Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:33 AM

Chapter 1083

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Xiao Yunhai saw that the relationship between the two people was so bad that they could not help but sneer at each other.

However, the worse the relationship is, the more favorable it will be for Xiao Yunhai.

David Stern turned his head to Xiao Yunhai and asked, "are you Mr. Xiao who has been living in the world for the past two years?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said: "if there is no other person, it should be me. Mr. stern, what can I do for you

David Steele's tone changed, his eyes twinkled at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, I hope you can cancel that $20 billion bet. As long as you promise, we will transform 6000 2D screens into 3D screens. At the same time, all marvel films can be shown at Paramount cinema. We can give you a profit of 3%. What do you think? "

The company executives around who have been listening to several people's conversation are secretly tongue tied, and paramount seems to have been unable to hold on, so he had to ask Xiao Yunhai to agree to his terms at such a high price.

If you change someone, because of David Stern's face, and you get so many benefits, you will certainly agree.

But Xiao Yunhai is obviously not included. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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