Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:14 AM

Chapter 1097

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As the plot goes on, Liang Hui sees from the map that his life is actually in the Himalayas of China. He pats his forehead and laughs bitterly: "it seems that we are going to find a big plane."

Yu Yuexian looked at Liang Hui and asked, "do you regret it? If you're in Shanghai now, you'll fly there soon, but you're not sure if you're here. "

Liang Hui kisses two children, affectionately said: "if you do not have you, I even can survive, what's the meaning."

At this moment, the warmth is infinite, only the doctor who drives the plane in front of him is a little lonely.

Seeing this scene, some critics can't help nodding.

"After the thrill, with warmth to ease the tension of fans, Xiao Yunhai's understanding and grasp of the film is absolutely world-class."

"I thought 2012 was a special effects movie. I didn't expect that the plot was less than half of it, and I was moved to tears. In the face of this catastrophe, the flash of human nature is often more tearful. As long as it is not too much later, I believe 2012 will create a miracle. "

After a lot of obstacles, people finally got on the plane with the rich family before the disaster.

At this time, the incomparable powerful tsunami destroyed the whole city, everything was submerged by the sea, no one could survive under the power of nature.

Looking at the tsunami, the fans' screams are constantly ringing in the studio.

The story turns to the White House.

The scientist who knew Liang Hui was arguing with a cold faced official.

"Why can't you bring more people up there?"

"Noah's Ark doesn't have so many vacancies, understand? We can only choose the best people and let them live. Do you understand

The official's eyes were cold and firm.

In the quarrel between the two, the official's cell phone rang.

Seeing the phone number, the official went to a corner where there was no one and connected the phone.

"How are you, mom?"

"I'm fine. Son, there's a lot of noise on TV that says the world is going to be destroyed, isn't it? "

The official's eyes were red and his whole body was shaking, but he tried to control his mood and said, "Mom, that's all deceitful. I just got an order from the president to arrest the rumor mongers. Don't worry. I'll see you in a few days

"I love you forever, mom."

The official hung up, covering his face and wailing.

The scientist saw his grief stricken appearance, sighed deeply and said, "why don't you take her on board?"

"My mother is over 70 years old and still lying in the hospital bed. Even if I let her avoid this disaster, she will only become a burden to everyone. If human beings want to reproduce and survive, the reconstruction work after the disaster is very important, because we can only choose the talents who have a great impact on the reconstruction of our homeland, understand? "

The fans who had misunderstood the officials saw the firm gaze on his tearful face, and suddenly felt that the other side didn't seem to hate him at this moment.

His choice was right, even braver.

Between human nature and reason, he chose to look at all these rationally.

Some emotional fans can not help but shed tears when they look at the official crying.

Mu Gaofeng sighed and said, "Lao Zhang, what would you do if you stood in the position of this official?"

Lao Zhang was a former commander of Yanjing military region. When he heard Mu Gaofeng's words, he didn't want to reply: "I will be like him."

Mu Gaofeng nodded and said, "I guess so. Old chief, the film your grandson made is not only a disaster film, but also a direct torture of human nature and soul. No wonder he has so much confidence. "

A staff member told them that in two hours, the earthquake and tsunami will sweep through Washington.

They quickly came to the office of the president of the United States and asked the president to leave and fly to China on air force one.

As he wrote, the president said, "did my daughter get on the plane?"

The official nodded and said, "yes."

The president, with a bright smile on his face, handed his writing to the scientist and said, "thank you. This is a letter I left for her. Please hand it over to her after you board the plane

The scientist took the envelope and said in surprise, "Mr. President, you should give it to her yourself."

The president shook his head and said, "No. I didn't plan to get on the plane. Over the years, I have ordered to hide this disaster from the public. As president of the United States, although I think I'm doing the right thing intellectually, I still can't accept it emotionally. "

"What's more, when I'm old, I'm useless even if I can avoid this disaster. At that time, ten presidents of the United States were not as good as you as a scientist. Go ahead, and I'm going to do my last duty to tell all Americans that the world is going to be destroyed. "To see the president of the United States so brave to stay and die generously, there is a strong respect in everyone's heart.

In particular, the daughter of the plane tears, while reading the father's letter, immediately moved the fans to tears.

During the live broadcast of the president of the United States, the earthquake and tsunami arrived as scheduled, and Washington was overwhelmed without resistance.

By this time, the plot is more than half of the plot, which may be due to the fact that they are used to it. Although they are also shocked by the disappearance of Washington for three minutes, they are obviously much lighter than before, at least their exclamations are much lower.

A lot of people's attention has shifted slightly from the super powerful visual effects to the deep-seated human nature embodied in the film.

In the face of disasters and disasters, we can see the quality of human beings.

Liang Hui, Yu Yuexian and others flew to China. Seeing that it was not far away from Tibet, the plane suddenly had a problem and fell under a cliff, and the pilot died on the spot.

Liang Hui and the rich merchants and others took a random direction and walked forward. They saw dozens of helicopters crossing the sky, carrying a large cage full of lions, elephants, tigers, orangutans and other large animals.

At this time, Liang Hui and others encountered several military vehicles.

A soldier got out of the car and asked, "which of you has a keepsake?"

The rich man took out three red cards and said, "I have."

After careful certification, the soldier nodded and said, "who are you going to take away?"

The rich man pointed to his twins.

His wife was shocked and said, "and me."

The rich man sneered: "do you think I don't know about you and that boxer? Good luck to you. "

Finish saying, took the child on the military vehicle, left Liang Hui and others to look at each other.

"This man is a real nuisance. Before that, I still talked with the protagonist with a smile, and in the twinkling of an eye, I didn't care

"If you don't do it for yourself, heaven kills the earth. There are only three cards in the family. Why should one be allowed out? "

"If it was me, I would do the same."

At this moment, human nature is revealed again.

In the movie, in the office of Huaxia No.1 chief executive, the scientist who appeared at the beginning of the movie came to him and said, "chief, it's time for us to go."

A smile appeared on his face and said, "you go. I will stay here and live with China. "

"Chief, why are you?"

"Like the president of the United States of America, I am old and will only become a burden in the future. You are the future. If I don't even have this awareness, it will be too despised. Take more useful people with you. "

After the scientist left with tears in his eyes, chief one stood up, tidied up his clothes, gave a deep kiss to the national flag, and then walked out of the office.

At this time, the doors of other offices in the corridor were all opened, revealing the faces of five old people who had also experienced many vicissitudes.

"Why don't you go?" the first chief said in surprise

"What are you going to do. Even if we avoid this disaster and we have a few years to live, we'd better leave the place to the young people, who are more useful than us

"When we took office, we swore under the national flag to devote our lives to this country. Since we can't save it, let's destroy it with it. "

The No.1 chief nodded, with tears in his eyes, and said, "it's my pride in my life to be able to work with you for so many years." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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