Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:21 AM

Chapter 1092

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On the bus, Xiao Yunhai said to Wu Hao, "boss Wu, after going back, he immediately appealed to the Chinese government, the World Health Organization and the world patent Association."

Wu Hao nodded and said, "what about 3D movies in America, Japan and Korea?"

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "this gamble needs to see the box office of the whole November. The United States doesn't need to care about it. It's really impossible to show the 2D version directly. In Japan and South Korea, the 3D screening will still be delayed for a week at most. Things like smashing 3D movie devices are unlikely to happen again. Well, some people have to pay for their actions. "

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rings. When you open it, it's dawton Welch, President of general pictures.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't have to guess that it must be for the release of 2012. General cinema has 3000 3D screens. Besides Xiao Yunhai, they are the biggest loss.

"Hello, Mr. Welch. I'm Xiao Yunhai."

"Mr. Shaw, we just got the news that the U.S. Department of health has received a complaint from Paramount Pictures, claiming that 3D glasses may cause damage to people's eyes and require a thorough investigation. The U.S. Department of health did not even inform the World Health Organization. After only half an hour, it announced the decision of the survey on its home page. Obviously, they must have been in private with stell networks. Now it's a big problem. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Welch. I'm afraid you've suffered some losses this time. For the U.S. Department of health, I'll have my lawyers sue them. Once I find the evidence, I'm going to make them suffer. "

"As for Paramount Pictures, I will make them regret it. 3D movies are the trend of the times. They dare to deal with me in such a dirty way. After 3D technology becomes popular in the world, I will let them know what will happen if they offend me. "

Dalton Welch said, "what are you going to do with America?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it depends on the situation. If the U.S. Department of health doesn't have a statement before the 15th, it's good to show the 2D version. "

"As a result," said dawton Welch, "biochemical crisis has no rival in the United States, and the box office is expected to be very high."

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "there is no way. My Lord of the rings 2 has just been completed. I don't even have a copy. No other company will choose this schedule to show their films. America has to give up "biochemical crisis". But elsewhere, it's not that cheap. In particular, Huaxia, this is my territory. I will try my best to reduce the biochemical crisis to less than 100 million dollars. "

"Good luck," said dawton Welch

After talking with doton Welch, Xiao Yunhai dials Gao Xiangfeng's mobile phone.

"Lao Gao, you take people to Japan and find out who destroyed my cinema? The police and the underworld in Japan are a nest of snakes and mice. I don't trust them. "

Gao Xiangfeng seemed to know the matter and said, "OK. The deputy commander of the Japanese garrison is my former boss and has a very close relationship. I will ask him for help. It's impossible for such a big transfer to go without a trace. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that would be better. Japan is up to you. After tomorrow's premiere, I'll go to Korea. "

Gao Xiang said: "boss Xiao, you used to be very dangerous. Well, I asked Yunfeng to take a group of people to Seoul in advance to investigate. The faster we go, the easier it will be to find clues. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's OK. That's it. "

David Steele stood in front of the window with a cup of hot coffee and looked at the small, almost invisible vehicles and pedestrians on the highway. His face was neither happy nor sad.

Asking the United States Department of health to deal with Xiao Yunhai is indeed his masterpiece after careful consideration.

Last time I saw Xiao Yunhai at the banquet, although they were very unhappy, David Stern did not have any prejudice against Xiao Yunhai, but appreciated his personality very much.

Seeing him, David Stern seemed to see himself in his youth, the same arrogance, the same fearlessness.

In fact, he didn't know whether he was right or wrong when he made such a decision?

All along, he is more rational than emotional in doing anything. Some people even call him a cold machine. He only considers interests and never cares about others.

Only Hanks, the illegitimate son, was always cruel to David Stern.

What Hanks did after he became CEO of paramount, if he had changed other people, he would have been sent to hell.

In Stern's opinion, Hanks has talent, but the biggest drawback is that he is narrow-minded and headstrong.

For some trivial things, it is absolutely stupid to offend the world-class rich Xiao Yunhai and snipe at other people's films.

Now, paramount and Xiao Yunhai are at odds. David Stern has no choice but to help his son. Otherwise, once the box office of "2012" surpasses "biochemical crisis", Hanks will have to be a rich second generation in his life.One of the biggest problems in doing this is how Xiao Yunhai will treat paramount if 3D movies are really popular in the world in the future.

David Stern has a headache at the thought of it, the most uncertain thing he has done in decades.

Just as he was wandering, the phone rang in the office.

"Boss, Kung Fu Xiao's" 2012 "is no longer available in the United States unless it's a 2D version."

With no joy on his face, stern asked, "what do those guys in Europe say?"

"They didn't agree. They just said that the trouble was too big and needed to be studied at a meeting."

David Steele sneered and said scornfully: "the meeting is to study. Hum, I'm waiting to see how Xiao's 3D movie is. Forget it, Xiao's 3D screen has gone to the majority of Europe, so don't worry about it in Europe. Is Hanks looking for someone to do things in Japan? "

"Yes. Hanks spent one billion dollars to find a small black mountain society in Kobe, Japan. Its president is Hideki ITO. After finishing this thing, I left by plane, and I don't know where I went. "

David Steele's eyes flashed a ray of murder, said: "find him as soon as possible, there can be no aftereffects. What about Korea? Did he do it too? "

"No. I think it's Kung Fu Xiao's enemy. I'll ask him for trouble. "

David Stern said, "he has a lot of enemies. All right, go ahead and do it. "

Hang up, David Stern sighed and said, "Hanks, this is the last thing I've done for you. If you still can't beat Xiao, then you can be a rich second generation who is eating and waiting to die

Xiao Yunhai's news conference video was sent to the Internet, which aroused the shock of fans all over the world, especially Chinese fans, who were disgusted with Paramount's behavior.

"Paramount was disgraced for 20 billion dollars. It's really mean to use such a cheap trick. "

"Come on, yunhuang, hold on. We will support your 2012."

"Paramount, no, it should be the stern network company, relying on its own prestige in the United States, bullying our cloud emperor. It's absolutely unreasonable."

"Huang brothers, open your eyes as our fans? What should we do for revenge

"Yes. We're going to show Steele our strength. In addition to watching yunhuang's 3D version of 2012, we have to boycott the biochemical crisis together. Do you think so

"Well, I agree. We Chinese movie fans should have the backbone and not allow their idols to be bullied by the United States. In this way, everyone went to different forums to call on fans not to watch Paramount's biochemical crisis. "

"Yes, I agree."


"I do."

…………………… ...

in China, an unprecedented boycott of biochemical crisis has been launched.

Tens of millions of fans have gone to the major forums to post, preaching about the despicable behavior of STEL networks and paramount, which, of course, is fueled by DreamWorks.

By the time of the evening, the number of Posts has exceeded 100 million, of which there are naturally some who sing the opposite tone, but they are all scolded by Xiao Yunhai's fans, and they all fall into the sea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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