Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:56 AM

Chapter 1110

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At 5:00 p.m. that day, Xiao Yunhai was in the office holding a meeting with the person in charge of each company.

Suddenly, a staff member did not even knock on the door, then rushed in.

Raul saw that it was one of his men and said, "tell me, are you polite? Don't you know you're going to knock? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and asked with a smile, "are you in a hurry?"

Tyrs nodded and handed an envelope to Xiao Yunhai, saying, "boss, I just received a challenge letter downstairs, saying that a Japanese master wants to challenge you."

Xiao Yunhai puffed and laughed directly.

"In the 21st century, there are still such things. Is this filming?"

Daniel said with a smile: "I guess there are action movies. In order to promote, I sent you a challenge book. If you don't go there, they can use it to do a good job of publicity. "

Raul shook his head and said, "it shouldn't be possible. No one has the guts. "

Daniel said, "Raul, I was just joking. You won't take it seriously."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd laughed again.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and shakes his head. He tears open the envelope and looks at it. His face suddenly becomes dignified.

Half a minute later, Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "this is not a joke, but a challenge book given to me by Hanks. He's going to bet me $20 billion on a boxing match with paramount TV, which has just been built. Hehe, it seems that he wants to win back the 20 billion. "

Christie laughed, "Hanks is putting all his eggs in one basket. Now that he's lost 20 billion dollars, even if David Stern is strong, he can't be saved. So Hanks has to take the risk and use the TV station we've always wanted to lure you into gambling with him. Once you win, it's all right. "

Raul frowned and said, "if you lose, it will be even worse."

Christie said, "if you lose, it's just the way it is now. As David Stern's son, is there anyone else who dares to hurt him? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's a pity that he missed one thing, that is, I won't agree at all. Although I am a martial arts practitioner, I am not a fool. Such a contest is, to put it bluntly, gambling. Winning or losing would be a big blow to my reputation. Besides, with 2012, we are not short of money. "

"It's just a pity," Kristi said

The heart of stern networks is very big. After acquiring more than a dozen TV stations, it has integrated them into a huge TV network covering the whole North America with a market value of US $25 billion.

If you have it, it would be like adding wings to manwei.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Hanks saw the importance of TV station to us, so he used it as bait. However, I believe that this is only his wishful thinking, and Stell networks will never allow it. Come on, don't worry about it. Step by step according to the plan, we are sure to become a big company that surpasses stell in the future. I can guarantee that you will all be billionaires in a short time. "

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai invited Kristi, Raul and others to the manor villa for dinner. As soon as he sent them back, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Hanks.

"Xiao, are you afraid? I heard that you should be fearless when practicing martial arts. " As soon as Hanks came up, he gave Xiao Yunhai a lot of encouragement.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Hanks, you are obviously in a dilemma. I've made 20 billion dollars. Why do I have to fight for nothing. TV station, I'll build it myself. I don't really see your paramount TV station. Of course, if you play in person, I will certainly agree

Hanks sneered: "it's said that Chinese Kung Fu is the best in the world, so it seems. Xiao, I'm wrong about you. You're a cowardly rat. You're a disgrace to Chinese martial arts practitioners. "

Xiao Yunhai did not get angry but laughed and said, "Hanks, the more you scold, the more difficult your situation will be. If I'm right, stell networks should have removed you. You want to win back in this way before you leave. With Mr. Stern's help, there will be no reason to dismiss you. Unfortunately, you can't help but see me Xiao Yunhai too cheap. I'm not going to accompany you in this play. Well, if I'm not wrong, you made up the Japanese thing. It's revenge to be able to pull you out of the CEO position of Paramount Pictures. "

Hanks snorted, "yes, I did. There is an idiom in China called fame tired. Xiao, what you represent now is Kung Fu. What do you think the Kungfu fans will think of you if I let people spread the challenge all over the world and you become a shrinking turtle? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you can have a try. I believe that after you publish it, in less than half a day, stell networks will find you. I'm sorry, Mr. Hanks, but I'm afraid your wishful thinking really doesn't work. I'll leave America early tomorrow morning. See you laterWith that, Xiao Yunhai ignored Hanks and hung up.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai flew back to China.

The next few days, "2012" is still a hot mess, all the films are oppressed by it to gasp.

Generally speaking, the duration of a movie's explosion can reach up to 10 days, but "2012" is obviously not included.

The blockbusters, which were originally scheduled for release in mid November, had to be postponed.

November became the world of 2012.

By November 11, 2012 had grossed more than $10 billion at the box office, with attendance still above 90%.

As for the biochemical crisis, it has long been lost in unknown places.

When 2012 was in full swing, a challenge book became popular on the Internet.

The challenger, Nakagawa Dazhi, who is known as Japan's first actual combat master, is Xiao Yunhai.

Don't think about it. It must be Hanks who forced Xiao Yunhai to do something good.

In order to cause a greater sensation, Nakagawa Dazhi accepted an interview with NNC television station, and he tried his best to belittle Huaxia Kung Fu. He said that what country is strong does not mean that the people are strong. The signboard of sick man of East Asia can obviously be hung on Chinese people, unless someone can answer his challenge.

The host received Hanks's order for a long time and added fuel to the flames there. He said, "Mr. Nakagawa, do you know who is the first Chinese kung fu master?"

Nakagawa Dazhi said: "of course I know. I sent him a challenge letter in the United States a few days ago, but it's a pity that he started to shrink his head and let me down

The host asked, "Mr. Xiao is the richest man in the world now. Maybe he thinks his identity is different, so he refused?"

Nakagawa Dazhi shook his head and said, "no, he is afraid of losing. Because the name of his first master is all put on by the media, and no one has seen his real skills

"Don't you count playing cards with glass?"

"Glass is dead, man is alive. Chinese Kung Fu pays attention to routine and is not good at actual combat, which is very obvious in Mr. Xiao. If he wants to fight for Chinese Kung Fu, please accept my challenge. Otherwise, I will give him a sign of the sick man of East Asia every day

At the end of the interview, Nakagawa showcased his kung fu, with his toes up and his heels pounding. The floor around him was cracked.

Many Chinese netizens have seen this video and are very dissatisfied with Nakagawa Dazhi, who is a sick man in East Asia on the left and an sick man in East Asia on the right.

"Damn it, Nakagawa's ambition is so arrogant that he dares to call us the sick man of East Asia."

"Yes. Their country is under the control of our army, and they have the face to say we are

"Didn't you hear me upstairs? People are talking about people, not countries. "

"But don't say, the Japanese are so explosive. More than 20 pieces of floor were cracked. How many kungfu masters can we find? Can emperor Yun beat him? "

"What? It's funny that any dog or cat wants to challenge the richest man in the world. "

"If it was me, I would not accept it either. I spend hundreds of millions of minutes. I can't compete with him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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