Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:22 AM

Chapter 1091

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It took Kate dalens an hour and a half to complete this exclusive interview with Xiao Yunhai, and a large part of it was put on 2012.

At the end of the interview, Xiao Yunhai invited them to a sumptuous Chinese meal.

At the same time, "biochemical crisis" director Weaver also took his main creative staff everywhere.

In an interview program, the host said, "director weaver, when it comes to your biochemical crisis, you have to mention Mr. Shaw's 2012. How much do you think you're going to win when the two films were released on the same day and also made a big world bet of $20 billion? "

"One hundred percent," Weaver said confidently. In terms of the quality of biochemical crisis, I dare say that no film can compare with it, including 2012. "

"2012 is the first 3D movie in history. Have you ever worried about it?"

"No. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted it to be highly technical. More importantly, 3D glasses are harmful to the body, especially to the eyes. I don't know if Mr. Xiao has solved this problem? "

"3D glasses are bad for your eyes. That's terrible. Do you think your "biochemical crisis" box office can surpass "war on aliens"

"Absolutely no problem. My goal is 10 billion dollars. When you see this biochemical crisis, you will understand that this film has this potential. "

"It's said that Mr. Xiao has raised the 3D ticket price of 2012 to $100, even higher. What's your opinion on this?"

"I can only say that I admire Mr. Xiao's courage, but I can't agree with him. One hundred dollars to see a movie. If I'm a fan, I won't go. The ticket price is too expensive. Don't you think so? "

"I feel the same way."

The problem of 3D glasses, which Weaver said in the interview, was quickly spread to the Internet by a group of sailors hired by paramount, and fans also talked about it.

"No? Is 3D glasses harmful to eyes? Who dares to watch 2012? "

"I don't think it's true. Kung Fu Xiao is not a fool. It is possible to make such a useless thing with such great efforts? "

"What is a 3D movie? I really don't know what's going on in my heart

"I think it should be that Paramount's navy is deliberately spreading rumors, and the purpose is self-evident, that is, to let 2012 die."

"But what if it's true?"

"Yes, I wanted to see it. Isn't it a hundred dollars? i don't care. But now I'll wait and see. "

Fans on the Lidu network began to question 3D glasses. Xiao Yunhai, who had been prepared for it, held a press conference directly. In front of more than 200 media, he showed the inspection book of 3D glasses issued by the World Health Organization.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "when we applied for the patent of 3D glasses, we have asked relevant institutions to conduct a comprehensive test on its safety, and the result is that it has no side effects on human body. Otherwise, the world patent Association will not issue us a patent certificate at all. "

"Mr. Xiao, why do so many people on the Internet question the safety of 3D glasses?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is only one reason. That is, some people are afraid to hire some 3D technology developed by DreamWorks. Once there is a widespread panic, my 2012 is over. This behavior is understandable. After all, it involves 20 billion dollars. "

"However, what I want to say is that if you want to be a man, you should have a clear sword and a clear gun to compete with each other. It is really contemptible to use such a cheap and vulgar method."

As soon as the reporters heard this, they were all happy. Everyone could hear that they were scolding Hanks.

Just when Xiao Yunhai thought that the overall situation had been decided, on the morning of October 31, one day before the premiere of 2013, Wu Hao called and made Xiao Yunhai furious.

Wu Hao said: "Xiao boss, things are not good, Japan, South Korea, two major box office accidents."

It turns out that in the early morning of this morning, all the equipment of the 500 3D studios rented by Xiao Yunhai in important Japanese cities were smashed, and all the security personnel were admitted to the hospital. The same is true of more than 400 3D studios in South Korea.

Obviously, this is a premeditated activity, and the other party can send out so many people on the same night. Obviously, the influence is not small.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't have to guess. He knows it must be Hanks who did it again.

"Boss Wu, the box office of Japan and South Korea is very important to our 2012, and we can't lose it. You quickly organize people to go to Japan and South Korea and try your best to recover the damaged movie hall. I will immediately hold a press conference to postpone the release of 2012 in Japan and South Korea. Well, some people even dare to do such crazy things for 20 billion dollars. They are looking for death. "

In less than three days, Xiao Yunhai held a press conference for the second time, but the venue changed from Los Angeles to Yanjing."All of you must know. The Yanhuang 3D Studio I rented was smashed overnight in Japan and Korea, leaving nothing left. These people obviously came for my 3D movie, because they only recognized my 3D equipment, and there was no damage to other facilities in the studio. I was shocked when I heard the news. These people are so bold and reckless. If you have any questions, please ask them? "

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, what impact does this incident have on the screening of 2012?"

"I have 7000 screens overseas, and now one seventh of them have gone all at once. Of course, the impact is great."

"Who does Mr. Xiao think this is? Can it be paramount? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I don't know. Whether it is South Korea or Japan, to achieve such a big thing, at least need to organize hundreds of people. On such a large scale, it should be easy to check. I still don't understand, which fearless guy dare to do this? Is he not afraid of legal sanction

"Mr. Xiao, can 2012 still be released as scheduled in Japan and South Korea?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed, "it's impossible. Even if we send all our technicians, the work will not be finished until November 7 at the earliest. Of course, we will transform one and show another to minimize the impact on the box office

At this time, Wu Hao suddenly came to the rostrum in a hurry. He said a few words in Xiao Yunhai's ear. Xiao Yunhai's face immediately changed to be very ugly.

A reporter asked carefully, "Mr. Xiao, can you disclose what happened?"

Xiao Yunhai tried to hold back his anger and said: "a message has just been released on the official website of the Ministry of health of the United States. Since 3D glasses and 3D screens are new things, for the sake of the physical safety of tens of thousands of fans, we are ordered not to show the 3D version of 2012 in the United States. Everything will not be shown until their investigation is completed. "


This message directly ignited the whole press conference.

"What is the U.S. Department of health doing?"

"3D glasses have already been tested by the World Health Organization. They dare to question it openly."

"I'm sure it's a conspiracy by stell networks. As long as the U.S. Department of health delays for a month, "2012" will not be released. The $20 billion bet will naturally go to paramount. "

"Now the emperor is in great trouble. If the U.S. Department of health doesn't let up, 3D movies won't be shown. It's disgusting. "

Xiao Yunhai has 7000 screens overseas, including 1000 in Korea and Japan, 1500 in Europe, 4000 in the United States, and the other 500 in other regions.

Now, Japan, South Korea and the United States of America have problems, which is equivalent to losing 5000 screens, which is a fatal blow to Xiao Yunhai.

I have to say, this move of stell network company is really too cruel, and it is also particularly immoral.

Xiao Yunhai is sure that David Starr must have done this. Hanks does not have such great ability.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, what do you decide to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "for the unfair treatment I have received, I will appeal to the Chinese government and the United Nations health organization, and Sue the United States Department of health, suspected of helping ster network company win my huge 20 billion stake. Because the time point they choose is too sensitive. If we don't investigate sooner or later, we will investigate on the eve of 2012, which makes people doubt their intentions. "

"Well, I need to deal with it as soon as possible. That's the end of today's press conference. "

After Xiao Yunhai and Wu Hao left, the reporters scattered and ran outside with the fastest speed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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