Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:15 AM

Chapter 1096

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At the beginning of the plot, a Chinese scientist comes to the world's deepest copper mine in India. After a long period of research with scientists from other countries, he finally comes to the conclusion that the world is going to be destroyed.

The scientist returned to China, found the government, met the No. 1 chief of Huaxia, and informed him of the news.

The Chinese government was very concerned and sent a large number of scientists and geologists to confirm this matter.

Huaxia No.1, the head of China No.1, was shocked and held a video dialogue with the heads of state.

Four years later, in the Palace Museum, the owner carefully collected the "Qingming Riverside" and replaced it with a fake.

At the same time, a fake Mona Lisa smile was put on at the Louvre in Paris.

Audiences know that before the catastrophe, governments were rescuing art to prevent them from being damaged.

Liang Hui, the leading actor, flew to America from China and Shanghai by plane. Then he rented a car and went to his ex-wife Yu Yuexian's home to take his two children to Huangshi park.

Xiao Yunhai originally wanted to put the main disaster site in China and Shanghai, but after consideration, he finally chose the United States of America.

Because Noah's Ark to save mankind is in Tibet, it will not take long to fly from Shanghai to Tibet, and there is no need to change the big plane. As a result, many plots can not be used, so we can only use the previous life settings.

Of course, he also changed a lot of the plot of 2012.

In Xiao Yunhai's view, the biggest problem in the previous life of 2012 lies in the relationship between the male and female protagonists. After the divorce of the hero and the heroine, the heroine married an American doctor. However, she was deeply connected with the hero. After the doctor died, she quickly fell into the embrace of the hero.

It makes all the fans feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, in order to avoid the antipathy of fans, Xiao Yunhai sets the hero and heroine as a couple who have been divorced for three years. The American doctor is not the heroine's husband, but just her pursuer.

Because the heroine is still deeply in love with her ex husband, she has not accepted him. In this way, the plot is perfect.

Liang Hui took his children to Yellowstone Park. He found that it was under martial law, so he sneaked in. After being caught, he met a Chinese American physicist, and then met a madman who preached that the earth would be destroyed in 2012.

This makes Liang Hui feel a little surprised, after sending the child home, Liang Hui found the madman again.

Yu Yuexian went shopping in the supermarket, and suddenly the floor of the supermarket cracked, which surprised everyone. But after listening to the explanation of the American government, there was no doubt.

Liang Hui, after confirming that the earth is going to be destroyed, drives to Yu Yuexian's home in a hurry.

On the way to Yu Yuexian called, told her the truth, but Yu Yuexian did not believe.

Just put down the phone, the earthquake started.

Yu Yuexian's house suddenly shakes, the ground cracked a big crack, the son almost fell in, fortunately was saved by the doctor.

At this time, Liang Hui drove to the car, and before the house collapsed, he took four people to the car.

A scene of extreme adventure took place.

Liang Hui drove his car and ran frantically along the road. The houses on both sides were like paper paste, and they collapsed one after another. There were huge cracks on the ground, many bad luck vehicles turned over directly, causing the cars behind to be damaged.

"Shit, is this the end of the world? It's scary. "

"Be careful, the bridge will collapse. Oh, that's it

"Run. The building is about to collapse. Ah... "

in the gaping eyes of the fans, a skyscraper with hundreds of stories fell down like it hit its own head.



in a movie hall in Shanghai, a female movie fan was scared to cry. She wanted to run out with her glasses. She was stopped by her friend nearby and quickly took her glasses off.

The female fan turned pale and looked around. Then she realized that she was in the cinema. Her face turned red. She sat back and said to her friend, "it's terrible. Did I just lose face? "

Her friend said: "this does not blame you, should blame the emperor, who let him shoot so lifelike."

"Is this a 3D movie? It's like having experienced the end of the world together. It's amazing. "


just after the voice came down, all the fans in the studio yelled, and the female fans quickly put on 3D glasses.

