Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:37 AM

Chapter 1080

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Because today is related to the birth of the king of songs, every audience has his own number on the paper.

Before the match, the TV station made it clear that all viewers who had problems in the first vote would leave the scene.

Therefore, this time, the audience were very cautious, for fear that they would not see the wonderful performance of the following six singers.

Two minutes later, hundreds of staff members went to their respective areas to collect the votes.

More than 100 musicians who came to watch "the night of the singer" also left. They needed to help count the votes of the singers.

After ten minutes of advertising, all the singers' votes were counted by Zheng Dandan, and the musicians returned to their seats.

Zheng Dandan shook the list in his hand and said, "I have six singers who can participate in the contest and the number of votes they have won. I'd like to consult the fourteen singers. Do you need me to announce the number of votes you've got?"

On hearing this, the audience yelled: "yes."

Zheng Dan Dan said with a smile, "I'm sorry, you said it doesn't count."

"Ha ha ha."

The fans all burst into laughter.

On the sofa in the backstage hall, nearly 30 famous singers, including the auxiliary guests, gathered together and were cast on the large screen of the studio. The audience at the scene and in front of the TV set were waiting for their answers.

Xiao Yunhai saw that no one answered this, so he coughed and said, "I think so. Let's just announce the names and votes of the top six singers, and don't mention the other eight singers, OK

Yao Na said with a smile, "that's a good idea. On the one hand, it satisfied the curiosity of the fans; on the other hand, even the number of votes was announced, which made the program more fair and just. Thirdly, it saved enough face for the other eight singers, which was killing three birds with one stone. "

The other singers thought about it and all nodded.

"Since everyone agrees, I will only announce the names and votes of the top six singers," Zheng said

"The singer who finished sixth was bessier, who got 982 votes, only nine more than the seventh."

In the crowd's exclamation, Beth bier on the big screen patted her full chest and said, "my God, it's too dangerous. God bless you."

"Fifth place, Lee tegson, with 994 votes."

"Yeah, I'm in. It's great." Lee tegson jumped to his feet in direct excitement, swinging his arm, looking excited.

"Fourth place Yao Na, 1048 votes."

"Third place Esther, 1387 votes."

"Xiao Yunhai came second

"First place Eliot, 1785 votes."

Hearing that Eliot's votes were even higher than Xiao Yunhai, the audience could not help but be shocked.

"How could emperor Yun only get the second place?"

"No reason. Why didn't his song "a thousand miles away" sound so beautiful

"There's no inside story, is there?"

"No way. If Jiangsu TV station dares to play tricks in front of more than 100 highly respected musicians all over the world, it is really close to death. "

Xiao Yunling asked softly, "sister Wanqing, what's going on? I think big brother sings better than Eliot. How can the votes be lower than him? "

Zhao Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "I think it's those foreign fans who can't understand the meaning of the song. We Chinese people are very difficult to understand, let alone them. Your big brother made a little mistake in choosing songs. But it doesn't matter. There is only eight votes between him and Eliot

Zhao Wanqing is right.

Foreign fans and Chinese fans sit in two major areas respectively. The votes of foreign fans are counted by Chinese musicians, while the votes of Chinese fans are counted by foreign musicians. Then they are exchanged and checked again to ensure their fairness.

Xiao Yunhai's "a thousand miles away" only won 463 out of 1500 foreign fans because they can speak Chinese, but they really can't understand the meaning of the lyrics. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai's vote will be so low.

In the singer hall, although many singers were disappointed that they could not be shortlisted, their eyes were all on Xiao Yunhai. They wanted to see how the world recognized king of music reacted to his defeat to Eliot. Even Eliot looked at him.

Xiao Yunhai felt the people's eyes, slightly a Leng, can not help but smile: "what are you looking at me for?"

Yao Na said: "Yunhai, you have always won a hundred battles. You lost to Eliot this time. Do you feel bad?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's the matter. Winning or losing is a common thing for soldiers. It's normal for me to lose. This time I think I chose the wrong song. Huaxiafeng is really hard to understand for foreign fans. "

Eliot saw that Xiao Yunhai was nothing, and said with a smile, "Xiao, you have to refuel. The number of votes this time gives me hope of revenge. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you are not proud. It's just eight votes. It's not hard to catch up with you. "

Bessier stood up and said, "fight for the king of songs. I only got 982 votes, which is too far away from you. The singer is hopeless. Now all I have to do is enjoy the stage. "

As sixth place, bessier needed to be the first to start, so she went out first.

The other five singers who still needed to be on the stage also walked into their rooms.

Perhaps because there was no hope of winning, bessier was very relaxed in her performance. As she said, she really enjoyed the stage.

Similar to her are Li tegson and Yao Na, with 994 votes and 1048 votes. They are all too far away from Xiao Yunhai and Eliot. The king of songs is almost out of touch with them, so they are all light.

Only Esther, who got 1387 votes, still had the hope of winning the crown of songs. So she tried her best to play the high pitch almost to the extreme, which caused applause from the audience.

Finally, it was Xiao Yunhai's turn.

When the fans saw Xiao Yunhai wearing a black suit, white shirt and black top hat, and a pair of black shoes and white socks underneath, everyone stood up, cheering and screaming all over the studio.

Because they know that when Xiao Yunhai wears this dress, the dance that violates the laws of physics and makes them feel excited will appear again in front of them.

Elliott, sitting in the singer's room, leaned directly against the sofa and yelled, "Shaw, it's not fair."

In the scream of everyone, the prelude of bad started.

Dong... Dong... Dong...

Xiao Yunhai's body did not move, but his chest fluctuated violently with the sound of the drum. Whether it was up or down, the sticking point was extremely accurate.

As the drum sounds faster and faster, Xiao Yunhai's chest undulation frequency also accelerates. When he reaches the extreme, Xiao Yunhai's "Ao" voice, music seems to wake up from a deep sleep, and the intense accompaniment sound rings through the whole scene.

Excited fans also followed the crazy shout.

Xiao Yunhai, like a king standing high above the stage, pointed to the audience and yelled, "are you ready?"

He was answered by more shrieks and shouts.

"Yourbuttismineignatell your right

just show your face

inbreaddaylight i'mtelling you



don't shoottokill


Xiao Yunhai's singing started, his body kept beating with the music, his movements were clean and concise, the frequency of his arms and legs swinging reached the limit, some of which reached the limit Old people can't even see his movements clearly. There is only an illusion in front of them, but it still can't affect their excitement.

There are two magic weapons for Michael Jackson to become the king of pop music in the world in the past. One is that his songs are very powerful, and the other is that his dance is full of explosive force and impact force. The combination of the two has produced a strong chemical reaction, which can make people's adrenaline soar rapidly, and then blood boil.

Xiao Yunhai's explosive power, physical strength and sports ability are much higher than Michael's, so the visual impact of his dance is incomparable.

No matter the musicians or the audience, their faces turned red and their mouths were crazy shouting to Xiao Yunhai. At this moment, everyone became a loyal fan of Xiao Yunhai.

"Just wait through

be cause i'mbad, i'mbad


bad, bad, really, reallybad

you know i'mbad, i'mbad

bad, bad, really, reallybad

you know, i'mbad, i'mbad

you know it...."

there are only two words that can be described in the climax part, that is, the whole scene was overturned by Xiao Yunhai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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