Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:05 AM

Chapter 108

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"Is this the music of emperor Yun's new song?"

Li Lin's face is a little excited. "The product of the emperor of cloud must be a fine product" is not blowing out.

He took it with trembling hands and looked over with many members.

As time passed by, Li Lin and others became more and more shocked. At the end of the day, some even drooled.

Soon, they finished reading the music scores of the two songs. Li Lin looked at Xiao Yunhai with adoring eyes and said, "no wonder everyone says that the products made by Emperor yunhuang must be excellent. It's really true. One shot is two top songs. You're just amazing. "

"Brother Li, the cloud emperor is my idol, can't it be powerful?"

"That is to say, to be able to accompany the Emperor today is just pie in the sky."

The soul band was buzzing.

Xiao Yunhai saw the scene and laughed.

He understood the excitement and excitement of Li Lin and others.

For a musician, to be able to participate in the production of top songs is undoubtedly a very glorious thing.

Just like these two songs, when they are spread all over the country, people will carry out in-depth excavation and report on these two songs. At that time, we will know that the accompaniment is the soul band.

For them, it is also a matter worthy of showing off. Maybe they can become famous.

Xiao Yunhai said: "ladies and gentlemen, these two songs are very important to us, and our time is very tight. We'd better record them tonight. So I hope you can start work as soon as possible. However, we said in the front, if the quality of the accompaniment is not up to standard,....

"you screw my head off and kick it as a ball." Li Lin vowed: "cloud emperor, thank you for giving us this opportunity."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't be polite. Since Mr. Wu can let you come, it shows that you are a strong band. I believe you can do well. By the way, I'll go straight to my name in the future. It's really awkward to call him the emperor. "

In fact, in terms of real age, Xiao Yunhai is not necessarily older than him. But Li Lin at this time has been on Xiao Yunhai, where to call his name directly..

Wu Chuan Jun saw that the accompaniment was finished, so he took Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing to find a recorder.

When he came to the studio, Xiao Yunhai saw Li Junhua, who was in charge of recording for them.

Wu Chuan Jun introduced a brief, then backed out.

Li Junhua is a young man in his twenties. He is very handsome, but he has a bad temper.

Even if he knew that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were big stars, he was not polite. He looked like an old man.

As the accompaniment has not come out yet, Li Junhao hopes that Zhao Wanqing can record songs first, and then put the accompaniment in the post-processing.

Li Junhua's proposal was severely rejected by Xiao Yunhai.

Miss Zhao Wanqing recorded two songs that Miss Li wanted to sing perfectly. She wanted to sing two songs for me. If you do this, you will not have any technical problems, but your emotional expression will be weakened. This is absolutely not allowed by me

Li Junhua was dissatisfied with Xiao Yunhai's tone and said, "in the recording room, I am the boss. You should listen to my command."

Zhao Wanqing tit for tat said: "without accompaniment, we will never record."

Li Junhua said in a sharp voice, "then you can ask for other talents."

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other and left the studio directly.

After they found Wu Chuanjun, Zhao Wanqing said, "Mr. Wu, we really can't afford that Mr. Li Junhao. Please help us find another recorder for us."

As soon as Wu Chuan Jun heard of the accident, he quickly apologized and said, "Mr. Li, Miss Zhao, I'm really sorry. I'm going to give Li Junhua a lecture. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "No. Mr. Wu, you just need to find us a sound recorder. It's really difficult. We won't record it today. "

"No, never, I'll find it for you."

Wu Chuan Jun was nervous when he heard Xiao Yunhai's words.

For Wu Chuanjun, the two top songs are from the music city of Hengdian, which is a very good publicity and can't be bought with money. Wu Chuan Jun is not willing to let the cooked duck fly.

As for Li Junhua, Wu Chuanjun can't afford to trouble him now. It's urgent to solve the matter of recording engineer.

Half an hour later, an elderly sound recorder and Li Lin, led by Wu Chuanjun, came to the reception room at the same time.

Li Lin gave the accompaniment to Xiao Yunhai and said, "brother Xiao, the supporting accompaniment of love has been finished. You should record it first. As for the other song, after you record this one, I think our accompaniment should come out

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you. It's really troubling you."Li Lin shook his head and said, "we should say thank you. Brother Xiao, I'm going to record the accompaniment. I'll see you later. "

Xiao Yunhai nods.

