Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:11 AM

Chapter 1099

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In the ticket area of the cinema, fans have been lining up for a long time, waiting to see the second "2012".

"Ah, this time, the cloud emperor has gone too far. He has to pay 200 yuan."

"Yes. If I'm not a fan of him, I won't give up. "

"Is the first movie over? Why is no one coming out?"

"I don't know whether this legendary 3D movie is worth 200 yuan or not."

"Well, look, they're all out."

"Hello, brothers and sisters, how is the movie?"

A young fan with acne on his face replied, "if I don't have something to do, I'll come to you right away and buy tickets to see it again."

As soon as the voice dropped, several young people behind him suddenly rushed out of the crowd and joined the army of buying tickets.

"Damn it, is it really so beautiful? The ticket price is 200. "

"Two hundred?" A middle-aged Fan said scornfully, "I tell you, the 200 yuan ticket price is not right for this movie. If it's me, at least two thousand. "

"Yes. Such a good-looking movie can only cost 200 yuan. Is the emperor's brain funny? "

"I said, two of you, are you the Emperor invited to do advertising, this is too much like the advertising words."

The middle-aged Fan said angrily, "I swear with my eight generations that if I were the water army of emperor Yun, my family would not die well. I'll tell you, the so-called Hollywood blockbusters used to be nothing in front of 2012. "War on aliens" is really good, but there is no comparison between the two films. "

"After watching the 3D version of" 2012 "by Emperor yunhuang, it seems that I have experienced a catastrophe along with the film. Can you imagine the tsunami coming to you? Can you imagine a skyscraper with more than one hundred stories slamming down on you? Can you imagine a fireball from a volcano exploding and hitting you like crazy? I'm telling you, you'll be able to experience that in the movies in a moment. "

Those fans who bought tickets heard his words, one by one looked forward to it.

When the stars went out of the cinema, the second scene had already begun.

The reporters who had been waiting outside quickly found their target and began to interview these famous stars.

"Mr. Ye Yongren, what do you think of 2012?"

Ye Yongren shook his head and said, "I have no qualification to evaluate this great film. Dear journalists, the era of 3D film has come. You've been waiting here for such a long time. I think it's better to go to the cinema to see the film. When you're done, you'll find that there's a lot more to write about in the movie than we do. "

"How would you rate 2012?"

Ye Yongren didn't think about it and said, "very much."

"Director Wu Zixu, how do you evaluate 2012?"

"As long as the U.S. Department of health lifts the blockade on 3D films, there will be no problem with $20 billion," Wu said

"Oh, No. That's too much. "

"Director Wu has a very good relationship with emperor Yun. I think he should be promoting 2012."

"20 billion dollars, no international joke."

Hearing the reporters' whispers, Wu Zixu said: "the visual impact of 3D movies on fans is incomparable. The 200 yuan ticket price simply does not match its uniqueness. The 3D era has come. In the future, fans will experience the charm of movies. If I'm allowed to score, full marks. Without any reason, it's a full score. "

Both critics, stars and directors, when scoring 2012, were all very much, which surprised reporters.

They are very clear, even if the cloud emperor's identity, status, but also absolutely not able to let so many famous people for his endorsement.

In particular, those famous sharp and mean five-star film critics, who don't buy face.

Even the original "war on aliens", let alone other films.

It is surprising that after watching the film, these people even praised in unison, and surprisingly did not say any bad words about 2012.

This made the reporters understand how excellent the film of emperor Yun was, and it totally conquered them.

What kind of monster did the emperor cloud shoot?

All the reporters were eager to have a look at the cinema.

On the other hand, the first scene of biochemical crisis is over.

In sharp contrast to 2012, there are only seven or eight reporters outside, or the cinema bought it at their own expense. There are fewer fans. The total number of five cinemas is just over 100.

Seeing the fans coming out, a reporter came forward and asked, "this classmate, do you think the biochemical crisis is good-looking?"

The young fans nodded and said, "it's very wonderful. It's more beautiful than" war on aliens. ""If you were asked to rate it, how much would you give it?"

"I'll give nine. If there are less business elements and more humanistic factors, I can even give it 10%

"Do you think biochemical crisis can beat 2012?"

"Of course not. I came here because I saw too many people queuing up in 2012. Well, I need to buy tickets for 2012 as soon as possible. I won't talk to you. "

When the reporter heard what he said, he was stunned.

