Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:52 AM

Chapter 1069

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai's lawyers filed a petition against Wang Yuantu.

The next thing has nothing to do with Xiao Yunhai. He is busy preparing to participate in the singer's night.

At the same time, "Transformers" has also been sent to the world's major video websites, including Xianyue video network, with an astonishing amount of downloads.

On the day Xiao Yunhai participated in the singer's night, it reached 164 million yuan. After paying all kinds of high entertainment taxes, Marvel Comics made a profit of 2.047 billion US dollars, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. It was no worse than Disney's cat and mouse.

And as you all know, "Transformers 2" is going to be finished and will meet the children soon. The impact of this advertisement alone is worth more than 200 million dollars.

On August 2, the last regular season of "singer's night" officially started.

For the sake of fairness, Xiao Yunna was still given a place in front of the TV station.

However, with their achievements, as long as there are no major mistakes, there should be no problem in promotion.

During the rehearsal, Yao Na watched Xiao Yunhai's performance and felt very wonderful. She was afraid that it would affect her performance. Therefore, Yao Na still chose the first one to sing this time.

At 7:30, "singer's night" began live.

As before, the singers draw lots, the audience enters, and then the host Zheng Dan Dan begins to interview the singers.

When it was Xiao Yunhai's turn, Zheng Dandan said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, first of all, congratulations on winning the first place in the last match, and miraculously getting more than 2900 votes. With such a number of votes, even if it is not won this time, it is estimated that they will be able to enter the final. How do you feel now

Xiao Yunhai said: "I repeat that the purpose of my coming to participate in the singer's night is to use it as a platform to sing to you, not to get any achievements. Whether it's good or not, I'll be prepared carefully. "

"What song did you bring with you this time?"

"A Cantonese rock song called Amani."

“AMANI? What does that mean? "

"African language, peace."

Yes, Xiao Yunhai is singing "Amani" by beyond, a former top rock band in Hong Kong. This is an anti war song. It was written by beyond when it was invited to Africa in the war. It moved countless fans.

Zheng Dandan said: "then I wish you another victory."

With five minutes to go before 8:00, the audience rating of "singer's night" has directly exceeded 15%, which is not far away from the previous 21%.

Yao Na was the first to perform on the stage. Today, her choice of song is an English song, full of emotion, typhoon atmosphere and impeccable singing skills, which has won the unanimous approval of the audience.

Chen Huan clapped and said with a smile: "there should be no problem for Lao Na to enter the final. Let's see the sea of clouds."

Wang Lin said: "the sea of clouds has no problem. Even if he doesn't have one vote, he can make it to the final. What's more, his songs, I've heard, are really great

After Yao Na finished singing, Xiao Yunhai's agent Zhu Bixia stepped onto the stage and said with a smile, "do you like to see me now?"

"Yes." The audience yelled in unison.

Zhu Bixia said, "I'm so happy, though not for me. In the last competition, my singer sang a passionate song "the night of Ulan Bator", which moved countless fans. I heard that even those foreign fans who didn't know Chinese were crying. It can be seen that music has no national boundaries. "

"Today, my singer brought a Cantonese rock song with a strange name called" Amani ", which means peace. Well, let's give it to Xiao Yunhai. "

Among the applause and screams of the audience, a group of seven or eight year old children came out in line in school uniforms. Then Xiao Yunhai stood in the center of the stage with vigorous steps and bowed to the audience. The cheers were even louder.

After adjusting his mood, Xiao Yunhai nodded to the band, and the lights on the stage dimmed.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

"Boom and boom"

as soon as they came up, there was a lot of gunfire, artillery and bombs, and then the sounds of fighting, charging, shouting and screaming all appeared together. It didn't sound like music, but all kinds of sounds in the simulated battlefield.

After a short period of more than ten seconds, the sound gradually stopped and the prelude music began to ring.




the children's clear and bright, full of hope, singing, forming a sharp contrast with the previous sound.

Although almost all of us can't understand the African language, everyone knows that this is definitely a call for peace."Rendering. Last time in Ulan Bator's night, Mr. Xiao used a few words to set down the emotional tone of the whole song. This time, we use a strong contrast to express the cruelty of war and the value of peace, which has a strong impact on the audience. " British top musician Jimmy Morrey said.

"Mr. Xiao is really a master of music. Such an opening is enough to let the audience quickly enter the situation that the song is trying to express. It's very powerful." Jed Mercurio exclaimed.

After the children's singing, Xiao Yunhai's voice began to ring.

"It dominates everything in the world,

it sings love,

its truth is all over the earth.

How can it never return?

can it feel that

the beacon smoke covers the sky and the future. "

Compared with the last song "the night of Ulan Bator", Xiao Yunhai's singing method has completely changed. The timbre changes from loud and broad to vigorous and full of magnetism. Every sentence seems to be able to sing to people's heart. The emotional impact is no less than the night of ulabator.

There was no sound in the whole scene. All of them quietly looked at Xiao Yunhai, whose eyes were closed.

"Helpless and frozen eyes,

looking at the sky with tears and indignation.

At the end of the accusation of war,

the pain is children.

I call to the world "

here, the children's voice rings again.



At the end of the first paragraph, applause broke out.

"That's great. It's great."

"Cloud emperor's voice vicissitudes magnetic, the children's voice naive and lovely, both at this moment even with seamless, powerful ah."

"The emperor must be the first again."

"It goes without saying that he must be chosen."

At the end of the first paragraph, the audience began to talk.

In the singer's room, Eliot clapped his hands and exclaimed, "the melody is wonderful. For songs such as war and peace, no matter what adult singers sing, even if they sing them out of flowers, they can never compare with the lovely voice of a group of children. Because war and children are natural opposites, they sing, more infectious and impact

In another room, Esther said, "is it putting the means of film into music? It's too awesome. I'm afraid Mr. Xiao must be the first one of the evening. "

On the stage, the second paragraph begins, Xiao Yunhai's play is still perfect.

"Birds can be seen in the sky,

in panic,

they just want to find freedom.

A hundred billion hearts and broken love,

today, everything is in trouble,

as if the truth had disappeared on the earth.

Helpless and frozen eyes,

looking at the sky with tears and indignation.

At the end of the accusation of war,

the pain is children.

I call to the world. "

After the second part of the main song, the children did not intervene, but Xiao Yunhai continued to sing.



when singing these two sentences, Xiao Yunhai's voice is very different from the children's voice, but it also contains hope and yearning.

When the song arrived here, it completely reached the climax. All kinds of musical instruments rushed out in unison, and the tune was as high as the limit.

"The struggle between right and possession,

the struggle between ignorance and prejudice.

If the war ends here,

How can it be peace.

I call to the world... "

in the last sentence, Xiao Yunhai almost roared out, as if to greet the whole world, accompaniment Qi Qi static.

The children held hands with each other and held them up.

At this time, the audience was also driven, Qi Qi stood up, followed Xiao Yunhai and the children sang aloud.



after the first time, Xiao Yunhai yelled again:" call again... "

" amaninkupendanakupandawe

tunatakawewe <

the atmosphere of the whole scene reached the limit, and the air seemed to be burning.The whole audience sang for four times, and the music slowed down.

Xiao Yunhai squatted on the ground and put the microphone on the mouth of a beautiful little girl.



The little girl's voice is clear and sweet, the intonation is not very good, and the timbre is also a little immature, but it is because of this that the whole song has been sublimated to another level, bringing much more appeal than Xiao Yunhai's perfect singing.

Music is like this, as long as the feelings to, even if you don't know how to sing, still can move everyone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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