It turned out that on the ground, a huge crack that did not know how long and how deep suddenly stood in front of the high-speed moving Liang Hui's family.

In the past, Liang Hui took another dangerous direction.

The other cars, apparently not so lucky, fell down one after another. Even if some stopped, they were still hit by cars behind them.

The scene was so tragic that no one could make a sound."It's terrible. If there is an end of the world, will we

Seeing the scene in front of them, countless audiences have such ideas in their hearts.

The film continues.

Liang Hui avoided numerous risks by driving and finally arrived at the airport where his private plane was parked.

But disaster came, the runway began to crack, Liang Hui and others quickly boarded the plane, before the runway problems, flew into the blue sky.

Looking from the plane, we can see that the whole city collapsed, cars, buildings, and all the fresh lives were engulfed by the disaster that destroyed the world. The childlike eyes of the two children showed desperate eyes, and tears flowed down.

The audience has completely entered the film, and when they see the children's tearful eyes and the ruined city, they can't help but shed tears.

"This is definitely not an ordinary commercial disaster film, but a film that tests human nature in the face of disaster. The emperor's heart is very big. " Sighed a five-star film critic.

"It's not difficult for a good director to make a disaster film, but how to excavate human nature in the disaster. Emperor Yun is obviously a master in this field. Seeing the despair in the eyes of the two children, my heart seemed to be pricked by it

Liang Hui took off his glasses, rubbed his red eyes, and said with a wry smile, "I was moved by my own film. It's really a rare experience."

Yu Yuexian said, "this film is wonderful. I wonder if I made this? The special effects are so powerful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what is this? It will be wonderful later."

This is the first climax of the film.

On the plane, Yu Yuexian asked Liang Hui where he was flying. Liang Hui shook his head, saying that he didn't know. He could only find out where the way out was by going to the madman first.

Liang Hui finds the madman and finds out that there is a map on the bookshelf in his room. Liang Hui drives to his house crazily.

At this moment, the volcano suddenly erupted, a huge fireball carrying invincible force crazy shooting to all directions.

Liang Hui found the map, while hiding fireball, while frantically rushed to the plane.

The melting is rampant, the earth is cracked, the smoke is everywhere, even the sky is dyed red, the fans see the scene in front of them are all nervous, their eyes are tightly fixed on Liang Hui.

The plane was about to arrive, and suddenly there was a huge crack in front of it.

Yu Yuexian and others on the plane were shocked. The cracks on the ground immediately spread over. The doctor had to start the plane and prepare to take off.

Liang Hui's eyes flashed a little crazy, stepped up the gas pedal, and drove directly over. It's a pity that the car fell down.

Yu Yuexian couldn't believe her eyes, as if her spirits had disappeared. Then a voice of grief came out of her mouth.


The two children were crying.

At this time, Liang Hui's hand suddenly appeared in front of Yu Yuexian and others.

Liang Hui crawled out of the crack in the ground, and then ran madly to the slowly starting plane. Behind him were cracks and endless fireballs.



"Come on, run."

In a cinema, I don't know who yelled, and then everyone yelled together.

As if Liang Hui, who struggled with the disaster, was themselves, the strong sense of substitution of 3D films was vividly displayed at this moment.

When Liang Hui finally caught up with the plane, everyone cheered.

"Yes, long live."

"That's amazing."

"At last."

But the danger was not ruled out. One by one, fireballs from the volcano flashed by the plane.

In order to show the power of fire, Xiao Yunhai used a special effect of a few seconds to let one of the fireballs rush to the fans, which scared everyone.

Finally, in the thick smoke, the plane rushed out.

The audience just let out a long breath, and the overwhelming applause began to ring.

Director Wu Zixu clapped his hands and exclaimed, "this 2012 is more exciting than any other film. Disaster with 3D effects, the effect is too powerful. "

Jiao fangtao's eyes twinkled and said: "if Xiaocui had been shot with this technology, the box office would have exceeded 10 billion dollars. It seems that the era of 3D special effects is coming. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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