Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:26 AM

Chapter 1088

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The appreciation in Xiao Leshan's eyes flashed away and said, "yes. Hehe, Yunhai, no one can compare with you in the third generation of Xiao family. Although ocean going is good, the pattern is a little small. If you can't change this, this boy is at most a feudal official. It's a pity that you don't want to be in officialdom. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have a bad temper and can't stand the bureaucratic rules and regulations. In fact, it's also good. The elder brother is in politics, the second brother is in the army, and I am in business. The three lines do not interfere with each other, and they can help each other when they have something to do. It should be a blessing to a large family. "

Xiao Leshan nodded and said, "good. Don't you say you want to be the richest man in the world? How is it now? "

Xiao Yunhai giggled and said triumphantly, "it will be almost three months later."

Xiao Leshan was surprised and asked, "is it true?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course it is true. In November, my "2012" is about to be released. When it becomes popular all over the world, the market value of my dream special effects company will soar more than ten times, and I will be the richest man by then. Old man, why don't you apply to the government to see a movie in the cinema. My "2012" will definitely bring you unprecedented shock. "

Xiao Leshan thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll make an exception to see your boy's disaster movie. I can even invite some retired old guys to come with you. But if your movie is really good, or I'll lose my face. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "grandfather, I'll take you to the dream special effects company secretly this afternoon. You can watch the movie first, and then invite them if you think it's good. "

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "OK, I will be willful once. Let's start later. "

In the afternoon of that day, Xiao Yunhai and Xiao Leshan arrived at the dream special effects company by car.

Wu Hao, who came to meet him, almost didn't stare his eyes out. His face was flushed and his words were incoherent.

"You... You..."

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "what you, you, call the old man. Don't make any noise. We've come to see the movie on the sly. "

Wu Hao nodded repeatedly and said, "understand, understand. Can you take a picture with me, sir

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "no problem. Xiao Wu, you are so dreamy that you have greatly raised the face of Chinese movies. "

Wu Hao said excitedly: "thank you for your praise. It's all due to Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "OK, don't be modest. Let's get in quickly

The three came to the second floor projection hall. Xiao Yunhai pasted the 3D glasses on the old man's reading glasses. Xiao Yunhai and Wu Hao accompanied him to watch.

More than two hours later, the film ended.

Xiao Leshan took off his glasses, rubbed his tired eyes, and said, "what a miracle that modern technology can reach this point. How much box office do you think this movie will make? "

Xiao Yunhai held out two fingers and said, "my goal is 20 billion dollars."

Xiao Leshan was shocked and said in surprise, "20 billion dollars? How is that possible? This is comparable to a year's profit of a large enterprise. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "master, the ticket price of my 2012 movie is several times that of the ordinary ticket price, which is about 60 US dollars on average. According to statistics, one billion people around the world often watch movies. With the quality of 2012, as long as it is properly publicized, it can attract at least half of the fans to watch the movie. At that time, 20 billion dollars will not be able to block it. Grandpa, you just saw this movie. If you were to watch it again, would you watch it? "

Thinking of the scene just now, Xiao Leshan said, "of course. This kind of immersive feeling has never been given by any film before. Yunhai, no wonder you dare to say that you will become the richest man in the world in three months. This 3D movie is really incredible. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "my Marvel Comics company has four more 3D films coming out one after another. I dare not say that there is no problem for each one to get 12 billion dollars. Then it won't take long for 3D movies to proliferate and prices will not work. But by then, I had made tens of billions of dollars. With the transformation of 3D cinema, 3D glasses, 3D camera and other related industries, it is not difficult to break through 100 billion yuan. "

Xiao Leshan took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "technology changes the world. It's true. It's a miracle that the business reaches your level. OK. When the movie premieres, I'll help you invite some old guys to watch it. I'll give you a push. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that would be great."

Wu Hao next to the face is also very excited, even the national leaders have come to see "2012", how attractive it is to ordinary fans, you can imagine.

On September 23, Marvel Comics director Raul held a press conference to announce that "Spider Man 2" will be released on October 3, and "battle of Red Cliff 2" will be released globally on October 18, which coincides with Paramount's "the warrior of the future" and Disney's "flame".For a moment, Hollywood was in a state of uproar.

Disney and paramount just released the release time of animated films yesterday, and Marvel's counterattack began the next day. It was really not overnight for revenge. It's like fighting with two children. If you punch me, I'll return it. You won't get any advantage.

"It's very capricious. Is Kung Fu Xiao hurting himself

"Fighting Disney and paramount, Kung Fu Xiao is so brave."

"Disneyland and paramount attacked Kung Fu Panda for three days. Even a fool knows it's for Kung Fu Xiao. I just didn't expect that Kung Fu Xiao's Revenge would be so urgent and fierce. "

"It's going to be a good show."

Different from European and American fans, Chinese fans are as excited as chicken blood.

"The emperor of the cloud is the emperor of the cloud. What he does is really relieving his anger."

"Yunhuang is arrogant. The counterattack is too fierce. I feel a little bit excited. "

"I'd rather lose a thousand than hurt the enemy eight hundred. This is the emperor of cloud, top you. "

"Yunhuang, come on, we must do something about Disney and paramount."

"Support the emperor, spider man, battle of Chibi, Kung Fu Panda."

Xiao Yunhai and Disney, paramount in October of the three consecutive wars, has become the focus of attention of fans around the world.

Disney film company

after reading the newspaper, Kester's face was livid. He patted the desk and said angrily, "this Xiao is really a vindictive person. It's unreasonable."

The purpose of Kester's sniping at Kung Fu Panda is not to lose both sides with marvel.

Hans and Xiao Yunhai before the stupid things, always cunning Kester do not want to do.

After thinking about it, Kester called Raul.

"Mr. Raul, I'm Kester, and I need to explain to you the scheduling of Robot Wars... That's what happened. We Disney did not intend to snipe Kung Fu Panda. I hope you can understand. "

"I wonder if you can change the release period."

"Let's change it in November. Please say hello to Mr. Xiao for me

Raul on the other end of the phone sneered, "what an old fox."

That said, Raul was relieved to see that Disney didn't choose to go all out.

However, paramount film company did not make any statement, and it was still making a lot of propaganda. Obviously, it wanted to meet Xiao Yunhai again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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