Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:06 AM

Chapter 1059

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Since Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing openly announced their love, although some entertainers in the entertainment industry have learned from them and announced their love news to the outside world, they are only a few, and more or less all have had some adverse effects on their work. Fans are crazy, and some serious artists even directly retreat from the first line to the third line.

Therefore, in the past two years, artists have become more secretive about love problems, especially idol artists who have no acting skills. Their companies strictly control them. Once they find that the signs are wrong, they will intervene immediately.

For more than a year, Zhang Xinyi said with a smile: "what else can I do? I've been filming. "

Lin Lu said: "elder martial brother, dengge is very good now. He is almost a successful master."

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, doubt asked: "what meaning?"

Zhang Xinyi said with a smile, "don't listen to Lin Lu's nonsense."

Lin Lu said with a smile, "I'm not talking nonsense. It was published in the newspapers before. In order to shoot a kung fu film, Teng took a very good master as his teacher and practiced hard for half a year. He won the third prize in the competition three months ago. At that time, I watched the video and he was so handsome. "

Xiao Yunhai's heart a joy, have the foundation of Kung Fu, then everything is easy to do.

"Sister Xinyi, what kind of Kung Fu do you practice? It's so powerful. "

Zhang Xinyi said: "in front of you, his eight pole boxing is at most a tripod."

When Xiao Yunhai heard that Deng Yue was practicing Baji boxing, he couldn't help but ask happily: "is he practicing the eight pole boxing of actual combat type or performance type?"

Zhang Xinyi said: "at that time, the competition was divided into two parts: actual combat and performance, which should have been practiced. He also boasted to me that he can beat three or four strong men alone now. "

Xiao Yunhai clapped his hands and said, "great. Do you have a schedule in December? I'm going to make a film about Chinese martial arts, called the Grand Master of the first generation. I need an actor who can act as well as Bajiquan Kung Fu. The part is no less than that of me

For the Chinese entertainment industry, the most coveted estimate of actors is to be able to play the role in Xiao Yunhai's films.

Deng Yue has always been trapped in the ranks of top actors. His acting skills have almost reached the peak. If he wants to break through to the level of the film emperor and empress, what he needs is just an opportunity.

The reason why he practiced Baji boxing so hard was that he wanted to see if he could make another world through Kung Fu.

Finally, after winning the third prize in the national Bajiquan championship, Deng Yue immediately entered the field of vision of Hollywood Warner film company. He played male No.2 in an action film, which was very important.

Zhang Xinyi said: "he has been busy filming Warner's" king of war ". It is estimated that it will be finished soon. I'll ask him."

Zhang Xinyi dare not neglect, directly to Deng more dial in the past.

Soon, the phone got through, but it was his agent who answered.

"He's filming? Then don't disturb him. I'll ask you. Do you have a schedule after December? Director Xiao is going to shoot a kung fu film, and he needs him to play male number two. "

"Which director Xiao? In addition to the director Xiao in your heart, which director in Huaxia has a surname of Xiao? "

"OK, I know. I must keep the schedule after December for Deng Yue."

Hang up the phone, Zhang Xinyi said: "no problem. It only takes two months for his play to be finished. It's just a break before you go to your "master of the generation" crew

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's settled."

After a while, Deng Yue called back Xiao Yunhai and determined the schedule. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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