Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:00 AM

Chapter 1063

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On the bus, Su Yingxue's face was a little haggard and said, "Yunhai, I'm sorry, I've given you a lot of trouble."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Xue, where do you see this is a big trouble? It's just a little thing. If you want to apologize, it should be me. If Wang Yuandong didn't want to embarrass me, nothing would have happened tonight. "

Xiao Yuanyang frowned and asked, "Yunhai, how did you offend Wang Yuandong?"

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "he offended me, OK? I went to Yanhuang cinema to discuss renting a cinema to show 3D movies. Unexpectedly, he asked me for trouble and was scolded by me. Later, it was learned that he did it just to please STEL networks. His company wants to cooperate with each other to enter the American electrical industry. In this way, the relationship between the two of us has become very difficult

Xiao Yuanyang sneered: "Wang Yuandong has been in bad water since he was a child. It is not because of the good quality of their products that the e-buy electric appliance company has been able to beat all other competitors and become the first in China's electric appliance industry. It is not because of the good quality of their products, but because they use almost all kinds of bad means. You should be more careful in the future. "

Xiao Yun sea with disdain said: "don't worry, he can't help me."

"What's more, he needs this opportunity." Xiao Yunhai thought.

It turns out that Wang Yun's chest is not pushed by chance.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's use of strength had reached a state of perfection. Quietly, relying on a soft force, he injured the meridians around Wang Yuandong's heart, which was equivalent to cutting off the blood supply to the heart.

Usually do not feel how, once the mood is unstable or the heart rate is accelerated, the heart will suffer a severe injury, not a few times, Wang Yuandong will be finished.

What's more, it can't be found out in the hospital. Xiao Yunhai is the only master of Chinese Arts in the world. Even his grandfather doesn't believe it.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yunhai dare to conclude that Wang Yuandong can not live for three days.

Send Su Yingxue and Xiao Yuanyang home respectively, and the couple return to the villa. Children in his grandparents there, two people can not avoid a lot of rain, toilet, living room, bedroom, balcony all became their fighting place.

On the other side, Wang Yuandong, with a gloomy and ferocious look, drove away to his luxurious villa in the suburbs.

"Xiao Yunhai, I want you to die." Wang Yuandong said gnashing his teeth.

At the moment, his hatred of Xiao Yunhai can be said to be washed away by the water of the three rivers.

As a young master of the Wang family, Wang Yuandong has never been insulted in this way.

Just as he was thinking about how to find the venue back, his mobile phone suddenly rang. Squint at it, it's Zhao hang calling.

Wang Yuandong was so angry that he even dared to call himself.

Press the answer button, Wang Yuandong asked coldly, "Zhao Shao, what's the matter?"

Zhao channel: "Wang Shao, have you come out?"

Wang Yuandong was furious and scolded: "if you don't come out, will Xiao Yunhai really dare to cut my finger or kill me?"

Wang Yuandong suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. Then it seemed that a bunch of steel needles stabbed him fiercely, which made him cry out in pain.

Just in time, his car just passed a traffic light, Wang Yuandong was in pain and did not see it.


there was a big bang, and his car collided with a large truck that was coming across.

Although Wang Yuandong's car safety performance is very good, but under the impatience, his driving speed is really too fast, hum did not hum, Wang Yuandong knew nothing.

Only the end of the mobile phone Zhao Hang is still there crazy cry: "Wang Shao, Wang Shao."

The next morning, after breakfast, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang.

"Yes, Wang Yunhai, do you do it

Just press the answer button, Xiao Yunhai heard Xiao Yuanyang roaring in his ears.

Xiao Yunhai didn't have a good temper to say: "elder brother, early in the morning, what nonsense do you say?"

Having said that, in fact, Xiao Yunhai's heart at this time is far from as calm as it seems.

Isn't it? Can you see what you've done? That's too much.

Wang Yuandong is just a second generation official. How can there be a master who is similar to himself.

Xiao Yunhai can be sure that even if his grandfather is close, he can't be aware of it.

Xiao Yuanyang said: "last night, when Wang Yuandong was on the road when he came out of the bar, he had a car accident and hit a truck pulling fruit. People were hardly in shape. You really didn't do it? "

Thinking of Xiao Yun and Hisense's oath that Wang Yuandong's Yintang was dark and could not live for three days, Xiao Yuanyang felt strongly that the matter had something to do with his younger brother.If Xiao Yunhai really did it, great things would happen in Chinese politics.

Hearing Xiao Yuanyang's words, Xiao Yunhai put down his heart and asked in surprise, "is Wang Yuandong dead? Is it true? "

"I swear to God, I didn't send anyone to hit him. Yesterday's incident was purely accidental. If it wasn't for me and Wanqing to go out for a stroll, I wouldn't have met it at all. "

Xiao Yunhai is secretly hand, and did not send people to do it, even if the oath is heavy, it does not matter.

Xiao Yuanyang took a long breath and said, "as long as it's not you. In a moment, the police may be looking for it. You have to be mentally prepared. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. I'm innocent. Let them check. Well, Wang Yuandong is not a good thing

Hung up the phone, Zhao Wanqing, who had already come out of the kitchen, worried and asked, "husband, Wang Yuandong's death will not involve you, will you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a gloomy face, "what's the relationship between him and me? It's just that it's not the right time. It's my bad luck. "

The voice just fell, outside the villa sounded the sound of police cars.

Xiao Yunhai spread his hands and said with a bitter smile, "well, I have to go to the police station for a visit. It's really troublesome."

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, I'll go with you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what are you going to do? Take good care of the children at home. I'll come back for lunch at noon, and I'll go to Tianhua film and television media to do music in the afternoon. Don't worry. In my capacity, they can still extort confessions by torture. "

They changed their clothes and went out arm in arm.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng were already outside, talking to several policemen.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Chen Xiuzhu was about to cry out and asked anxiously, "Yunhai, how is this going on?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "Ma, let Wanqing tell you something specific. Don't worry. The police are just asking me for questions. It has nothing to do with me. This afternoon, I want to eat beef dumplings, you give me a three jin. In the afternoon, I'm going out to prepare for the song of the singer's night. Oh, that's bad luck. "

Hearing this, Chen Xiuzhu was relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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