Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:49 AM

Chapter 1071

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In the pavilion, Xu Huafei said, "that's what happened. Now Qianqian wants to make a comeback. All the film companies are afraid to make Yunhai unhappy. None of them dares to use her. Elder brother and sister-in-law, I know that Qianqian has done too much before. She is my daughter after all. Please look at the relationship between our two families before, ask for mercy from the sea of clouds. As long as he is willing to say a word, Qianqian's current predicament will be easily solved. "

In fact, in the year after Tian Junhao's death, Xu Qianqian has been living with Tian Jishang and his wife.

Because she has Tian Junhao's child in her stomach, Li Rong and Tian Jishang attach great importance to her.

Xu Qianqian didn't want to give birth to the child, but Li Rong refused, threatening her that if the child had any problems, the Li family would never let her and her parents go.

Although the Li family has declined and Tian Jishang has no future, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, so it is very easy to deal with the Xu family.

Xu Qianqian had no choice but to compromise with them.

In April this year, Xu Qianqian gave birth to a boy for the Tian family. After three months of feeding, she was expelled from the Tian family by Li Rong, claiming that the child had no relationship with Xu Qianqian.

Xu Qianqian helpless, after a few days of cultivation, ready to return to film.

Now, with Xia Hongda's imprisonment and Xia Chengfeng's murder, Hongda film and television company has disappeared, and Xu Qianqian has nowhere to go.

With the previous relationship, Xu Qianqian found a lot of crew, but no one dares to use her.

As we all know, Xu Qianqian is Tian Junhao's fiancee, and Tian Junhao died in the hands of Xiao Yunhai. The two families are in the same situation.

No one knows what attitude Xiao Yunhai has towards Xu Qianqian. Therefore, even though Xu Qianqian is good at acting and famous enough, everyone dare not cooperate with her for fear of offending Xiao Yunhai.

For three months, Xu Qianqian hasn't even received a play.

Looking at her daughter leaving early and returning late, her face full of fatigue, the old couple quietly asked her agent, and then they knew the whole story.

For the future of their daughter, the old couple plucked up their courage and bravely came to Xiao Yunhai.

So he sighed

Han zaifen wept and said, "brother, sister-in-law, I know it's Qianqian. I'm sorry for Yunhai. You should hate her and hate us. She has come to this day, and she deserves it. But I am her mother after all, even if I use my life for a word, I would like to. Wu... "

looking at the old sister's crying appearance, Chen Xiuzhu's heart softened quickly. After a look at Xiao Changfeng, she said," forget it, let it go. Yunhai has brought tea. Let me tell him for you. "

Xu Huafei and Han zaifen looked happy and said, "great, thank you."

Xiao Yunhai came to the pavilion with a teapot and four cups, and poured a cup for the four people respectively.

"Uncle Xu and aunt Han, please have tea."

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's calm and atmospheric appearance, Xu Huafei and Han zaifen showed deep regret in their eyes. Almost at the same time, they thought that if Qianqian had chosen Xiao Yunhai in front of her, it would have been wonderful.

Chen Xiuzhu said: "Yunhai, your Uncle Xu and aunt Han came here to ask you something."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what's the matter?"

Chen Xiuzhu said Xu Qianqian's affairs again, and said: "because of you, Qianqian's situation is extremely poor. I hope you can get rid of the past and say something for her."

After all, Uncle Xu and I grew up together. I have never hated her, just feel sorry for her. I've tried to persuade her several times before to let her know where she's lost. Unfortunately, she was so greedy that she didn't hesitate to. Oh, forget it. Don't say it. I just hope that after these tribulations, she can see through fame and fortune. With her acting skills, she just needs to calm down and polish her mind. She may not be able to become a movie queen in the future

Xu Huafei asked excitedly, "Yunhai, do you agree?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I will let someone pass a word. It depends on her own efforts. Hehe, I think she should hate me very much now? "

As soon as Xu Huafei's face changed, he shook his head in a hurry and said, "how can it be?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you don't have to hide it from me. I'm not surprised that she hates me. If it wasn't for me, Tian Junhao would not have died. She would have been a little grandmother of Tian family now. What kind of play would you like to shoot is not a matter of one sentence. "

Han zaifen said in a hurry: "Yunhai, you must not think so. Qian Qian is just bewildered. After a while, she will understand by herself. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Tian Junhao almost let mercenaries kill my wife and two unborn children. He will not die. I can't tell myself. It doesn't matter if Qianqian understands or doesn't understand. I can say something to her in the entertainment industry, but I will never help her, let alone cooperate with her. Uncle Xu and aunt Han, I hope you can understand that. "Xu Huafei nodded and said, "I understand. If you can do this, it's enough. Yunhai, I thank you on behalf of Qianqian. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Uncle Xu and aunt Han, I help her not because of her, but because of you. I remember being naughty when I was a kid, and I almost got hit by a car. If it wasn't for Uncle Xu's quick eye and quick hand, I'm afraid I won't be here now. You two are always a rare good person. For your sake, I would like to help her this time, but only once. "

Xu Huafei didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai still remembered what happened in those years. He couldn't help but say with tears: "Yunhai, it's our Qianqian who can't marry you. Big brother, sister-in-law, Yunhai, thank you again. We're going. "

Xiao Changfeng said: "I'll let the sea of clouds send you back."

Xu Huafei quickly waved his hand and said, "no, our car is outside."

After seeing Xu Huafei and his wife away, Chen Xiuzhu sighed and said, "what a pity for parents in the world. If Xu Qianqian can't change her ways and still go her own way, it would be too sorry for them. "

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "yes. If a child is not at ease, parents will suffer as well. Yunhai, you and Wanqing must educate tengyang and Jinyu well, do you know? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't worry, Dad."

Back at the villa, Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing lying on the bed in the bedroom, feeding her baby, and quietly came to the study.

With only two finals left in the singer's night, Xiao Yunhai began to consider singing repertoire.

The first song requires Xiao Yunhai to find a guest to sing a song together. With his fame and status, as long as it is determined, no star will refuse his invitation.

The most important thing is to choose what songs to sing.

Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and began to search for songs suitable for the two in his mind.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and snapped his fingers. His hands quickly knocked on the computer.

After a while, a duet song of Zhou Jielun and Fei Yuqing appeared in this world.

In the past life, this song is a perfect combination of popular and bel canto. Once it is issued, it is loved by fans and won numerous awards.

Xiao Yunhai takes out this song. As long as it doesn't work out, winning the first place in the first scene should be a sure thing.

But who will sing?

Xiao Yunhai is not familiar with Bel Canto singers all the time.

In order to find a bel canto singer with a similar voice to Fei Yuqing, Xiao Yunhai searched the whole network and finally found a second-line singer named Zhang Yuxiang.

He was about thirty-eight years old and had participated in many singing competitions. Unfortunately, he failed because bel canto was not popular with the public.

Many people advised him not to sing bel canto. He refused because he had no future.

After several years of study and study, Zhang Yuxiang wrote a song "cold winter", which was sent to the PP music network, and quickly became popular. His bel canto singing method was also recognized by everyone and became a second-line singer.

Zhang Yuxiang's singing is almost flawless.

If it was not for the lack of suitable songs, I am afraid Zhang Yuxiang's ability would have been on fire.

Find a good person, Xiao Yunhai then called Mo Yina, let her contact Zhang Yuxiang's agent.

Although Mo Yina doesn't understand why Xiao Yunhai wants to cooperate with a bel canto singer, she still faithfully performs her duties as an agent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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