Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:55 AM

Chapter 1111

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After seeing the interview video of Nakagawa Dazhi at home, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this Hanks, it's really a dog jumping over a wall. In order to let me promise him to gamble, I even used this tactic. "

Zhao Wanqing held a plate of cherry tomatoes, put one in his mouth, and said, "don't you say it's only three days before he leaves paramount? If you don't face up to the challenge, will the play directed by him fail in three days

While eating fruit, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. However, it seems that I can't accept it

Zhao Wanqing was surprised, put down the plate and said, "husband, I don't want you to compete with him. This man looks terrible. If you lose your hand, you'll be in trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry. I won't do it until I have to. This boy is so arrogant in China. It is estimated that many Chinese experts will go to him for trouble. Wouldn't it be better for them to settle the problem? However, there should be little hope. "

Zhao Wanqing was stunned and asked, "husband, how powerful is Zhongchuan's ambition?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "his kung fu has obviously reached the point of transforming strength. One feather can't be added, and the flies and insects can't fall. The realm should be similar to Lao Gao. But when it comes to fighting, Lao Gao is definitely no match. Because he is only 289 years old this year. He is in his prime. His physical strength, endurance and explosive power are far better than his old man. And it seems that he does not lack fighting experience, so it is difficult to find a master who can win him from Huaxia. Of course, if compared with me, he can take me three punches at most

Zhao Wanqing showed a look of disbelief and asked, "is it true?"

Xiao Yunhai patted his chest and confidently said, "of course it is. Your husband's reputation as the number one in the world is not a boast. In my realm, even if Dharma is reborn and Zhang Sanfeng is still alive, whoever wins or loses will have to fight before he knows, let alone Nakagawa's ambition. If I had not worried about the bad influence, I would have beaten his ass

Zhao Wanqing said, "you are always confident. By the way, when are you going to the cast of journey to the west? It was November 14, the day after tomorrow

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then the afternoon after tomorrow will be fine."

The next day, another video appeared on the Internet, setting off a huge storm in China.

Xiao Yunhai is right to guess. Nakagawa Dazhi's arrogance and despotic attitude towards Chinese Kungfu has aroused the dissatisfaction of many kung fu masters.

The chief experts of the three Yanjing martial arts schools found him, but they were not good at learning. They were all broken by Zhongchuan Dazhi.

This is still his mercy. If he really tried his best, they would be killed alive.

Although the contest between the four on the video was not long, that is, one and a half minutes, it caused a great sensation.

Three dark strength masters and one strength dissipating expert can cause strong sonic boom in the air, and the lethality is even more amazing.

The defeated martial arts master can kick a hundred jin granite table.

Can such a person unexpectedly was Zhongchuan ambition to easily beat, this in the eyes of netizens some fierce excessive.

"Damn it. The ambition of Nakagawa is too strong."

"No wonder emperor Yun doesn't fight with him. Such a person is estimated to be a great master in martial arts novels."

"It's a big shame for China. I know all the three martial arts masters. They are very famous in Yanjing. In the words of martial arts novels, they are called the cattle of Yanjing martial arts. Even if they lose, I'm afraid no one in Yanjing will be his opponent. "

"I hope the emperor will not go on. The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall. Although he is known as the first master of Kung Fu, it was blown out during the promotion of films. Obviously, the ambition of Nakagawa is made, and the difference between them is not a little bit. "

"At the end of the video, Nakagawa didn't make gestures to the emperor. It was very irritating."

"Huaxia quickly come out a master, beat him down, then everything will be easily solved."

Less than two hours later, another video was posted on the Internet. It was still a picture of two Chinese martial masters being beaten by Zhongchuan Dazhi.

In a courtyard in Yanjing, Hanks said to Nakagawa Dazhi, "Mr. Nakagawa, the goal of our coming to China is to force Mr. Xiao to do something. If you show your Kung Fu like this, will he not dare to come

Nakagawa Dazhi is a strong man of 28-9 years old. He is not tall, but he is full of energy and has solid muscles. Obviously, he has practiced Kung Fu like iron cloth shirt and has a strong ability to fight.

His English was very good, and he said: "Mr. Hanks, my strength has been controlled below 50%. If this frightens the emperor, I am sure he will not accept my challenge. On the contrary, if he accepted my challenge, it means that he is sure to beat me, and then I can kill him with the strongest strength, unprepared, and directly defeat him. This is very beneficial to our challenge. "

Hanks was surprised and said, "Mr. Nakagawa, you really only used half your strength?"Nakagawa nodded and said, "yes. Even in the black boxing match, I didn't use all my strength against the ten black boxers, because they were not qualified to be my opponents

Hanks slapped his thigh, laughed and said, "great. There is no doubt that Xiao will accept the challenge as long as we lose. OK, I'll let people work harder to arouse the patriotic feelings of Chinese netizens. In this way, even if Xiao is reluctant, he must agree. In Chinese, public opinion is irreversible. "

Under the control of Hanks' network Navy, fans have formed two groups. Some call for Xiao Yunhai to fight and kill the Japanese master, while others hope Xiao Yunhai will avoid fighting to avoid injury.

"Cloud emperor, come on, you are the first expert in China, it depends on you."

"What kind of fight. If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, the emperor should not care. He should write more songs and make a movie

"The Japanese are bullying us. How can we bear it? If I had the Kungfu of emperor Yun, no matter whether I could win or not, I would have been on it. "

"The other party obviously wants emperor Yun to be the stepping stone for his fame. He goes up to fight him. No matter whether he wins or loses, the other party is the winner. We're not fooled by that. "

"Yes, is it true that a cat and a dog are going to fight with people? I'm kidding. Is this what the richest man in the world should do? "

Fans, you come and I go, there is no stop fighting.

NNC TV station also joined in the excitement and said on its homepage: "if Mr. Xiao accepts the challenge of Zhongchuan ambition, our TV station will give them live broadcast of their martial arts competition, and give him an appearance fee of US $100 million."

Of course, Hanks paid for it.

In the villa, when Xiao Yunhai's family ate, they also talked about this matter.

Chen Xiuzhu asked, "Yunhai, is that Zhongchuan ambition very powerful? I see several martial arts masters can't beat him. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "it's very powerful. It's true on the Internet. If you put it in a martial arts novel, Nakagawa Dazhi can barely be called a master level master. "

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "no wonder you don't go to war. Are you afraid of losing? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dad, you look up to him too much. Even if he practices for another ten years, he will not be my opponent at all

Xiao Changfeng said: "let's get rid of him."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "wait a minute. The reason why I have some concerns is that the fans can't accept it. After all, I am a big star running to compete with others. Whether I win or lose, it will not have a good impact on me. If the fans urge me to go, it's another matter. "

"Besides, Hanks is desperate to achieve his goal with 20 billion dollars. How can I let him succeed. Anyway, I am sure to win or lose. If he wants this opportunity, I will let him bleed , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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