Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:58 AM

Chapter 1109

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David Stern came back to the office, and a burst of anger sprang up on his indifferent face.

"Williams ash, Chanin Tatum, you two bastards."

For these two original investors, David Stern was absolutely disgusted with them, but he had nothing to do.

Because both of them are European consortia behind them. Although STEL network company seems to be very good, there is still a very obvious gap between the big consortium and dozens of companies.

Williams ash and Chanin Tatum are just the spokesmen for their launch. It is the European consortium that really wants to take over STEL network, and he also feels a danger. Hanks's affair seemed to be a prelude, and there might be more trouble waiting for him.

I only own 34% of the shares, which is too insecure.

Thinking of this, David Stern suddenly envied Xiao Yunhai. Whether it was magic, fantasy or marvel, Xiao Yunhai had more than 90% of the shares, and his assets were very healthy. Even if the loan is 500 billion yuan now, it is estimated that the bank will send it immediately.

Although countless people on Wall Street say that Xiao Yunhai is a fool and doesn't know how to maximize his money, David Stern thinks Xiao Yunhai is a really wise person. He would rather slow down his own development than let any company get involved. Finally, he formed such a situation that the company couldn't get rid of.

David Stern picked up the phone and called Hanks.

"Hanks, the board of directors has just made a decision to remove your position as CEO of paramount. In a week, Chanin Tatum will take over. You have to make a good transition with him."

Hanks, on the other end of the phone, turned pale and said, "Dad, November hasn't passed yet. I don't have to lose."

David Stern said angrily, "is it still interesting for you to hold on there? "2012" box office has exceeded more than 7 billion US dollars, and your "biochemical crisis" only more than 4 billion, there is no possibility of any reversal. Hanks, it is a fact that no one can change the popularity of 3D movies in the world. You'd better give up. "

"I'll tell you one more thing. I'll personally pay for the 20 billion, which I'll take out of your future inheritance."

"How can they do that?" Hanks said? Father, you can never agree to such a thing

David Stern was completely disappointed with his son and sighed, "Hanks, if you don't, do you think they'll let you go? Not to mention my enemies on the board of directors, even the shareholders who support me will have very big opinions. Forget it. When the handover is over, go back to New York and be a rich man. "

At Paramount headquarters, Hanks listened to the beep on the phone. His face was hard to see.

He knew that he was finished. He was dead. David Stern's words undoubtedly gave him the death penalty with a Seven Day reprieve.

Less than a year after taking office, he will be removed from office, which is a blow to the arrogant Hanks.

Hanks thought that he would have nothing to do and become a childe waiting to die. Hanks thought he might as well die.

Hanks's eyes were red, his eyes were ferocious, and he looked like he was crazy.

"No, I can't give up like this. I'm Paramount's CEO, and I still have a chance. As long as I can win back the 20 billion dollars, no one can let me go. "

Thinking of this, Hanks suddenly thought of a person, that is, Thomas who likes to bet black boxing.

Last month, Hanks watched a black boxing match, and Thomas didn't know where to invite a very powerful Japanese master. He defeated ten masters in the ring with one man's strength and won a full $600 million for Thomas.

Xiao Yunhai, also known as Kung Fu Xiao, should he use $20 billion to compete with this Japanese master. Once he wins, won't he Can you live again?

As soon as Hanks' eyes lit up, he took Thomas' number from his secretary and called him.

"Hello, who are you?"

Thomas's voice came from the phone.

Since he bought his freedom with paramount cinema shares, his uncle Angu gave him a good beating in a rage, and then he was swept out of the house.

fortunately, he still has some money in his hand, and his life is quite comfortable.

Before, he went to Japan for a tour. He met a kung fu master by chance. He even made a deep hole in the reinforced concrete floor with one punch. He was shocked.

Therefore, Thomas played his three inch eloquence, and brought the Japanese master Nakagawa Dazhi to Los Angeles.

In order to win over Nakagawa Dazhi, Thomas told him that as long as he could help him fight for a year, he could give him 50% of all his income at the end of the year.

Nakagawa's ambition didn't even think about it and agreed.Last month, Nakagawa Dazhi won three games in a row, and finally beat ten black boxers in one breath, winning $600 million.

It can be said that today's Thomas is proud of horseshoe disease.

"I'm hanks of paramount," Hanks said

Thomas was surprised and asked, "what's up with Mr. Hanks?"

Hanks didn't beat around the Bush and said bluntly, "I want your Japanese master, Daishi Nakagawa, to fight for me. If I win, I'll give you two billion dollars."

Thomas's eyes were bright and he said excitedly, "that's great. Who is the opponent? "

Hanks said, "Kung Fu Xiao."

Hearing the name, Thomas almost didn't suffocate and shivered.

What Thomas hates most is Xiao Yunhai, and he is also the most afraid of him.

I have come to this point because of him.

However, if he wants to find Xiao Yunhai's trouble, Thomas has no courage at all.

"Mr. Hanks, I'm afraid I can't accept your request. Mr. Xiao's Kung Fu is the best in the world. I'm afraid Nakagawa Dazhi is not his opponent. "

Hanks snorted and said, "Xiao's Kung Fu is all made by the media, but Nakagawa's Kung Fu is real. Last month, I saw with my own eyes that he broke the pillar of the arena with one foot in the game. Now you tell me that he is not an opponent. Hehe, are you rejecting me? Well, if you win, I'll give you three billion dollars. "

When Thomas heard three billion dollars, a glimmer of greed flashed in his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "OK, I agree."

Hanks said, "good. Thomas, you come to me with Nakagawa's ambition. We need to talk about how to make Xiao accept this contest. "

Hang up the phone, Hanks bit his teeth hard and said, "we must win this time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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