Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:01 AM

Chapter 111

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As soon as I was about to arrive at the hotel, six or seven drunken thugs came by. One by one, he drank a lot and said some dirty words.

Xiao Yunhai didn't want to cause trouble, so he took Zhao Wanqing to one side.

But some things are like this.

You don't want to cause trouble, but things will.

A gangster accidentally took a look at Zhao Wanqing, and his drunken and hazy eyes were awakened by Zhao Wanqing's unique style.

He stood there foolishly, his eyes squinting at Zhao Wanqing, and said to the thugs beside him: "brothers, look, it's really a fairy."

Others also looked at Zhao Wanqing, and they were all silly.

One of them, who was obsessed with color, came unsteadily to the two people, pointed to Zhao Wanqing and said to Xiao Yunhai, "brother, discuss... Something. Let your woman come out and accompany us to drink. You... Don't worry. We'll... Make sure she'll die. Ha ha

The other gangsters laughed out loud.

Zhao Wanqing from small to large, where has seen this battle, quickly hide behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai looked cold. He held the two fingers of the Hun and pulled them back slowly. He sneered: "I'd better let you sober up first."

The gangster was pained by Xiao Yunhai and sent out a scream. He woke up half of the time and cried out: "pain, pain, pain."

"Boy, let go of brother Lin, or you will suffer."

"Yes, we are from the tiger gang. Don't be a fool."

When the gangster named Lin heard everyone's shouting, he didn't see anyone coming to help him. He immediately scolded: "you bastards, come here to save me, and you'll know what's the use of shooting. Hurry up. Ouch. "

Hearing Lin Ge's words, the five or six gangsters looked at each other and rushed up together.

Xiao Yunhai snorted and kicked out the gangster surnamed Lin with one foot, and knocked down the other gangsters who rushed to the ground. Don't say they all drink, even if it is normal, they are not Xiao Yunhai's opponent at all.

Looking at these thugs on the ground, Xiao Yunhai angrily exclaimed, "get out of here."

People quickly get up, you support me, I support you, run back.

Before leaving, Lin Ge was still there shouting: "boy, I remember you, wait, we tiger gang will not let you go."

Xiao Yunhai pretended to go after him and scared him to run away.

Zhao Wanqing worried and said, "will nothing happen?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "don't worry, it's OK. It's getting late. Go back and have a rest. I'll shoot tomorrow. "

It was not difficult for Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing to play the next day. But there is only a kiss, let Xiao Yunhai heart some strange. It was only yesterday that he established a relationship with Zhao Wanqing, and today there is a kissing drama. The director will not be intentional.

Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing and gave her a proud smile. Zhao Wanqing glared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

After a series of essential processes have been completed, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are also ready to go to the position they should be in, ready to start shooting at any time.

"Three, two, one, go!"

Fourth master left hand behind his back, right hand holding the horse, face cold to Ruoxi go.

If Xi saw the fourth master, his face changed, and made a gesture to meet him, saying, "four masters are lucky."

The fourth master nodded and said, "no gift."

Ruoxi got up and said, "I'm on duty for a hundred days. I'm a little tired. I won't bother you at night. I'll leave. "

After that, she was ready to leave. When she came to the fourth master's side, Xiao Yunhai's fourth master suddenly grabbed Ruoxi's arm and hugged her. Then she bent down slightly and covered Zhao Wanqing's attractive red lips with thin lips.


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yunhai has come to Zhao Wanqing, and even can feel it. Zhao Wanqing's breath is a little bit rapid, and her heart suddenly ripples.

Originally, before shooting, the two men agreed that it was a loan, but Xiao Yunhai had such a good opportunity, naturally he would not let it go.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai can clearly feel that Zhao Wanqing has a sense of tension.

Although Zhao Wanqing has also participated in many film and television works, and even shot "kissing drama", they are all shot by using the dislocation of vision.

Now, seeing Xiao Yunhai make a gesture to kiss himself, how could Zhao Wanqing be indifferent?

Finally, Xiao Yunhai kisses Zhao Wanqing's red lips. Taking advantage of Zhao Wanqing's stupefied Kung Fu, Xiao Yunhai also sticks his tongue in.

When the crew around saw this situation, they were all dumbfounded.

This is true.

Liu An, the deputy director in charge of the play, was a little dizzy. Didn't he say that he could borrow a seat? When did he change.Zhao Wanqing was attacked by xiaoyunhai. At first, he was not sure. Then he realized that he was acting and hurriedly entered the state, struggling hard, and finally bit Xiao Yunhai's lips. They separated.

Chen Qingqing cried, "OK, perfect. Old Wang, quickly to Xiao Yunhai lips coated with a little plasma, remember that there can only be a little ha. "

After that, Chen Qingqing has been concerned about the two people, he did not expect to be a true kiss, and he did not know how Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing discussed.

If Xiao Yunhai did not have zhaowanqing agreed to come to kiss, that can be done. It is estimated that the two will be upset.

The protagonists and heroines are in trouble, and the play will not be able to be filmed naturally.

Other staff members were also nervous looking at them.

What surprised everyone was that Zhao Wanqing was not angry, but came to xiaoyunhai and said to him with a smile: "are you ok? Is that a bit painful. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "nothing, nothing."

Zhao said in a voice that only two people could hear: "you bastard, dare to take advantage of me. It depends on how I can clean you up. "

"Eh, what is this? The relationship between the two seems to be a little wrong. " The expected things did not happen, Chen Qingqing rest assured, can not help but doubt.

At this time, the deputy director Liu An received a phone call, hurriedly in Chen Qingqing ear whispered a few words.

Chen Qingqing nodded and said to the crew: "the filming is suspended for a while. The director of the film Wulin next door, Mr. Zhang Menglong, comes to the class with the leading creators, and everyone is ready to meet. Laohuang, Yunhai and Wanqing, you will come and meet them with me. "

In this world, it is very common for the crew to visit. When two groups are playing in one place, they will contact each other and exchange feelings.

Zhang Menglong is an old friend of chenqingqing, who once worked as a photographer of chenqingqing. They have a relationship of teachers and apprentices. Even Zhang Menglong's first TV series was also helped by Chen Qingqing to introduce.

Later, Zhang Menglong became a big director of the film, but he never forgot Chen Qingqing's kindness of carrying him. He lived in various occasions with Chen Qingqing's students.

This time, Zhang Menglong will come to support the teacher. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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