Published at 11th of May 2022 05:41:03 AM

Chapter 1105

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In the afternoon of the same day, the global box office statistics of 2012 on November 2 showed that 4500 screens brought Xiao Yunhai $638 million box office, causing an uproar in the entertainment industry

due to the small number of screens in Europe and the United States, tickets were hard to get, and there was a long queue at the ticket outlets. Biochemical crisis was beaten down, and the attendance rate was not as high as that of 2012 Half.

You should know that the ticket price of 2012 in Europe and the United States is $100, and the cinema will be shown 24 hours a day, which can not meet the needs of fans.

"Shit, there are too few 3D studios. My girlfriend and I went to the cinema and stood in line for more than an hour, but we didn't get tickets. "

"2012 is wonderful. I watched it back and forth three times, and I was still shocked by the pictures and the feeling of being there. I wanted to see it for the fourth time, but I only got the ticket after three days. "

"I don't know what those cinemas are for. They don't even have a 3D screen. It's terrible. Xiao is strongly urged to add 3D studios. "

The global box office of "biochemical crisis" reached $758 million on that day. Although it is still much better than 2012, its potential and stamina are obviously no longer available.

On November 3, the box office of "2012" still did not drop, with 641 million US dollars. Moreover, all the movie tickets for the next three days in all regions have been sold out, so the box office can last for at least three days.

Word of mouth is a continuous fermentation, full score fans stream in.

"2012" successfully caused a global audience frenzy, 3D movies swept the world, of course, except the United States.

However, the box office of "biochemical crisis" was 688 million, which was definitely good at other times and could not be better. Unfortunately, it was not a bit worse when it was put together with 2012.

On November 4, more than 300 3D studios in Japan and South Korea were renovated, which attracted countless fans to watch and show them 24 hours a day, almost full of venues.

The box office of 2012 reached US $675 million. With the opening of studios in Japan and South Korea, the performance of 2012 will continue to rise.

The box office of "biochemical crisis" was 782 million US dollars. The reason why it did not decline but increased was mainly because Chinese fans contributed a lot of box office to them. The film makers came to China in person to promote the biochemical crisis.

There are not a few fans of those superstars in China. In addition, they have organized a promotional activity. Although the boycott continues, many fans still can't help entering the cinema and watching the biochemical crisis.

Their behavior immediately caused a lot of netizens' crazy criticism.

"Yesterday, the box office of" biochemical crisis "reached 104 million US dollars. I can't believe my eyes. Can Chinese fans have some backbone?"

"Some people are so shameless. "2012" is so beautiful that it's not enough to look back and forth seven or eight times, and there are people kneeling and licking Paramount's stinky feet. Are you sick

"There will always be one Chinese dragon among us, that is, we are one Chinese dragon. "Biochemical crisis" boycott once again let the fans all over the world see our disunity, shame

"It's a shame that anyone who watches biochemical crisis is going to die for me."

Under the criticism of numerous netizens, the box office of "biochemical crisis" fell again on November 5, with only 37 million US dollars and 574 million global box office.

However, 2012 was 671 million, surpassing biochemical crisis for the first time, and still exceeding 100 million US dollars. You know, this is the result of the failure of the United States, Japan and South Korea to release them on a large scale.

In fact, biochemical crisis is excellent. Without 2012, it would probably surpass the war on aliens and become the world's first.

It's a pity that people die more than people, and goods get thrown away. It's not enough to see the first 3D movie in history, "biochemical crisis". In all areas covered by 2012, no matter at the box office or word-of-mouth, biochemical crisis is a complete failure.

If there were not too few 3D studios to show "2012" and let "biochemical crisis" take advantage of it, I am afraid it would not have achieved such a result now.

After spending three days in South Korea, Xiao Yunhai was relieved to leave when he saw that more than 200 3D studios in Seoul began to show "2012".

However, he did not return to China, but took a plane to surrender to the United States of America.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when he came out from Los Angeles International Airport. Xiao Yunhai did not even return to the company, so he met with general pictures CEO dorton Welch with Raul.

"2012" is popular all over the world, the most urgent is universal.

It is the only theater in the United States that has a 3D cinema. Once 2012 is released in the United States, it will not only bring them huge profits, but also the newly transformed general cinema will be able to start off in one shot.Unfortunately, everything was destroyed by the United States Department of health.

Therefore, it is not Xiao Yunhai who hates the Ministry of health most, but general film company.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai flew directly from South Korea was that he received a phone call from doton Welch saying that there was a way to get 2012 to be shown in the United States, which made him come to Los Angeles in a hurry.

In dawton Welch's office, after a few polite words, they went straight to the point.

"Mr. Welch, can you tell me what you're doing now?" Xiao Yunhai asked.

Doherton Welch took a bag out of a desk drawer and said, "in the Ministry of health, the most determined person against 2012 is their minister, Stephen Moyer. Inside the bag is a document about Stephen Moyer's corruption and bribery. I think you should be interested in it. "

"Great. With it, "2012" will be released soon. "

Raul beside a face of surprise looking at Xiao Yunhai, but found that it did not have the slightest sense of joy.

Xiao Yunhai didn't even look at the file bag on the desk. He just looked into the eyes of Doyen Welch and said, "I only have 1500 screens in America, but you general cinema has 3000 screens. I don't understand, Mr. Welch, why don't you sue him and give it to me, since you have it. What background does this Stephen Moyer have

When Raul heard this, he thought that GM gave it to himself. It was really very suspicious.

Dorton Welch shrugged and said, "no way. Behind this Stephen Moyer is an uncle who is a member of the United States Congress. He has great power and has a good relationship with my father. And we still have a lot of places to rely on him, so although we are in a hurry, it's not good to tear our faces with each other for a movie

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see. Is it not appropriate for me to offend a member of Parliament? "

"There's no relationship between you," laughs dawton Welch. "Even if you offend him, he has nothing to do. We are because of human relationship, but you are indifferent. Besides, having this thing doesn't mean it has to be made public. As long as the goal is achieved, can't it? "

Xiao Yunhai gave a thumbs up to doton Welch and said, "the general pictures company has been handed over to you, which makes me very optimistic about its future. Raul, you make a copy of this and go to the Ministry of health and give it to minister Moyer. Don't say anything. He'll understand

Raul nodded and said, "I understand."

"Mr. Shaw, is it time we discussed the premiere of 2012?" laughs dawton Welch

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. Let's put the premiere on tomorrow night, and I'll send a plane to pick up the creative team of 2012. As for the location, I'll put it in your general theater. "

With a smile on his face, dorton Welch said happily, "this is a wonderful arrangement."

For the current general cinema, the most urgent thing is to make a name and get the approval of the fans. 2012, which shocked the world, obviously fully meets its requirements. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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