He was invited to the cinema with money. If you put this piece on it, it would not be cooked.

"When you go back, remember to cut off the last sentence." The reporter turned to the photographer and said.

After Xiao Yunhai saw off the leaders, he received a call from Yu Hai and asked him to talk about things in the conference room of the cinema.

Without thinking about it, Xiao Yunhai knew that he must be talking to him about the transformation of 3D screen.

Sure enough, when he entered the conference room, he found that the managers of several major theaters in Huaxia were already sitting there, including Zhang Yuan of Baihua, Ren Jiwen of Xingguang, Li Rongguang of Huafeng international, Yu Hai and Hu Yaoting of Xinhua cinema.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, everyone stood up one after another.

Zhang Yuan and Li Rongguang were embarrassed. After all, they had blocked Xiao Yunhai together before. But now he has to ask for something, his face is really a little embarrassed.

Xiao Yunhai smile, did not put the previous things in his heart, said: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, we don't know each other. No matter who is right or wrong, let them go with the wind

Nowadays, Baihua cinema and Huafeng international are no longer in Xiao Yunhai's eyes. If he really harbors a grudge, it is not difficult to defeat them with his energy at this time.

When Zhang Yuan and Li Rongguang heard Xiao Yunhai's words, they put down a big stone at the same time.

Li Rongguang said: "Mr. Xiao, you are a large number. Mr. Zhang and I are really grateful."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "let's not say anything that offends or does not offend. The most important thing is to look forward. I think several people come to me. It should be the problem of 3D screen transformation. "

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "Mr. Xiao, if you would let us see 2012 earlier, I'm afraid we would have agreed. Now it's too late to regret."

Hu Yaoting said with a smile, "that's right. At the beginning, Mr. Yu and I wanted to see the quality of 2012 first, and then decide whether to transform it. Unfortunately, they were too strict and didn't give you a chance. Mr. Xiao, you can bear it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I've given the opportunity before, but you haven't grasped it. I can't be blamed. With the quality of 2012, I dare say 3D movies will be popular all over the world. "

Ren Jiwen nodded and said, "we all know this, so we asked elder brother Yu to invite you here. Mr. Xiao, I heard that you are going to raise the cost of screen renovation to one million dollars and a pair of 3D glasses to $500 dollars. This is not true, is it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's true. I opened the door to 3D movies with a 2012 movie, and of course the price will go up. "

Ren Jiwen said, "Mr. Xiao, can you give me a discount. This price is too expensive. We can't afford it even if we want to. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't open this head. In addition to Yanhuang cinema and new Huaxia cinema because of the agreement can discount, no matter which cinema, I will never reduce a cent. "

"I can also tell some people that this price is reserved with me this month, but in December, it will be another price. At least I will increase by 20%. You'd better make a decision early. "

Xiao Yunhai's words made several people laugh bitterly.

After a few months, the $300000 renovation cost actually sold to $1 million. It is said that time is money, but this period of time is more expensive than gold.

Yu Hai sighed: "I'm sorry. Yunhai, Yao Ting, since you are all here, I propose to transform 6000 2D screens into 3D screens. What do you think? "

Hu Yaoting nodded and said, "I agree. There are 18000 screens in our Xinhua summer cinema. With these 6000 and 3000 rented by Yunhai, it is half of them. Yunhai, do you agree? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's OK for you to decide. I made a statement in advance that although I am also a shareholder of Xinhua Xia cinema line, we should settle accounts with our own brothers. Wu Hao is responsible for all the 3D cinema affairs, and I will not interfere. "

"Don't worry, it won't be hard for you to do," Hu Yaoting said

Zhang Yuan, Ren Jiwen, and Li Rongguang saw that Xiao Yunhai and his own cinemas were in the same attitude. They knew that it was impossible for the other party to reduce the price, so they opened their mouths one after another.

Baihua cinema is 2500 yuan, Xingguang cinema is 2300 yuan, Huafeng international is 3000 yuan.

In this way, the four cinemas in China alone have brought Xiao Yunhai $12 billion in gross income. Even if all the expenses are taken out, he can earn at least 8 billion.You should know that this is only a local theater in China. If you include the whole world, it is estimated that 80 billion yuan should be no problem.

Not to mention the matching 3D glasses and 3D camera for shooting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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