Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:07 AM

Chapter 107

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Back in the hotel, Xiao Yunhai spent less than half an hour, and the opening and ending songs were fresh.

The opening song Xiao Yunhai uses the theme song "love's support" of Yang Fucheng's representative work "Palace". The lyrics and melody are all top-level works. However, the singer Yang Fucheng's singing skill is really disagreeable. He is a typical studio singer.

However, who made her popular at that time? As soon as the song was released, it took only three days to be on the major music charts.

As for the ending song, he still chooses "three inch paradise", which is also a song Xiao Yunhai likes very much. This song is specially composed by talented woman Yan Yidan for "step by step". The lyrics are short and the melody is sad. However, it fits perfectly with all the plots of "step by step".

During the afternoon break, Xiao Yunhai found Chen Qingqing and gave him the music score. He said, "director Chen, this is the opening and ending song of" step by step ". Do you think it's appropriate

"So fast?" Chen Qingqing looked at Xiao Yunhai in surprise, took the music score, blinked two times, and threw it to him. He was not angry and said, "are you kidding me. Clearly know I don't understand, deliberately show me. Hurry up, sing it to me and I'll listen to it

The conversation between them was heard by the actors nearby, and they all crowded in. Zhao Wanqing, in particular, wants to hear whether these two new songs of Xiao Yunhai are still excellent.

Xiao Yunhai did not have stage fright. He sang "the support of love" first. Although there was no accompaniment, Xiao Yunhai's excellent singing was recognized by everyone.

Chen Qingqing nodded with satisfaction and said, "yes, this song is a complete trick to express the heartwarming and sincere love. It's very good. It's no wonder that the products made by Emperor Yun must be excellent. "

Xiao Yunhai said quickly, "don't say good, Chen Daoxian. My next final song is really tailor-made for step by step.". In fact, when I finished writing the script, I had a feeling and wrote this song by the way. You'd better finish listening to this one first

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and began to deduce the heartfelt sadness with his delicate voice.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai's singing was over. All the people did not speak, and their faces showed a trace of helplessness and desolation.

In particular, the heroine Zhao Wanqing, as the most important role in the play, has the most profound understanding of Ruoxi's love. When she heard Xiao Yunhai's song, she could not help but burst into tears.

After seeing Xiao Li's face, he said, "how about the expression of Xiao Yunhai?"

Zhao Wanqing wiped the tears on her face and said, "do you still need to ask. It's all your fault. I was very happy. I had to make us sad. "

Huang Peiqi said, "no, the lyrics are excellent."

Chen Qingqing also sighed: "I think there should be no more suitable song than this one."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we can also insert this song into some plots, which can surely move the audience. However, I think it's better to find a female singer to sing these two songs. If it's a man's, I always feel a little uncomfortable. " With that, he looked at Zhao Wanqing and gave her a slight smile.

Chen Qingqing also felt that Xiao Yunhai was right, so he asked, "who do you think is suitable for singing?"

"Who else is there besides our beautiful Zhao?" Xiao Yunhai pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said.

Chen Qingqing nodded and said with a smile, "Wanqing, these two songs are going to trouble you."

Zhao Wanqing said in surprise, "really let me sing?"

She really likes these two songs, especially the three inch paradise, which is tailor-made for her.

Zhao Wanqing also knows that no matter who sings these two songs, they can be popular in one shot. Ordinary people will not give such a big show to others to do.

But she did not expect that Xiao Yunhai should take the initiative to withdraw and give such a good opportunity to herself.

For a moment, Zhao Wanqing is extremely grateful to Xiao Yunhai, and looks at him with more gentleness.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "is there anything more suitable than you? I don't think it's a waste of time. Neither of us has a night play tonight. We'd better go to the recording room and record these two songs. What do you think? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "of course not."

Chen Qingqing clapped his hands and said, "OK, it's settled. Back to the hotel, there is a music city, you go now. Let's shoot the other parts first. "

After Chen Qingqing settled down, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left the cast and came to the city of music.

The music city of Hengdian can not be compared with that of Beijing. No matter in terms of building area or internal setting, Hengdian music city is inferior to that of Beijing.

Xiao Yunhai uses a top-level recording studio in Beijing, but he can only use an advanced recording studio here. Zhao Wanqing made a phone call to ask his father to arrange for it.

