Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:08 AM

Chapter 106

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Xiao Yunhai didn't know that because of his involvement in the film, all the actors of the whole "step by step startled" were fully engaged in it. You all worked hard to catch up with me, forming a benign competitive atmosphere, which made director Chen Qingqing very happy, and the filming progress was also fast and fast.

Xiao Yunhai's state is very special. Although he entered his own inner world, he didn't delay the shooting. On the contrary, it was basically once.

It gives him more pressure than any other actor.

For a week in a row, Xiao Yunhai has been silent in the crew. If there is a part in the play, he will act, and if there is no part, he will sit there quietly.

Only when Huang Peiqi plays will he go to study.

Huang Peiqi's every line, every expression, every action, he carefully watched from the monitor screen, pondered over and over again, and then came down to practice earnestly.

Basically, after Huang Peiqi completes a section, Xiao Yunhai will repeat his part below.

At first, Xiao Yunhai acted as the emperor with some external strengths and middle cadres. He was just struggling with his acting skills. How could he play it? It was as if he had no roots under his feet.

The lines, actions and manner are exactly the same as Huang Peiqi, but the taste that can be performed is quite different.

Xiao Yunhai is very disappointed, but not discouraged. He repeats the scene in his mind over and over again to find out the gap between himself and Huang Peiqi, and sometimes pulls the actor who has just finished the play to do it again with himself.

With this crazy torment of himself, Xiao Yunhai's progress is also obvious. He feels as if he has grasped the essence of the emperor, and slowly exudes a kind of dignity, hegemony and loneliness.

At Huang Peiqi's suggestion, Chen Qingqing has not arranged a Yongzheng play for Xiao Yunhai these days.

Anyway, other plays need to be filmed sooner or later. It's better to make time for Xiao Yunhai.

He also found Xiao Yunhai's great leap forward progress, and he was not worried. He knew that once Xiao Yunhai left the pass, the time lost would surely be made up.

That night, Xiao Yunhai found Chen Qingqing and wanted to shoot a play about Yongzheng. Naturally, Chen Qingqing nodded his head and chose a big play the next day.

Kangxi's death, the new emperor has not officially ascended the throne, the situation in the court is unstable, eight, nine, thirteen elder brother refused to accept, in the court questioned four elder brother, said that his false transmission of the imperial edict.

At this time, Nian gengyao and his soldiers arrived at Yongli four elder brother. Knowing that the situation was over, all the elder brothers could only give up the snake and kneel down on the ground.

After all the crew got the news, no matter whether they had a part or not, they all came to the scene to see how Yongzheng, played by Xiao Yunhai, could perform the charm of the emperor.

"Mr. Huang, do you think Xiao Yunhai can play Yongzheng well?" Deng Yue asked Huang Peiqi beside him.

Huang Peiqi wants to hear other people's opinions.

Huang Peiqi looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was closing his eyes, and said, "it should be OK. Since Yunhai is looking for the director's request, he is sure to be sure. "

The more I admire Deng, the more I admire him, the more I admire him

Zhao Wanqing did not nod. I'm sure he will win the play. I play with his opponent most. I feel more and more pressure to act with him these two days. I have to try my best to take over every scene, and I am tired to death. He's really improved a lot these days

Huang Peiqi said with a smile: "Wanqing, as long as you can resist the pressure from Xiao Yunhai, your acting skills will have a great breakthrough. Yunhai is now in the transition stage between the first-line actors and the top actors. He has formed his own momentum, but he can't give up. Once he finds the most suitable way for himself, his acting skills will be able to completely cross the level of top actors. Well, we have to admit that some people are born for acting. "

Hearing Huang Peiqi's words, a group of young people were shocked and looked at Xiao Yunhai in front of them. They couldn't help but sigh: "it's really amazing to be fully affirmed by the film emperor."

All the preparations have been made before the shooting, and all the actors are in place. Xiao Yunhai is sitting on the Dragon chair in his filial piety clothes, while a group of ministers are kneeling down to persuade him to ascend the throne.

"Episode 27, scene 15, start."

The moment the deputy director finished playing the board, the atmosphere in the whole field became serious.

Xiao Yunhai's body suddenly sends out a kind of domineering spirit, which is superior to others, and is surging towards all directions like mountains and seas.

