Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:28 AM

Chapter 1087

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Zhao Wanqing and Yu Yuexian's scenes are much less than Xiao Yunhai's. after only three days, the two of them finished, while Xiao Yunhai stayed in Hengdian for ten days.

When I returned to Yanjing, it was September 18th.

In this period of time, a lot of things related to Xiao Yunhai have happened, and they are all good things.

First of all, Wu Yifa bought 15% of Yanhuang cinema shares from the government with $56.3 billion and became a shareholder.

Secondly, Yunyi shopping network and general electric company have reached a cooperation agreement to open the shopping network to Europe and the United States, each accounting for 50%.

In this way, China, Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, the five most developed regions, have the existence of Yunyi shopping network.

As soon as the news was released, the market value of Yunyi shopping network soared by 60% to 680 billion Chinese dollars.

There is also good news from Xiao Yunhai's Marvel Comics company. The ratings of Transformers 2, which is on the air, are much higher than those of transformers 1. Comic books are selling well and toys are popular all over the world again. In accordance with this situation, the profits brought by Transformers 2 may even break through the 10 billion mark, which is comparable to the annual revenue of Yunyi shopping website.

The production of the animated giant film kung fu panda has been completed. The perfect combination of Kung Fu and entertainment will definitely have no problem at the box office once it is released.

The superhero movie "Spider Man 2" was completed in mid July. With the full help of magic special effects company, it took only two months to complete the project. At the same time, "battle of Red Cliff 2" was completed. Xiao Yunhai is going to release these two films globally in early October and mid October respectively.

In addition, Xiao Yunhai invested in "Harry Potter 3" and "Lord of the rings 2" are also coming to an end, but it is impossible to release them before 2012.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai plans to show them between 2012 and the series of 3D superheroes to minimize the impact of 3D movies on them.

As for Lord of the rings 3, good luck to Bickerman.

Hollywood has also been surging in recent years. The biggest news is that General Electric has merged universal and fox into the name of general pictures.

At the news conference, CEO of Ge pictures, doyton Welch, was in high spirits and announced that he would spend $15 billion to shoot 12 films, eight TV series and six animated films. His boldness was more than that of paramount.

At the same time, it will take a month to transform the general cinema, and cooperate with dreamlike special effects image company to transform 3000 2D screens into 3D screens, and strive to complete all the work in the middle of October.

With the entry of General Electric Company, the whole Hollywood has fallen into a situation of separatism and fierce competition. No one can predict which company will win the final victory.

After shooting "flower thousand bones", Xiao Yunhai has been staying at home with his wife and children, occasionally going to a dream special effects video company.

That day, Xiao Yunhai was playing chess with the old man in the courtyard. Seeing that he was about to win, suddenly a phone call came in.

"Hello, Raul, what's up?"

"Boss, we just announced that Kung Fu Panda will be released worldwide on October 10. Disney changed the date of their animated movie" Robot Wars "to October 7, while Paramount's" spaceship "was released on October 13. I suspect that they should have joined hands. One in front, one in the back, sniping at us. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "there is no doubt that they must have colluded with each other in private. "Kung Fu Panda" is our first movie of Marvel comics, and Disney and paramount obviously don't want us to succeed. Well, since they are going to fight, let's fight with him. Don't come here and don't be rude. Would you please check for me what films are shown in October in both their companies? "

On October, the movie "the soldiers of Disney" will be released on October. Boss, you don't really want to snipe at them. Whether we win or lose, it's a huge loss for us

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "what about the loss? We can't admit that they are coming to the door. Raul, there is an idiom in China called killing the chicken and warning the monkey. I want to establish our prestige by suppressing these two big Hollywood companies, and make everyone afraid of us. Only in this way can we fight our way out of Hollywood. "

"Raul, mark me Disney and paramount. When 2012 is over, as long as they have a blockbuster, we will choose to fight against them on the same day. Don't worry. Even if we don't make a dime out of our movies, we can't make them feel better. "

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the hard ones are not fatal.

Everyone knows that when two blockbusters fight in the arena, the result is likely to be that both sides lose. But Xiao Yunhai would rather lose a thousand himself than kill another eight hundred. It is conceivable that this kind of irresponsible behavior will be a great deterrent to other film companies. At least, no company will dare to deliberately target Xiao Yunhai and manwei in the future.Raul said, "I see, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai looked at the chessboard, and said, "master, is your horse in this position?"

Xiao Leshan laughed and said, "of course. Not here, where. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "but I clearly calculated that I would win if I took two more steps. But if your horse is in this position, it will not die

Xiao Leshan said triumphantly, "you boy must have miscalculated."

Xiao Yunhai's Kungfu training is now invincible in the world. How can he not know that Xiao Leshan is playing tricks. When he pushed the chess pieces gently, although Xiao Yunhai didn't look at it, his ears had already caught a slight sound. He just stopped talking.

The situation was even and the two continued to fight.

Xiao Leshan said, "Yunhai, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "it's just two clowns. Look, I have to beat them all over the place looking for teeth. "

"Clown?" Xiao Leshan couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid you're the only one who dares to say Disney and Stell. But I support you. In war, the most important thing is momentum. If you are strong, they will be weak. But the premise is that you can win, even if you can't, you have to let them win miserably. Otherwise, the deterrence will be greatly reduced. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "grandfather, I understand."

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Xiao Leshan's eyes. He changed the subject and said, "the Wang family is going to fall. I heard that it was caused by you."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and told the old man all about his gratitude and resentment with Wang Yuandong and what happened in the police station.

After hearing this, Xiao Leshan said with a smile, "the real culprit is Yuanyang. Hehe, this boy will seize the opportunity. However, the biggest problem is still from the Wangs themselves. Wang Shihu was a good hand when he was fighting in the war. He was just too active in his mind and had too much desire. When he retired, he still held on to power. What can you do to the leaders in power? "

"The Wangs are very powerful, but they don't know how to restrain themselves. They have already committed great taboos. It's just that Lao Wang is so strong that no one dares to move him. But now that he's lying in the hospital, it's a different matter whether he wakes up or not. The second generation of Wang family doesn't have a talent who can hold the scene. It's strange if it's not finished. "

"The reason why I retired at the beginning, and then I didn't care about anything, was that we Xiao family's power was too strong to even influence the political situation of China. This is a taboo. Therefore, I only reserve part of my strength and give it to your uncle. The rest of my power, especially the military power, has been handed over to the No. 1 head of the government in exchange for his support for our Xiao family. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "grandfather, this is great wisdom. If I were the No. 1 chief executive, I would be grateful and treat the Xiao family differently. I think that if you can become the second Chief Executive, you should have something to do with the retired chief. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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