Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:17 AM

Chapter 1095

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After arranging the seats for all the masters, Xiao Yunhai returned to the stage and said, "all the elders, teachers and friends, you should have seen the glasses beside you. Yes, that's 3D glasses. After the movie starts, you can really appreciate the charm of 3D movies by wearing it. Well, no more nonsense. The movie will start right away. "

Xiao Yunhai finished and returned to his position.

Liang Hui next to Xiao Yunhai thumbed up and said, "you boy is really good, even this group of old men can be invited."

Xiao Yunhai whispered, "I don't have that skill. It's all my grandfather's help."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "there are retired leaders who come to see our movies. The news spreads out that it's hard to think about 2012."

Last year's No. 1 wooden peak curiously looked at his glasses and said, "old leader, your grandson is wonderful. It took only three years to reach the eighth place on the world's rich list by virtue of his talent and ability, and his future is limitless. A lot of newspapers are saying that if 3D movies can be popular in the world, your grandson is likely to become the richest man in the world. "

When Xiao Leshan heard that Mu Gaofeng, who had always been reluctant to praise others, valued his grandson so much, he immediately burst into a smile and said, "my grandson has always been lazy and has no great interest in business. Besides luck, he has a group of very good people to help him."

Mu Gaofeng said: "the most important thing for a superior person is to employ people. He will only follow Zhuge Liang's example. Xiao Xiao knows how to employ people. He has a sharp eye. The industrial potential of investment is amazing. This is not luck, but real strength. "

It's said that Xiaojiang, the Minister of national defense, wants $10 billion at the box office

Xiao Leshan nodded and said, "that's right."

Zhang Yongjiang said with a smile: "a film of US $15 billion, if we can really achieve this, it is simply a miracle."

Hearing that Zhang Yongjiang seemed a little unconvinced, Xiao Leshan said, "I thought it was a fantasy at the beginning, but after watching 2012, I think it has this potential. Well, the movie is on. Let's enjoy it. I'm still a little scared when I think about the scenes in the movie. "

The film officially began, and everyone in the screening room put on glasses.

On the screen, a general in armor, with a cold face and a long bow, looks at the boundless prairie with a kind of ruthless eyes.

"Well, isn't this emperor Yun?"

"Yes, he is. What a beautiful scenery. Is this the effect of 3D movies? It's just in front of you. "

"It's so handsome. I feel like I'm in the vast prairie."

"Look at that Eagle. Oh, it's coming at me."

A female star looked at an eagle as fast as lightning, which seemed to fly out of the movie screen. The sharp claws were about to catch her. She was pale with fear and took off her glasses in a hurry.

Other people are also exclaimed, some timid people even directly collapsed on the chair.

In the movie, Xiao Yunhai plays a general with a flash of cold light in his eyes. He pulls out a long arrow from his back, opens his bow and builds an arrow. The bow is like a full moon, and shoots it out with a whoosh.

The bow and arrow accurately passed through the giant eagle's chest, and without stopping, it rushed to the audience with the force of wind and thunder.


Seeing a sharp arrow shooting from the chest, the audience in the studio were all screaming in unison. Some people even closed their eyes in despair, thinking that they were going to die.

Only some audacious spectators clenched their fists and fixed their eyes on the cold arrow tips.

At this time, Peng's sharp arrow exploded in front of the audience, and the frightened people couldn't help shouting again.

Then, Xiao Yunhai's figure appeared in front of everyone. He said with a smile: "I was joking just now, just to test everyone's mental endurance. The film has not officially started yet. What I want to say is that the scene in the movie is more than ten times as hot as it was just now. If you can't bear it, please wait for the 2D version of 2012 to be released. Well, let's not disturb you. 2012 officially begins. "

Xiao Yunhai's willful mischief caused a unanimous outcry.

Yu Hai said with a wry smile, "Mr. Wang, your son-in-law also likes to be funny. Does he do the same at home? "

Wang Mingsheng nodded and said, "it's more weird than this at home."

Yu Haidao: "but the picture just now is too powerful. The eagle seemed to scare us. If the effect of 2012 is ten times stronger, I don't think I can watch it at all. 3D movies are amazing. "

Wang Mingsheng said with a smile, "it's my first time to see it. It's all cold sweat on my back."

On the other hand, Zhang Yongjiang, the former defense minister, is one of the few people who has not felt the slightest fear, but also has some excitement on his face.

"Mr. Xiao, no wonder you invited everyone to come and see your grandson's film. Just those two shots killed all the 2D movies I've seen. It's so real. "Seeing Zhang Yongjiang's excited expression, Xiao Leshan said triumphantly, "what is this. When it comes to the climax of the movie, you will know what shock is. Just the picture is just a pediatrics. "

In other cinemas, the reaction of fans is much greater than that of them.

"Oh, my God, this is funny."

"The picture just now almost scared me to pee my pants. As a result, the sentence from emperor Yun suddenly lost its effect."

"But I have to admit that 3D movies look more powerful than 2D movies. It seems that the arrow really went through the screen and shot at me in the chest. It was really frightening."

"Listen to the meaning of emperor Yun, this is just a small test, the impact force will be ten times more violent, I am really looking forward to it now."

After getting a little scared, fans not only did not fear, but became excited and excited.

For them, watching movies is to seek sensory and visual stimulation. Naturally, the more shocking, the better.

Other theaters in Huaxia have similar reactions.

The movie begins. As soon as it comes up, a volcano appears in front of everyone. When the camera is pulled to the bottom of the volcano, the magma inside is snoring and steaming, just like boiling water. It may gush out at any time.

Seeing such a picture, all the people opened their eyes, held the handle tightly with both hands, and leaned forward as far as possible, for fear of missing the next shot, because they knew that the real big scene was coming.

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, with a bang, the earth moved and the mountains rocked. Under the influence of a powerful force in the earth's core, the volcanic magma erupted violently with a towering momentum. There was no language to describe the intensity of the volcano.


seeing the irresistible magma rushing towards them, most people couldn't help shouting, leaning back as much as possible to make an appearance of blocking.

Unfortunately, these are all in vain, and the melt has no scruple to drown them.

Shocked, Yu Yuexian hurriedly took off her eyes, patted her full chest, and breathed a long sigh of relief. She said, "I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death..."

Xiao Yunhai turned to look at her and said with a smile: "sister Yu, do you feel very good-looking?"

Yu Yuexian sipped her sexy lips and said, "what are you looking at. I'm scared to death. I never thought that a volcanic eruption would happen in front of my eyes. "

Liang Hui was excited and said, "this is the effect of 3D movies, which can make people feel what happened in the movies. Yunhai, I finally understand why you have so much confidence in 2012 and why you dare to set the ticket price to 200 yuan. This kind of experience, let alone 200, even if it is 1000, I will see it. That's great. "

Yu Yuexian nodded and said, "yes. "2012" box office will create a miracle, more than $15 billion is absolutely no problem. Oh, the movie is on. I'm going to have a good look at what kind of monster I've made. "

A woman editor in chief of a film, newspaper and magazine, pale and with a trembling hand, wrote in her book: "the visual effect of 2012 is amazing, and its power is beyond words."

The editor in chief, who was able to write a good hand of Chinese characters, is not different from that of primary school students. It can be seen from this that the impact on her heart.

After the eruption of the volcano, a line of glittering large characters "2012" appeared on the big screen, and the small letter "the end of the world" appeared below. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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