He did not have any expression, nor any movement, so sitting on the Dragon chair, the whole person seemed to be integrated with the whole court hall. The upright and bright plaque on his head seemed to emit a dazzling light at this moment, which reflected with Xiao Yunhai, adding to his prestige and awe inspiring.

On the face of Pei Hai, she was surprisedThe young actors looked at each other and sighed. They knew that the gap between them and Xiao Yunhai was getting farther and farther.

Eight elder brother, nine elder brother, ten elder brother walked in from the outside, Xiao Yunhai's pupil in the eye shrinks and puts, the expression is cold, looks at three people from a commanding position, the body that thunderous emperor's momentum is more overbearing, unscrupulously to the three people down.

Three elder brothers actually produced a kind of feeling that they dare not look at Xiao Yunhai's eyes at the same time.

Eight elder brother LV Mengbin under pressure, first opened his mouth, he arched his hand, called: "fourth brother."

"Bold." The minister next to him stood up and said, "although Babel is a prince, he dares to be impolite in front of the imperial court. He does not kneel down quickly to apologize."

Ten elder brother Wu xiuhai was very angry, pointing to this minister and reprimanding: "be bold. You are the kind of dog slave who can scold bailer in Qing Dynasty

Eight elder brother raised his hand and stopped ten elder brother. He said to Xiao Yunhai, "I don't know what the fourth elder brother is discussing here. Why can't we all discuss together?"

Xiao Yunhai heard that eight elder brother still called him fourth elder brother. His body was slightly tight, his eyes were more cold, but his face was still. He said, "I'm talking about the first emperor and the second thing."

Xiao Yunhai bit the word "Zhen" a little bit more, and gave a very short pause. He secretly expressed his dissatisfaction with the three princes.

Deng Yue gently praised: "good performance."

Nine elder brother Gao Wei said: "I'm afraid there are still some imperial edicts to get the throne and try to become emperor."

As soon as Gao Wei's lines came out, Xiao Yunhai's eyes shrank slightly. His icy eyes shot at Gao Wei like sharp swords.

Awed by his power, Gao Wei shivered and stepped back.

He felt that Xiao Yunhai's eyes were not human eyes at all. The murderous spirit contained in them was just like a prehistoric beast staring at him closely. As long as he had a slight change, the other party would tear himself apart.

"Ka, Gao Wei, what do you return?" Chen Qingqing's violent drinking sounds.

Gao Wei's nine elder brother should be in a tit for tat debate with Yongzheng. However, he can't bear Xiao Yunhai's backward gaze, which makes the shooting of this play a failure.

Gao Wei, aware of his mistake, apologized to the director and crew and said with a wry smile, "director Chen, Yunhai's eyes are so terrible that I'm scared. Next time there will be no mistake. "

Lu Mengbin, next to him, also said, "yes, director Chen. The momentum of the sea of clouds is too strong. It gives me the feeling of facing Mr. Chen, even more lethal than Mr. Chen. "

Xiao Yunhai got down from the Dragon chair and heard what Lu Mengbin and Gao Wei said with a smile: "are you kidding? Is it so powerful?"

"Don't watch the screen." Gao Wei said without being angry.

At this time, there are many people standing in front of the monitoring screen. Xiao Yunhai can't squeeze in at all.

After watching the surveillance screen, Huang Peiqi gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "you have entered the ranks of the real top actors. Among the young actors under 30, you are worthy of No.1."

When we heard Huang Peiqi's words, they all looked at him with admiration and admiration.

Xiao Yunhai was modest and looked at it again on the monitor. It was only then that he found that the Yongzheng he performed was quite different from that before. He had never performed the power of controlling heaven and earth from the inside out.

He knew that his acting skills had really improved, thanks to Huang Peiqi's guidance.

After resting for a while, they started shooting for a second time.

This time, everyone had psychological preparation, so the shooting was very smooth, and the scene was completed.

Chen Qingqing watched Xiao Yunhai in good condition, so he took a full 12 scenes all day until 10:00 p.m.

Before leaving, Chen Qingqing gave Xiao Yunhai the subject song of "step by step startling".

Xiao Yunhai will not be defeated by this matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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