously.Then, the reporters gave full play to their ability, in order to get some news, a variety of questions emerge one after another.

When asked about Huang Bo, everyone was interested in Bai Huijie beside him.

"Mr. Huang Bo, is the girl next to you your girlfriend? I remember the picture of the two eating together not long ago seems to have been on the news. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles directly and turns his head to Huang Bo to see how he answers.

Huang Bo took Bai Huijie's hand, shook it to everyone and said, "you guessed it right. That's right. Her name is Bai Huijie. She only agreed to be my girlfriend today. "

Both the actors on the stage and the reporters off the stage were in an uproar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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