After Li Lin went out, Wu Chuanjun introduced the sound recorder.

"This is Mr. Lu Minglu. He is 68 years old this year. He is the best recorder here. I was on vacation, but I called him

Xiao Yunhai quickly shook hands with him and said respectfully, "I really disturb you, Miss Lu."

Zhao Wanqing also said at the same time: "I'm really sorry, you are so old, you are still busy for us young people."

Lu Ming's temper is obviously much better than Li Junhua. When he heard what they said, he waved his hand and said with a smile: "I heard that emperor Yun was here. I came here to have a look. It's amazing to hear that you have written two top songs. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss Lu, I'm flattered."

Wu Chuan Jun saw the three people chatting happily. He put down a big stone in his heart and said, "Mr. Lu, now we have accompaniment. I think we can start."

Lu Ming nodded and said, "let's go."

Soon, the four people went to a recording room marked 001, and Wu Chuanjun resigned first.

Under the skillful operation of Lu Ming, all the preparatory work before recording was completed quickly. Three people put on headphones, Zhao Wanqing made a OK gesture, Lu Ming nodded and quickly pressed the recording key.

Li Lin's accompaniment is really good. It sounds very meaningful. Zhao Wanqing's habit of recording songs is different from Xiao Yunhai. When recording songs, Xiao Yunhai's whole body will keep moving with the melody of the music, while Zhao Wanqing is standing there quietly with her eyes closed, as if she is looking for feelings. Even when she started singing, she didn't open her eyes.

Holding you in your hand, burning incense with reverence,

cut a candle light to light up the Jinglun,

do not seek to be moved, but only ask for love,

finally, I was hurt and cried so hopelessly!

Xiao Yunhai nodded as he listened. The power school is the power school. With beautiful voice, stable intonation and full of emotion, Zhao Wanqing's wonderful interpretation of this song is quite different from Yang's function in previous life.

Lu Ming on the side is also very satisfied. The recording engineer's favorite is Zhao Wanqing, a powerful singer. He won't waste too much time on them. If it goes well, you can finish a song in half an hour.

But like other studio singers, it's troublesome. Breath, stability, intonation are everywhere. Sometimes, there is no way, the recording engineers will let them record sentence by sentence, and finally in the later stage, they will synthesize a song. This is a kind of devastation to the recording engineer.

Soon, Zhao Wanqing finished singing, opened her eyes and looked out. Lu Ming and Xiao Yunhai give her thumbs up at the same time.

Zhao Wanqing was very happy. She picked up the earphone and listened to the effect carefully. She said, "there seems to be some intonation problems in the chorus, and the time card is not very good, a little bit forward."

Lu Ming said with a smile: "these are not big things. They can be dealt with in the later stage."

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "Miss Lu, let's do it again. I don't want to leave an imperfect work. "

Lu Ming is very appreciative of Zhao Wanqing's obstinacy. Only in this way can a singer who is striving for perfection create good works. Now he nods.

Xiao Yunhai said in one side: "Wanqing, when you sing, you should pay attention to your breath. There seems to be some slight difference in breath between the front and the back."

Zhao Wanqing nodded and suddenly realized something. She looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "you still call me Wanqing for the first time."

With that, his face turned a little red and walked into the studio.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. He blurted out his address without passing through his brain. But Zhao Wanqing's reaction is to let Xiao Yunhai have a trace of unusual. Thinking of their daily contact, Xiao Yunhai suddenly found that the shadow of each other was unconsciously printed in his heart.

Looking at their appearance, Mr. Lu Ming laughed and turned his head to Xiao Yunhai and said in a low voice: "flowers can be folded. Do not wait for no flowers to break branches. Young man, take advantage of it. "

Xiao Yunhai opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. He felt that his mind was in a mess.

In the past life, although he had many women, they were all sexual but not love, just to satisfy their own carnal desire. He's never been in love.

And at this moment, he felt that he felt the feeling of love.

"Is this love?"

Xiao Yunhai looks at Zhao Wanqing, who is preparing in front of him. Unconsciously, he is crazy.

Zhao Wanqing's second time performance was not smooth. She did not do well in any aspect, which was much worse than the first time.Looking at Zhao Wanqing who came by, Mr. Lu Ming said with a smile, "little girl, stop for a moment. It's hard to record a song if you're not calm , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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