Entering the gate of the city of music, a middle-aged man came forward and said, "Hello, Miss Zhao. I'm Wu Chuanjun, the person in charge here. "Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Wu. I'm Zhao Wanqing. I'm sorry to trouble you today. This is Xiao Yunhai. "

"Xiao Yunhai?" Wu Chuan Jun thought about it for a while and then asked in uncertain ways: "you are the author of" Legend of Chu Liuxiang "and" Xiao Li Feidao "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mr. Wu also reads martial arts novels?"

Wu Chuan Jun laughed, took Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "it's impossible for a man of my age not to read martial arts novels. Mr. Xiao, I really admire you for being able to write such a wonderful novel at a young age. I'm a big fan of your books now. It's a pity that I didn't bring the book, or I would have your autograph. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, don't laugh at me."

Wu Chuan Jun laughed and said, "I am not boasting, but sincere. Well, let's get down to business. The band and the sound recorder have been found. Please follow me

They followed Wu Chuanjun to the inside and soon came to a reception room. Before entering the door, I heard the voice of a young man inside.

"What kind of person is so big that we have to sit here and wait. It's been half an hour, and I haven't seen a person. "

"You have to ask. He must be a man of power. Otherwise, can you let Mr. Wu go down and pick it up in person. I hope you don't have to be like the rich second generation of the last time, and abuse everyone's ears with a stupid song. "

Hearing what they said, Wu Chuan Jun quickly gave an apologetic look to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. His face was a little embarrassed. He was afraid that the people inside would say something unpleasant. He quickly took three steps and pushed open the half closed door.

"Li Lin and Zhang Xiaojun, you two really can't spit Ivory out of your mouth."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing also went into the reception room. They saw five young people in strange clothes.

Several people did not care about Wu Chuanjun's words, but paid close attention to Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. In particular, seeing Zhao Wanqing's immortal face and devil like figure that day, one by one is like losing his soul, and her eyes are still staring at Zhao Wanqing.

Wu Chuan Jun almost didn't get angry. He pointed to several people and said, "do you guys know how to be polite?"

This beautiful woman said: "we can't complain that Li Lin is so beautiful."

Hearing his reply, Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said, "then I have to thank you for your praise."

"You're welcome. Why, I don't think you are a little familiar? "

"Brother Li, isn't this the princess of Kangxi emperor?"

"Yes, that's right."

Several people were talking about it.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were not angry, Wu Chuan Jun put down his heart a little. He interrupted a few people and said, "don't disgrace me here. Let me introduce her to you. This lady is Miss Zhao Wanqing, a famous film and television actor and singer. You should know her. "

"Of course. I've heard Miss Zhao's "warm heart" countless times Li Lin said.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you for your support."

Wu Chuan Jun also pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said in a bad mood: "you people all know what to say about worshiping emperor Yun. You are fans of emperor Yun. Ha ha, it's true that the Lord is here. You're good. None of you can recognize it."

All of them turned their eyes from Zhao Wanqing to Xiao Yunhai.

Li Lin looked Xiao Yunhai carefully from the beginning to the end and said excitedly, "yes, you are the cloud emperor Xiao Yunhai. I have seen your performance video in Kangxi Emperor for dozens of times. It must be you. My God, I'm going to accompany the new song of emperor Yun. I'm not kidding? "

Others were surprised and looked at him inexplicably.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for your attention. I am Xiao Yunhai. Today I bring two new songs. Please help me with the accompaniment. "

"No problem. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. It's just pie in the sky that we have the honor to help you with the accompaniment. "

"Yes, it is. Wu Shuzhen is interesting enough to ask our soul band to help. If we let other bands know that we have cooperated with emperor Yun, we should not envy them to death. "

Today's Xiao Yunhai is not what he used to be. He is very famous in the music circle, and his songs are so hot that he plays his online songs in all places in China.

For these grassroots bands, it is the cloud emperor as an idol. It is just that Xiao Yunhai is too low-key in ordinary days. Except that he appeared publicly at the premiere of "Emperor Kangxi", he basically did not show too much.

Xiao Yunhai's face showed a trace of smile. He handed his music score to Li Lin, the leader of the soul band, and said, "this is the score of my new song. You can have a look at it and ask you to help me a lot at that time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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