Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:05 AM

Chapter 1060

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An hour later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing drove away from the film academy.

"Husband, what are you doing? It's not like the way home, is it Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course not. Wife, I'm going to take you to have a candlelight dinner, and then I'll walk around with you. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "what about the child?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I've already told my mother to help me watch. Wife, I've been working hard for you for more than a year. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what's hard? I will do anything for the sake of the children. "

Seeing that it was still early, Xiao Yunhai took Zhao Wanqing to several luxury stores and bought a lot of things.

It has to be said that compared with ordinary places, the quality of the waiters inside is much higher.

With the popularity of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, if they go to the general supermarket and are seen by the waiters, they will certainly shout and cry, attracting many people to watch.

However, the waiters here are not surprised at all. If they want to sign their names, they also politely hand over the paper and pen.

They walked hand in hand until more than eight o'clock. They found a good western restaurant and had a romantic candlelight dinner.

Zhao Wanqing's face has been hung with a happy smile, feeling special satisfaction in her heart.

They ate until 9:30 p.m. before they were ready to go home.

Out of the western restaurant, suddenly a angry voice rang in the bar door not far away.

"Wang Cunzhi, you son of a bitch, let me go."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went to seek fame. They saw three or four big men, under the command of a man in suit and leather shoes, pulled a woman with dishevelled hair to the bar.

Because the lights at the door of the bar were dim, they didn't see it clearly.

But Xiao Yunhai is familiar with the name Wang Cunzhi, but he can't remember where he heard it. He said, "wife, do you have any impression on Wang Cunzhi?"

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "I seem to have heard the name. Husband, does that woman's back look like sister Yingxue? "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's eyes lit up, he called out, "I remember. Isn't wang Cunzhi the boyfriend of sister Xue that Piao told me about? "

Seeing that woman was about to be pulled in, Xiao Yunhai roared and said, "Su Yingxue."

When the crowd at the door of the bar heard the sound, Qi Qi looked here and found two young men and women wearing sunglasses.

The other strong men didn't recognize Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Yunhai. However, the woman was overjoyed and cried, "Yunhai, Wanqing, come and save me."

At last, the snow came down and the woman called for help.

When Wang Cunzhi heard the names Yunhai and Wanqing, he felt familiar. Before he could figure out who it was, Xiao Yunhai had come to them.

A big man let go of Su Yingxue and punched Xiao Yunhai in the chest. His fist was strong and powerful, like an arrow opening a bow. His explosive power was amazing. He used the collapsing fist in Xingyi boxing.

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly. A single whip of Taiji was drawn. The wind roared like a steel whip. It collided with the opponent's fist with the speed of thunder.


The strong man flew in response to the sound and hit the wall at the door of the bar. He fell to the ground. He was still. He was obviously in a coma.

Xiao Yunhai's power is so great, although it only used 30% force, it is still not the other side can take over.

However, after such a contact, Xiao Yunhai found that this man is very fierce, absolutely not comparable to ordinary bodyguards.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the others immediately beat his companions out, and their faces were dignified, but none of them retreated. Instead, they let Su Yingxue go and surrounded Xiao Yunhai, forming a siege.

Seeing the opportunity, Su Yingxue bit Wang Cunzhi's arm fiercely. Taking advantage of his pain and letting go of his arm, Su Yingxue immediately ran to Zhao Wanqing, leaned against her shoulder, and burst into tears.

Su Yingxue has always been very strong. This time, Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "sister Xue, it's not the time to cry. What's going on?"

A trace of resentment flashed in Su Yingxue's eyes. She looked at Wang Cunzhi standing there, gnashing her teeth and saying, "it's all Wang Cunzhi. Cheated me into this bar and got to know several officials. Originally, they were very civilized. I also put down my guard. I didn't expect that they were all bastards. While I was going to the bathroom, they secretly put something in my drink. If I didn't go out and suddenly found that my bag was not with me and turned back, I'm afraid they would have succeeded. "

"By the way, I also heard one of the leading people named Wang Shao mentioned Yunhai and said that I was his former agent. This time, I would go to other women close to Yunhai next time, and even mentioned you finally."

Zhao Wanqing's face became gloomy and said, "a group of scum. You can't hurt anyone in the seaZhao Wanqing knows her husband's Kung Fu very well. Even 40 people can't help him.

Wang Cunzhi seemed to recognize the identities of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. His face was full of panic, and he said in his heart: "this is over. I have offended Xiao Yunhai, the Xiao family and a hundred billion rich man. There is no way for Yanjing to survive."

Wang Cunzhi stood in his place, motionless, thinking of various ways quickly in his mind.

Surrounded by four people, Xiao Yunhai, with his hands on his back and his mood relaxed, did not feel nervous before the war. He said faintly, "you should be soldiers, right? Do you know who I am? "

None of the four men spoke. They just stared at him as if they were facing an enemy.

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said angrily, "you have disgraced the soldiers. Help some scum and deal with a woman. If I were your officer, I would have to kill you if I found that you were such a tyrant. I pay tens of billions of taxes to the government every year, and I raise you bastards. How unreasonable

A bald man's eyes flashed a trace of shame and said, "we are not soldiers."

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "that's the veterans. Hum, it's not bad. At least I know not to discredit the army. Since the people inside are aimed at me, I really want to meet them

The other party's words are not clear to Su Yunhai.

As for Wang Shao, Xiao Yunhai also guessed that he was not far from ten. There should be no one else except Wang Yuandong.

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to be entangled with these soldiers. His body flashed and came to a place less than three feet away from his bald head. He patted it with his right hand gently, like a breeze without any anger.

However, the bald man's face changed greatly. After years of military training, he felt a strong danger. He was about to make a move to retreat, but he still didn't escape Xiao Yunhai's quick and slow hand.

Xiao Yunhai's attack used dark strength. How could a bald man stand up? His heart felt like he had been stabbed by countless steel needles. He didn't take a breath. He stepped back three steps and sat down on the ground. He couldn't stand up any more.

The other three people's faces changed greatly. They were obviously shocked by Xiao Yunhai's marvelous Kung Fu. Then they exchanged a look and launched an attack on Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head, kneaded and went straight ahead. In the blink of an eye, he and the three people each had a fist.

"Bang, bang, bang."

After three consecutive blasts, I saw that the three soldiers were like scarecrows. They were beaten by Xiao Yunhai's Xingyi smash fist respectively. After falling to the ground, they did not get up again.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Wang Cunzhi, who was trying to escape, and said, "if you want to run away, I will break your leg."

As soon as Wang Cunzhi heard this, his body froze and his face was pale. He reluctantly showed a smile that was even worse than crying. He said, "Mr. Xiao, you are a big man. Let me go. I'll never dare. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "let you go? If I didn't encounter this thing today, what would happen to sister Xue? You should know. Why don't you let her go. Come on, who are the people in it

Wang Cunzhi did not dare to hide it. He said, "Wang Yuandong has Wang family, Zhao hang of Zhao family, Zhang bad of Zhang Jia family, Mr. George, general manager of Lida cinema, and Mr. Jiro Suzuki of Suzuki cinema."

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "it's all my old acquaintances, very good."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and handed the key to Zhao Wanqing. He said, "wife, you should take sister Xue back first. Some people don't teach them a lesson. It's really unreasonable."

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "you must pay attention to propriety."

Zhao Wanqing didn't worry about Xiao Yunhai's safety at all, but was very worried about the people inside. He was afraid that Xiao Yunhai would be too heavy and cause human life, which would be a big trouble.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I understand."

After they left the car, Xiao Yunhai squinted at a black car next to him. After recording the license plate, he asked Wang Cunzhi to take him into the bar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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