Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:06 AM

Chapter 1103

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Xiao Yunhai took a deep look at him and said, "there is no need for any negotiation on 3D. Because I will never reduce the price. Otherwise, I can't tell other cinemas that have signed an appointment. "

Mr. Xiaoying frowned. Korea is the place of war in Asia. With the help of three theater managers, your film can be absolutely unimpeded, and similar things will not happen again. "

Xiao Yunhai changed his face and said, "Mr. Jin means that if I don't agree, the same thing will happen again, right?"

"No one can guarantee that," said Kim Tai Ying

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "then I won't agree. I've been trying to find out the man behind the scenes. If he hides, I can't find him at all. But if he shows up again, then I will have a chance to catch him. And, Mr. king, the tone of your voice makes me suddenly feel that you have some kind of intimate relationship with the backstage gangster. It's not you, is it? "

Han Yilan rushed to round the court and said, "Mr. Xiao, do you really know how to joke? How can we Mr. king do such a thing

Xiao Yunhai said: "I also feel it. Although we had a bit of a bad time in China, it was not enough for Mr. Kim to do so. "

"If this is me who is behind the scenes?" she asked tentatively

All of them were shocked and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of murders. He said, "if it's really you, I'll let people throw you into the sea and feed the sharks."

Xiao Yunhai at this moment let everyone here know what is callous? What is overbearing side leak.

Kim Tae young, one of the South Korean leaders, dares to speak like this. It's very arrogant.

All of them couldn't help but be excited, and looked at Xiao Yunhai with awe in his eyes.

"Fortunately, it's not me, otherwise I will be miserable," she said

Xiao Yun sea expressionless said: "if it is you, then I will be very sorry. There is no room for discussion about the price of 3D cinema renovation, which is one million US dollars. I would like to remind you that this is only the price in November, and it will increase by at least 20% in December. I hope you can get in touch with DreamWorks as soon as possible. "

"Mr. king, is it time for the barbecue? I'm hungry now

A meal, people eat is tasteless, only Xiao Yunhai is there to eat, Korean beef is really more fresh and flexible than Chinese.

After Xiao Yunhai left, Jin Taiying's expression became extremely ugly and lifted the table directly.

Back to the car of the hotel, Xiao Yunhai said: "I have confirmed that it must be Jin Taiying who is behind the scenes."

Song Yunfeng frowned and said, "Kim Tae Ying's influence in Korea is not small. What should we do?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "since we have done it, we have to pay the price, otherwise he still thinks we are good at bullying. Song Ge, send a few people to cut off his two fingers. It's a small punishment and a great admonition. "

Song Yunfeng nodded and said, "I will do it myself."

At two o'clock in the morning, song Yunfeng sneaks out of the hotel by using the blind spot of monitoring and comes back at four o'clock.

"Bang bang bang"

an hour later, Xiao Yunhai, who was sleeping, was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Putting on his clothes and opening the door, Xiao Yunhai saw a group of policemen standing outside.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Xiao." Said the chief policeman in fluent Chinese.

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "since you know how to disturb me, why do you want to come?"

"Mr. Xiao, an hour ago, Mr. Kim Tai Ying was injured in his home and two fingers were cut off by a masked bandit."

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be surprised and said, "Jin Taiying? It can't be true. I also had a meal with him last night. Are you doubting me when you come here so early? "

The chief policeman said, "Mr. Xiao, we're just making routine inquiries. We don't have the slightest doubt about your meaning."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good. Come on in and ask if you have any questions? I want to sleep for a while

The chief policeman said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xiao, can you and your bodyguard go to the police station with us?"

Xiao Yunhai's face changed and said, "to the police station? Hehe, do you think I will agree? If it is known by outside reporters, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have a rest. Please go out now

A young policeman said, "Mr. Xiao, as one of the suspects, you must come back to the police station with us to assist in the investigation."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he immediately became angry and said: "so you take me as a suspect. It's very good. I will never go to the police station. If you have the ability, you can take me back. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice fell, six or seven bodyguards with only big underpants rushed out of the nearby rooms. Song Yunfeng, who had not been working for a long time, was among them."What are you going to do?"

Song Yunfeng and others stood in front of Xiao Yunhai's door and confronted the police.

"We just want to ask Mr. Xiao and you to go to the police station to assist in the investigation, there is no other meaning," said the chief police officer

Song Yunfeng said coldly, "why should we assist in the investigation? What else do you want to investigate? "

The young policeman said, "we suspect that you have something to do with Mr. Kim Tai Ying. Please come with us."

Song Yunfeng said, "Jin Taiying? Is that the guy who offered us Mr. Xiao a drink? What's his matter? Can't you be killed? Even if he's dead, it has nothing to do with us. Mr. Xiao has a special status, so he must not go to the police station. "

The two sides did not give in to each other and quarreled.

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. Song Ge, call the embassy and ask them to help. Hum, I lost hundreds of millions of dollars in 3D equipment of more than 400 studios in Korea. Three days later, you can't find out anything. Now I still have the face to show off in front of me. I have a thick skin. "

"I'll have a rest. I'll wait until the embassy arrives."

Finish saying, Xiao Yunhai closed the door of the room directly.

Xiao Yunhai has great trust in Song Yunfeng's ability to handle affairs. He will certainly not leave the police with any clues.

Just like Kim Tae Ying's practice, even the president of South Korea dare not move Xiao Yunhai without evidence.

Anyway, he couldn't sleep. Xiao Yunhai turned on his computer and browsed Huaxia's website.

Boy, it's almost all about 2012.

Yesterday, "2012" made another brilliant show, eight consecutive shows, almost full, the box office of China reached 487 million U.S. dollars. In addition, the scores on the online movie watching website not only did not decline, but also increased slightly. There were hundreds of thousands of fans who gave full marks alone.

Due to the time difference in other regions, the results have not yet come out, but it is estimated that the box office will not be low.

On the contrary, due to the strength of 2012 and the boycott of movie fans, biochemical crisis won only 18 million US dollars in China, which is even more miserable than the premiere night.

In addition to Japan and South Korea, it has also been strongly affected by 2012 in other parts of Asia, and the box office is very unsatisfactory.

However, Japan and South Korea did not have 2012, so biochemical crisis performed very well and won 194 million US dollars.

As a result, the success or failure of the two films in Asia has been locked in advance. Even without the Japanese and Korean markets, 2012 is still far better than biochemical crisis. In the future, with the completion of the transformation of 3D studios in Japan and South Korea, the box office of 2012 will definitely be better. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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