Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:57 AM

Chapter 1065

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All the police stations are equipped with cameras. It is not difficult to retrieve the video just recorded.

If Wang Yuantu was not Wang Zhenya's son, Zhang Huaian would have caught the other party, but Wang Zhenya was here. He didn't speak, and he didn't dare to catch Zhang Huaian.

Wang Zhenya took a deep look at Xiao Yunhai and said in a deep voice, "director Zhang, you should act according to the rules. However, Wang Yuantu is seriously injured. How many police officers do you want to send him to the hospital for treatment first? Should this not violate the regulations? "

Zhang Huaian's eyes brightened, nodded and said, "it should be. Xiao Ye, Xiao Li, you two, let the ambulance come. Before Wang Yuantu recovers, you will be in the hospital. "

"Yes, chief."

Seeing that two police officers left with Li qiuman and Wang Yuantu, Xiao Yunhai couldn't help admiring himself and said, "it's really cunning for Wang Zhenya to be the mayor of Yanjing city. It's really powerful to make light use of the rules and regulations of the police station to dissolve the Bureau. "

Under the pressure of Wang Zhenya and Xiao Yunhai's powerful atmosphere, the air seems to condense in the whole police station.

Wang Zhenya, who experienced the pain of his son's death, was obviously a little red in his eyes. He should have stayed up all night. His face was calm, like the deep sea. Occasionally, he looked at Xiao Yunhai with a grim look. However, the ups and downs of the official sea over the years enabled him to control his emotions perfectly.

"It's a poisonous snake. It's much more powerful than any other opponent before."

Xiao Yunhai gave Wang Zhenya such a definition in his heart.

From the Ministry of culture to the police station is not too far away, just a dozen minutes, Xiao Yuanyang appeared in front of the public.

As the son of the second Chief Executive and the future leader of the Xiao family, Wang Zhenya stood up, shook hands with Xiao Yuanyang and said, "Hello, Minister Xiao."

Xiao Yuanyang said, "Mayor Wang, long time no see. I've heard about Mr. Wang Yuandong. Please be patient. "

Wang Zhenya's face changed slightly and said, "thank you for your concern. As long as the perpetrators can be brought to justice, then I will be at ease

"The perpetrator?" Xiao Yuanyang said in surprise: "Mayor Wang thinks that your son's death is not an accident, but a man-made one?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "brother, people think I am a murderer."

Xiao Yuanyang said, "what? How is that possible? By the way, aren't you all right? "

Xiao Yunhai nuogged Wang Zhenya and said, "Mayor Wang's eldest son thinks I'm a murderer, so he sneaks a punch at me when he comes in. Ha ha, you know a little Kung Fu. If you are beaten, do you think you can see me again? "

When Xiao Yuanyang heard this, his face immediately became gloomy: "Mayor Wang, director Zhang, you really should give us an account. Wang Yuantu killed in public at the police station. The target was still a super rich man ranked in the top 20 in the world, an international superstar, and one of the top ten outstanding young people in China. If it spread to the outside world, the impact would not be very good. "

Wang Zhenya frowned, now the most troublesome thing is this thing.

Wang Yuantu couldn't help but fight against Xiao Yunhai, and dozens of people at the scene could see it clearly. If ordinary people can still prevaricate in the past, Xiao Yunhai is a man of considerable international status, more famous than he, the mayor of Yanjing.

Once he says a word in the media, he doesn't need to be able to make headlines in the world's major media the next day, then things are really troublesome.

The Chinese government does not dare to cover up. According to the law, even the crime of intentional wounding should be sentenced to at least 20 years' imprisonment.

Zhang Huaian is also worried. If this matter spreads to the outside world, he, the chief of the police department, will definitely be censured by the above authorities. If it is not done well, it will be finished.

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai's lawyer group came in.

"Mr. Xiao, this is Zhang He from Sanhe law firm. Can I help you?"

Xiao Yunhai told the story again and said, "you go and leave me the video of Wang Yuantu's murder. Carefully analyze it and see if he can kill a person with that punch?"

Zhang He nodded and said, "I understand. Director Zhang, please do me a favor. "

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai obviously wants to make things bigger, Zhang Huai'an suddenly feels a little difficult to deal with, so she can only look at Wang Zhenya with a look of help.

Zhang he frowned, some dissatisfied said: "director Zhang, if you do not let us see now, it is suspected of damaging evidence. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid you'll be in big trouble. "

Zhang Huaian had no choice but to let people take some lawyers to watch the video.

Zhang he did not go, but stayed by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said: "since my lawyer has arrived, the inquiry can start. I've been so busy recently that I don't have time to talk nonsense here

Xiao Yunhai really doesn't like Zhang Huai'an, who doesn't have any position and only knows that Wang's family is the leader.

Entering the inquiry room, a police officer asked, "Mr. Xiao, where were you last night? Have you met Mr. Wang Yuandong? "Xiao Yunhai said: "yesterday afternoon at the Yanjing Film Academy, after attending the" flower thousand bones "press conference, I accompanied my wife to go shopping, eat, and then met Wang Yuandong in a bar box."

"Did you see it when you went to play?"

"No. My wife and I came out of a western restaurant and saw five great men pulling a woman. It happened that the woman was my former agent, so I knocked down those people and saved her. When I got inside, I heard Zhao hang and Wang Yuandong say that every girl I was close to Xiao Yunhai, they wanted to play one by one, and even insulted my wife in the end, so the conflict broke out. However, from the beginning to the end, I have never touched Wang Yuandong

"I don't know what you're going to explain," he said

"How do I know. It may be that they feel that they have done something wrong. They have changed their ways and cut them by themselves. "

Last night, Xiao Yunhai only touched Zhao hang.

But he was sure that even if he gave Zhao hang ten courage, he did not dare to say so. Others dare not.

"Mr. Xiao, are you threatening them?"


"Did you say that Zhang Yuandong could not live for three days?"


"Why do you think so?"

"Premonition. When you practice Kung Fu to a high level, you can feel something. It's just that I didn't expect him to end so soon. "

"Did you do anything to Mr. Zhang Yuandong in the box?"

"No. He is the son of Zhang's family. He has a huge influence. How can I fight against him? "

"Out of the bar, what have you done?"

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