Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:03 AM

Chapter 110

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At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the weather was a little cold.

Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhao Wanqing was a little cold, so he took off his coat and put it on her.

Zhao Wanqing is very warm in her heart, but when she sees that Xiao Yunhai has only one shirt on, she wants to return his coat to him.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't worry, I'm ok. I have never worn cotton padded clothes and trousers in winter since my kung fu came into my house. This kind of cool weather is not a problem at all. "

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "is there really Kung Fu flying around in the world?"

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said: "no matter how human practice, it is impossible to violate the physical rules. However, with the help of tools, some people with high flying skills are able to move freely between high-rise buildings. My grandfather has an apprentice who has practiced flying skills for 20 years. He can climb from the first floor to the top of the 20th floor in five minutes

"So good? How well have you practiced Kung Fu? " Zhao Wanqing asked curiously.

"Our national arts are divided into the bright, the dark and the Huajin. I just got dark strength two months ago, and I'm just a master. "

"What about your grandfather?"

"Fifty years ago, he had already practiced Huajin and played an invincible hand in the world. Now he is at the peak of Huajin, just like Zhang Sanfeng and Dharma. In another month, he will be celebrating his ninetieth birthday. He usually eats half a cow every day. If in ancient times, he was the stream of land immortals. "

"It's so good. Are your parents so good?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at her strangely, half joking and half seriously saying: "what? Our beauty Zhao is checking her registered permanent residence. Do you want to see your future father-in-law and mother-in-law? "

Zhao Wanqing's beautiful face was immediately dyed with red glow and pretended to be a stranger: "if you want to say that, I will ignore you."

Xiao Yunhai looked at the beautiful woman's delicate state in front of her, and suddenly stopped in her heart.

Zhao Wanqing turned her head and looked at him.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly grabbed her shoulder and straightened her body. He solemnly said to Zhao Wanqing, "Wanqing, I think I like you. Are you my girlfriend

Xiao Yunhai's view of love is just like his Xingyiquan, which is domineering and direct.

In his previous life, although he was tall and handsome, he was a standard doll. In school, I studied wholeheartedly and turned a blind eye to the love letters from some girls. After graduation, I began to work hard, hoping to make a day by myself. Even if I had sex with several women later, it was just to solve the physiological needs, without any emotion at all.

In a strict sense, Xiao's love has never been a good one.

But Xiao Yunhai also has his own choice. Since he doesn't know anything, he will break the pot and go straight to dry goods. It's up to God if you can't.

Zhao Wanqing was stunned by Xiao Yunhai's sudden attack, and then a strong joy gushed out of her heart.

In fact, since the contact with Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing has always had a good impression on Xiao Yunhai. Not to mention Xiao Yunhai's brilliance, his conduct alone gives people a sense of trust.

However, although Zhao Wanqing is very happy in her heart, she won't agree with Xiao Yunhai so easily. The more easily she knows, the more he doesn't know how to cherish things.

Therefore, Zhao Wanqing gently broke Xiao Yunhai's arm and said with a smile: "if I become your girlfriend, what about your childhood sweetheart Xu Ruyun? I think you still care about her that day

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I don't have any relationship with her any more. Even if I grew up together as a child, I don't have any feelings. Her parents moved to our place 15 years ago. When I saw her, I fell in love with her. It felt like love at first sight. At that time, I swore that I would marry her as my wife in the future

"Later, we went from primary school to junior high school, and then to high school. I did everything possible to share the table with her. When I was in senior three, I heard that she was going to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. I was also preparing secretly. Finally, we were admitted at the same time. "

"My father was furious with me for this. I'm young, too. I've never been home for two years, and I haven't used a cent of my family. But what I never expected was that Xu Ruyun would become like this. She was simple and lovely, pure and pure, but now she is greedy and unscrupulous. I really don't know what she went through. It will make her become another person in just two years. The entertainment industry is so complicated. "

Zhao Wanqing listened to Xiao Yunhai's calm and calm voice. She also knew that he had really put it down and was very happy in her heart.

"I have heard Huang Bo say that you have done a lot for her. Do you regret it? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head: "I never regret doing things. On the contrary, I want to thank her. Without her, I would not know what it would be like to love someone; without her, I would not have been admitted to Beijing Film Academy. You know what? I used to study hard for her, but now I want to do it for myself. I really love acting. Look, I'm going to be the emperor, the brightest star in the sky"Wanqing, I'm not trying to tell you how bad Xu Ruyun is. I just want to tell you that if you are my girlfriend, I will love you with all my heart and mind to you. No matter what happens, I will be there to protect you. "

Zhao Wanqing listened to Xiao Yunhai's words, and her face showed a sweet smile.

