Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:56 AM

Chapter 1066

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The police asked very carefully, and the things in the box went back and forth several times.

Indeed, several people had their thumbs cut off, which had to be suspicious.

When asked about the fourth time, Xiao Yunhai was a little impatient and said, "this policeman, I have already answered the things in the box three times. How many times do you want me to answer? I don't understand. Is it related to Zhang Yuandong's accident? "

The policeman said, "you said that Mr. Zhang Yuandong could not live for three days. As a result, something happened to him that night, which is really beyond doubt."

Xiao Yunhai was speechless and said, "I said you can't live for an hour. I have hundreds of billions of dollars of assets, a beautiful wife and two lovely children. Can I send someone to kill Zhang Yuandong for a little bit of conflict? I'm kidding. "

"I've been very busy recently. I was supposed to sign a contract with Xianyue video online this morning. Now I've been detained here, asking boring questions back and forth. Will you compensate me for the loss of one hundred million dollars a day? "

"I repeat that going to the bar was purely accidental, and Zhang Yuandong's accident had nothing to do with me. If you have no other questions, please let me go. I'm really busy. "

Mr. Zhang Li, the director of the Bureau, said, "I hope you can understand that this is not the case of the suspect. I now have serious doubts about the professional quality of your Yanjing police station. At the same time, I want to end the inquiry immediately. Otherwise, I will complain to the court on behalf of Mr. Xiao. "

In fact, after a detailed investigation, Zhang Huaian is also very clear that Wang Yuandong's car accident has nothing to do with Xiao Yunhai.

He did this just to give Wang Zhenya an account.

Next to Xiao Yuanyang sneered: "it's the first time that I saw the police make a record of this? Today is an eye opener. Director Zhang, I have been with Zhang Yuandong since he left the bar until his accident. He hasn't even made a phone call. How can you ask him to arrange for the truck driver to crash into a sports car in the Far East

At this time, a policeman ran in and said, "leaders, it's not good. Hundreds of reporters are gathered outside to interview Mr. Xiao Yunhai."

Zhang Huaian was shocked and said angrily, "who passed it on?"

Xiao Yuanyang snorted and said, "what do you know? Everyone is aboveboard and aboveboard. Are you still afraid of reporters outside? "

Wang Zhenya said: "minister Xiao, as a senior government official, you will not let Mr. Xiao go out and talk nonsense, will you?"

Xiao Yuanyang said: "I certainly don't want him to attack the police. After all, it represents the face of our government. But as soon as Yunhai's temper came up, my grandfather couldn't persuade him, let alone me. I think you'd better finish your inquiry soon. If you go on like this, the boy will get angry, and then you will be in great trouble. "

Zhang huaidong nodded quickly.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai came out of the inquiry room angrily and asked Zhang huaidong in a sharp voice: "can you confirm that what I just entered is the inquiry room, not the interrogation room?"

Zhang he said: "Mr. Xiao, the inquiry of Yanjing police station to you has seriously exceeded the legal provisions. We can sue them in court."

Zhang huaidong was shocked in his heart and said, "Mr. Xiao, we are just doing routine business. Please forgive me."

Xiao Yuanyang said: "in the sea of clouds, hundreds of reporters are flocking here. When you go out, you should pay attention to some ways of expression."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "if it's not for the reporters outside, am I still unable to come out now? OK, don't worry. I'll talk about it. Can I leave now? "

Zhang huaidong said with a smile: "of course."

Xiao Yunhai walked out of the police station.


"Mr. Xiao, do you come to the police station for Mr. Wang Yuandong's case?"

"Do you have any contradiction with Mr. Wang Yuandong?"

"Is Mr. Wang Yuandong's death related to you?"

As soon as Xiao Yunhai came out, he was surrounded by countless reporters. His long gun and short barrel would touch Xiao Yunhai's lips.

No way. It's too big.

As a 100 billion rich man and an international superstar, he has been involved in a murder case, which is no less than a magnitude 7 earthquake for the media.

At this time, Mo Yina and his team, who have received the news, have arrived and quickly come to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "let me make it clear that Wang Yuandong's affairs have nothing to do with me. It's only because we met each other last night that the police station sent me for a question. However, what I want to say is that I am very dissatisfied with the way Yanjing police station handles cases. "

"What's the matter?"

"How dare Yanjing police station treat Mr. Xiao?"

"No, I dare not even give them ten courage."

"Now, Yanjing police station is in big trouble."The reporters were shocked and excited at once.

"Mr. Xiao, have you been treated unfairly?" Asked a reporter.

Xiao Yunhai's face was hard to see. He said angrily, "that's right. I came to do the transcript, but they actually treated me as a criminal suspect. I asked three or four times for a question and asked me to go crazy.

"What's more, when I first entered the police station, I was nearly killed in it by Wang Yuantu, Wang Yuandong's brother. If I don't know kung fu, all you can see now is my body. "


Xiao Yunhai's words are like a bomb, and the ears of journalists are booming.

"My God, is that crazy?"

"In front of the police, it's terrible to start with Mr. Xiao Yunhai."

"Such things can happen. Yanjing police station is dead this time."

Zhang Huai, who was standing on the second floor and staring at Xiao Yunhai, was shocked and pale.

Politics has always been one of the main factors affecting the whole body. What the officials' children say must be approved by the family. On the one hand, it can avoid doing harm to their own side in the process of the situation. On the other hand, they can be prepared in advance.

Therefore, in any case, Zhang Huai'an didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai had no scruples about the influence of the Wang family and directly told the matter. It was too bold of him.

In this way, the fight between the Wang family and the Xiao family is inevitable, and the first one to bear the brunt is himself.

This time it's really over.

Wang Zhenya's face was dignified to the extreme. He turned his head and asked Xiao Yuanyang, "are you going to fight against our Wang family?"

Xiao Yuanyang shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "this is such a sudden thing. How can we prepare for anything. Yunhai doesn't understand politics at all. I'm afraid he didn't think about any consequences at all. I'm going to call my father right now, report it, and see how to deal with it? "

Xiao Yuanyang took out his mobile phone and went to one side to make a phone call. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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