Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:45 AM

Chapter 1074

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At noon that day, Xiao Yunhai called Kerry.

"Hi, Xiao, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. I still miss it." Kerry chuckled as he picked up the phone.

Xiao Yunhai heard from his mobile phone that there seemed to be a woman's voice nearby. Thinking that it was the night in America, Xiao Yunhai said: "which beauty are you hanging out with? I can smell the hormone smell on you after a thousand miles. I advise you to take good care of yourself. It's not a good thing to be a bridegroom every day. "

Kerry said in surprise, "Shaw, your ears are too sharp. Come on, what can I do for you

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have 3000 cinemas in Huaxia and 4000 cinemas in Yanhuang cinema for one year. I need you MGM to show the film to me. Is that ok? "

Kerry didn't care and said, "on this matter, if there are any more problems, then I'm not too useless? Would you like me to find some more films for you? We have a very good relationship with many small and medium-sized companies. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are really a good brother. I wanted to leave it to Raul, but now you're the best choice. OK, I'll get Raul to contact you. You want to find me more good movies. Don't fool me with that rubbish. "

Kerry said, "don't worry. By the way, here's the big news. There's another big financial giant on Wall Street that's no less than stell networks. "


"General Electric, one of the top 500 companies, has bought the whole world with 160 billion US dollars. It is estimated that news will come out in the next two days. Oh, Hollywood is busy. "

In the past, General Electric Company of America ranked in the top ten of the world's top 500 enterprises.

In this world, it is also a giant. It has a very diversified range of energy, aviation, transportation, home appliances, lighting, medical care, finance, etc., with a market value of $1.6 trillion. Last year, its profit ranked third among the major companies in the world, reaching more than 240 billion US dollars, which is much more powerful than that of stern.

Its acquisition of universal is like a big earthquake for the whole Hollywood, and the major film companies may be busy next.

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I think the entrance of GM is very good for us. At the very least, stell networks will spare most of its energy to deal with it, and will have no time for us. "

Kerry said with a smile, "I think so. Stern has been enriching his entertainment Kingdom, quite a dominant family. Now that a big Mac comes in, no doubt, it's a strong challenge for stern

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. In Hollywood, it's basically impossible for them to live in peace. If we can't cooperate, it means that we can check and balance each other, and the situation will tend to be balanced. Well, on the whole, it's a good thing. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai suddenly heard a strange voice from his mobile phone, and then he immediately realized what the other party was doing. He said angrily, "Kerry, this bastard, even if you talk to me, you still don't forget to do this. How unreasonable. I'm going. "

Hearing the busy call from his mobile phone, Kerry in a five-star hotel suite in Los Angeles said, "are kung fu masters' ears so good?"

"Oh, honey, don't make it swollen."

Kerry exclaimed, and there was a blonde on her knees.

Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone, still some indignant, to Kerry dark scold unceasingly.

After finishing MGM, Xiao Yunhai phoned the bosses of several film and television companies in Huaxia. Basically, everyone agreed without thinking about it.

As time went by, the 15th phase of singer's night was held on August 12.

In order to compete for the three seats in the final, the experts at home and abroad have put forward their ability to press the bottom of the box. After more than three hours of fierce competition, Korean singer Chou Ming Jen, British singer Lee tegson and American singer Langley Kirkwood entered the finals.

In fact, in terms of popularity and popularity, the three are not at the top of the list. At most, they are first-line singers in the country. But in the competition, they are very good performance, has obtained everybody's high recognition.

This is also the charm of singer's night. Good is good, bad is bad, and there is no need to consider any other factors.

Basically, all the singers who entered the final were at the scene. Only Xiao Yunhai was holding Zhao Wanqing to watch at home.

After the game, Xiao Yunhai sighed: "they are all masters in the masters. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I'll capsize in the gutter, and that's a shame

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "what? Feeling stressed? This season's "singer's night" is much better than last season. No matter which singer comes out, he has the ability to win the king of songs. Husband, say a word from the heart, can you do it? In front of me, there's no need to hold on

Xiao Yunhai showed a colorful expression. He hugged Zhao Wanqing in his arms, quickly put his hands into her clothes, and gently said in her ear, "is it OK? Don't you know if you try it? "Is not Zhao Wanqing afraid of Meihong

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, where can still with her polite, directly in the living room intimate up.

It goes without saying.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai called Xiao Yunling and asked her to call Zhang Yuan to have dinner at home.

At noon, the couple bought some children's toys and clothes, and came in big bags and small bags.

Xiao Yunhai joked: "ouch, I really treat myself as an outsider. I come to eat and buy gifts."

Xiao Yunling snorted and said, "can't my aunt buy things for my nephew and niece?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, of course. Zhang Yuan, you see, this is your future wife. It's so shrewd. "

When Zhang Yuan listened, he laughed but said nothing.

Xiao Yunling pinched his waist and said angrily, "well, Xiao Yunhai, dare to say that to me. I won't fight with you."

The two brothers and sisters were making a scene in the living room.

Zhao Wanqing, who came out of the kitchen, said helplessly, "can you not be so naive? Zhang Yuan, don't worry about them. Go wash your hands. We're ready to have dinner. "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he made a stop sign and said, "OK, Miss Xiao Yunling. The world is big and the earth is big. Let's fill up first. "

Xiao Yunling said: "good women don't fight with men. I'll let you go this time. If there is another time, I will never forgive you. "

Xiao Yunhai clasped his fist and said, "thank you very much for not killing."

Xiao Yunling couldn't help but Snort and laughed.

While eating, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Zhang Yuan, what are you doing recently?"

Zhang Yuandao: "I'm working on a physics project with my tutor."

"Is it difficult?" Xiao asked

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "it's very difficult. The main problem is that we don't know where to start

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is what you do in the unknown. Zhang Yuan, are you free this afternoon? I want to visit my uncle and aunt. They have been in Yanjing for half a year, and I haven't found the time to go there. It's really rude. "

Zhang Yuan waved his hand and said, "brother, don't say that. My parents have just come out of the mountains. They have some eyesight. Although half a year has passed, but still did not adapt to the life of Yanjing. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Zhang Yuan, I ask you, what's the attitude of your parents about you and Yunling?"

Zhang Yuanlian said, "of course, my parents like linger very much. It's just... Just...

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's just that facing a family like Xiao's, it's too much pressure, right?"

Zhang Yuan pursed his lips and bowed his head without saying anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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