She turned her eyes and said with a smile: "I can be your girlfriend. You can do it on one condition

"What else? What are the conditions? "

"Don't you write novels? It should be very literary. You write me a poem, if I feel good, even if you pass the customs. Remember, be original. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what's so hard about this. Let's make a bet. If I write a good love poem in five minutes, how about you promise me a condition? "

With that, he deliberately looked at Zhao Wanqing's whole body with a pair of confused eyes.

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red when he saw her. She said, "you are a rascal."

Then I thought about it again. Anyway, I still have to evaluate myself. At that time, no matter what Xiao Yunhai wrote, if I can't say well, won't we?

Thinking of this, Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "OK, I promise you. As long as you can write a love poem that satisfies me, I promise you a condition. "

She will make me satisfied with the pronunciation of the four words, which is to avoid Xiao Yunhai losing the game.

Xiao Yunhai naturally heard Zhao Wanqing's meaning, but pretended not to know, and said, "Wanqing, you are finished. It seems that you can't run tonight."

Xiao Yunhai stopped and looked up at the sky. His brain began to run at a high speed and recalled those famous love poems in his previous life.

Zhao Wanqing smiles at Xiao Yunhai's meditative appearance.

Some people say that men are the most attractive when they are serious. Xiao Yunhai is no exception.

His standing posture is very upright, just like the green pines on the cliff edge. His spine is straight, and he is not proud of himself. His manner is not sad or happy. The whole person exudes a strong scholarly atmosphere.

If you hold a brush in your hand and change into an ancient dress, where there is a bit of martial arts fierce spirit, the whole is a lively scholar.

Although Xiao Yunhai's appearance is not extremely handsome, but his unique temperament is very attractive.

Unknowingly, Zhao Wanqing actually is to see some crazy. Until Xiao Yunhai showed a satisfied smile, which quickly recovered.

Speaking of love poems, it is estimated that the most classic is the famous love song "that day" written by Tsang Yang Gyatso.

Zhao Wanqing didn't believe Xiao Yunhai could write a poem in two minutes. She asked suspiciously, "do you really want to come out?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I've come up with the name of that day."

Hearing the name of the poem, Zhao Wanqing chuckled and said to Xiao Yunhai, "that day, what's the name? It's so vulgar."

Zhao Wanqing's eyes are full of love, but her eyes are full of love.

Xiao Yunhai began to read with a deep and unique tone.

"That day, when I closed my eyes in the mist of the Sutra hall, I suddenly heard the truth in your recitation;

in that month, I shook all the sutras, not for transcendence, but for touching your fingertips;

that year, I prostrated on the mountain road, not to meet you, but to be close to your warmth;

in that life, I turned mountains and rivers, turned Buddhist pagodas, not for the sake of afterlife, but for the sake of meeting with you on the way When you met;

at that moment, I raised the wind horse, not for blessing, only to wait for your arrival;

at that moment, I became an immortal, not for longevity, but for your peaceful smile.

That night, I listened to a night of Sanskrit, not to understand, only to find a trace of your breath.

On that day, I built mani heap, not to cultivate morality, but to cast stones from the heart lake.

In that life, I turned over a hundred thousand mountains, not to repair the next life, only to meet you in the road

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's love poems, Zhao Wanqing has some silly eyes. Before that, I still thought that when he finished his poem, I must make a good criticism.

But now, Zhao Wanqing did not know where to start to find fault, and even for a moment, she was moved to cry. What kind of deep feeling is this.

Seeing Zhao Wanqing's red eyes, Xiao Yunhai asked softly, "Wanqing, do you think my writing is good?"

Zhao Wanqing is still immersed in the shock of Xiao Yunhai's love poems. Hearing his question, she can't help nodding.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Wanqing, you lost. You are my girlfriend now, and you still owe me a promise. "

Zhao Wanqing noticed something wrong when she nodded. She laughed when she heard Xiao Yunhai's words.

"Have you not heard a word. Never take what a woman says seriously. If you take it seriously, you lose. However, your poem is really good. Send me one tomorrow. Hehe "Zhao Wanqing finished and ran forward. Xiao Yunhai ran after him.

"Zhao Wanqing, stop for me."

After playing outside for a long time, they walked to the hotel hand in hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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