Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:54 AM

Chapter 1112

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Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. It's my grandfather Chen Jiahong.

Xiao Yunhai shook his mobile phone and said with a bitter smile, "well, my grandfather knows about this. He must have wanted me to fight

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yunhai picked up the phone, Chen Jiahong was angry with him.

"Emperor Yun, the richer you are, the more afraid you are of death. Little Japan bullies you, you can't help it. Do you need to be afraid of him with your Kung Fu? I teach you Chinese martial arts, but I don't want to be a turtle with a shrinking head. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "grandfather, don't get angry. With this, I can knock him down in minutes. Isn't it because of different identities? If he wants to fight with me, at least he has to have the talent to make me play. "

Chen Jiahong asked, "caitou? What color? Are you in the eye of money

Xiao Yunhai said Hanks's story again and said, "I'm not fishing for big fish with a long line? He wants people to fight with me. 20 billion dollars is too little. How can he get more than 60 billion dollars. He's running out of time and I think he'll call me soon. At that time, I will not knock him a lot

Chen Jiahong said with a smile, "you bastard. Chinese martial arts pay attention to brave and vigorous progress. It is better to take them from the straight than to seek them in the music. But you're a good boy. You have so many ghosts. You are exquisite. You can practice Kung Fu to the highest level in the world. It's a strange thing. Well, I'm waiting for your good news

After a while, his grandfather Xiao Leshan also called Xiao Yunhai. Like Chen Jiahong, Xiao Yunhai had to explain it to him again.

Two old men are from the corpse mountain bone sea to climb out, in the eye that allows a Japanese to stab in front of him.

Put down the mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at it. Two old men have spoken. Let me teach Nakagawa Dazhi a good lesson. It seems that I can't do without it. "

Zhao Wanqing some worried said: "then you must be careful."

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, I won't kill him by mistake. After all, this is the era of legal system."

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and was speechless.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai read the news on the Internet. Good guy, it's all about discussing Zhongchuan's ambition to challenge himself.

It may be during the day, everyone goes to work, so the heat is not completely fried.

Now that we are all home in the evening, we will all know.

Most of them hope that Xiao Yunhai can meet the challenge and give a good lesson to that Zhongchuan ambition. Only a few fans think that Xiao Yunhai, a billionaire, is too cheap in the arena.

Look at their home page, the posts have reached tens of millions.

Xiao Yunhai wants this effect. When fans reach the peak, they will not expect any sequelae.

However, he can't worry. He has to wait for Hanks to call so that he can take the initiative.

Hanks didn't let him down. At nine o'clock that evening, he called Xiao Yunhai.

Mr. xiaoyunks said politely, "it's no good way to answer the phone. I don't understand. In such a big battle, how can stell network company not stop you? Are they not afraid to lose paramount TV? "

Hanks was a little proud and said, "Mr. Xiao, this is a challenge Mr. Nakagawa has launched for you. It does not include our bet. Naturally, STEL network company does not know about this matter. What's more, I don't think I'm going to lose. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly: "I saw the contest between Nakagawa Dazhi and those martial masters. Mr. Hanks, I can tell you clearly that with his strength and speed, I'm afraid he is not my opponent."

In order to hit Xiao Yunhai by surprise, Zhongchuan Dazhi deliberately suppressed his own strength in the competition. Xiao Yunhai's eyes were naturally very clear.

The reason why he said that was to make Hanks feel that he had been cheated and give Hanks more confidence.

In this way, when Xiao Yunhai proposes to increase the weight, Hanks will naturally feel much relieved.

Hanks said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, it's only in a flash that we can win or lose. It would be a bit of a joke to say who has the power and speed to win. You are a master of Kung Fu. You should understand this truth. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "your plan has been successful. Now not only the fans all over China hope that I can fight to save face for China. Even my grandfather and grandfather reprimanded me for being too cowardly. Oh, good. You won. "

Hanks pressed down his joy and said, "so you agreed."

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can there be such a good thing? Do you think I'm so stupid to ask me, the richest man in the world, to do such a dangerous thing

Hanks was stunned and said, "do you want to raise it?"

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "of course. Although Nakagawa's ambition is strong, it is obviously worse than me. Since you are in such a hurry to give me something, of course, I am more than good. ""How much do you want?"

"I can squeeze 70% of my 3D special effects patents. What do you think is the value of it?"

Hanks took a cold breath and said, "is Mr. Shaw confident enough?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "I'm at least 80% more likely to win. Do you think I don't have confidence? 70% of the patents for 3D special effects technology are worth at least $70 billion. Mr. Hanks, although you are still CEO of paramount, do you have so much pressure? "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's confident words, Hanks can't help but doubt. Is Xiao Yunhai really sure of winning Zhongchuan's ambition?

When Xiao Yunhai heard Hanks not talking for a long time, he sneered and said, "Hanks, if you don't have such great courage, that's fine. I'm going to shoot for journey to the west the day after tomorrow. I don't have time to play with you. Goodbye

Xiao Yunhai finished and hung up the phone.

At the other end, Hanks put down his cell phone and sat on the sofa, silent for a long time.

Next to Nakagawa Dazhi asked, "Mr. Hanks, has Mr. Xiao agreed to this contest?"

Hanks nodded and said, "yes, but I didn't dare to take it."


"Because I'm not sure you can win. Mr. Nakagawa, Mr. Xiao's heart is much bigger than ours. He didn't think 20 billion dollars was enough for him to take such a big risk with you, so he added another 70 billion dollars. That's nine billion dollars. That's a big bet. " Said Hanks.

When Nakagawa Dazhi heard that the bet was worth $90 billion, his eyes flashed and he said, "Mr. Hanks, please promise him. I'm 100% sure I can beat Mr. Xiao."

Hanks frowned and said, "Mr. Shaw is very confident. He said that your speed and strength still have some gap with him, it is not his opponent at all

Nakagawa Dazhi said with a smile, "that's because he was fooled by me. Well, Mr. Hanks, I'll show you my true strength

Nakagawa Dazhi took a shot from outside and gave it to Hanks. He said, "please check it. Is this a shot put?

Hanks took the shot, looked at it, nodded, and asked, "Mr. Nakagawa, what do you mean?"

"I just want you to know that my next performance is not magic."

When Nakagawa finished, he took the shot again and came to the middle of the room. His eyes were shining and his bones crackled. The blood in his blood vessels surged like the Yangtze River and rushed to his two palms. Hanks was surprised to find that they seemed to be getting bigger and thicker, and their veins were protruding. They were not like human hands. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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