Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:53 AM

Chapter 1113

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All of a sudden, Nakagawa Dazhi burst into a drink. Hanks's ears were buzzing and he sat down on the sofa. Then something unforgettable happened to him.

After a big drink, Nakagawa's right hand suddenly lifted and shot the shot from his left hand.


the palm of your hand collides with the shot put and makes a dull sound.

Then Nakagawa Dazhi "puff, puff and puff" six times in a row. When Hanks went to see the shot put again, he saw that it had become a lead cake.

Hanks could not believe his eyes and murmured, "how can it be? Is this still human? "

Nakagawa gave the lead cake to Hanks and said, "this is my real strength. Now, after all, it is a society ruled by law. When I compete with those martial arts masters, I need to try my best to beat them down, for fear that I will miss them and kill them. As for the contest with Mr. Xiao, I feel embarrassed not to win, but how to win without killing him. Do you understand, Mr. Hanks

Hanks nodded and said, "Mr. Nakagawa, no, master Nakagawa, you are so good. I'll call Xiao and agree to his terms. Hehe, don't say 90 billion, even if it is 900 billion, I dare to bet. "

Nakagawa Dazhi said: "slow. Mr. Hanks, how much are you going to give me now that the stake has risen to $90 billion? "

Hanks said with a smile, "how about five billion dollars?"

Nakagawa shook his head and said, "no, I want 10 billion."

Hanks narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "is Mr. Nakagawa too much?"

"I won 80 billion dollars for you, and I only got a ninth of it myself, Mr. Hanks. It doesn't seem too much."

"All right. I promise you. When it's done, I'll give you 10 billion. "

"I need an agreement."

"No problem."

After the two discussed the issue of sharing the stolen goods, Hanks called Xiao Yunhai again.

"Xiao, I agreed. As a legal person of paramount company, I have the right to dispose of all the properties under paramount. It's OK to pay $90 billion. "

Xiao Yunhai was a little surprised and asked, "Mr. Hanks, you seem to change a little fast? Do you think you have a chance to win

Hanks laughed and said, "how dare I make such a big bet with you if I'm not sure. You are the richest man in the world. 90 billion can be ignored, but I can't. To be honest, I was just scared by 90 billion. You are not afraid, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said: "I will be afraid of that Zhongchuan ambition? I'm kidding. Well, I'm interested in your paramount playground. It's worth $80 billion now. I'll take it. "

"No. In this way, I'm equivalent to 100 billion yuan, while you only have 90 billion yuan. It's not fair. "

"Don't worry. Big deal. I'll give you 10 billion in cash? But I don't think you can get it

"Let's see. I have limited time. The contest must be held at the latest the day after tomorrow, and the relevant agreements and documents should be ready tomorrow. "

"The dream is here, and the $30 billion check is no problem. The key is to see whether you, the CEO of paramount, who is about to leave office, still has this power. Mr. Hanks, I would like to thank you in advance for the 100 billion dollars you have given me. "

"Each other."

After talking with hankstone, Xiao Yunhai dials Kristi's mobile phone.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I need you to take your lawyer to Yanjing, China. I made a bet with Hanks on Paramount's TV station and dozens of amusement parks built today

On hearing this, Christie exclaimed, "Mr. Shaw, do you really want to compete with others? God, are you crazy? Don't forget, you are the richest man in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I am also a warrior, and I am the best one in the world. Ms. Christie, I've been given $100 billion, and I can't help but take it. Raul's side, please inform him and make him ready to receive the TV station and the playground. "

"You are so confident," said Christie. OK, I'll go to Raul right away, and then I'll take people directly to Yanjing. "

Because the two sides didn't sign all kinds of agreements before the contest, they didn't spread out the contest. Therefore, the unknown fans of Huaxia still make a lot of noise on the Internet.

The next afternoon, Xiao Yunhai drove to Yanjing International Airport and personally picked up Kristi and his party of 15 people to dream special effects company.

"Mr. Xiao, I think you're making a fool of yourself. If you lose, not only will you be injured, but you will lose too much. " As soon as Kristi sat down, she spoke up to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "in the end, you don't believe I can win. It doesn't matter. The fact will tell you that no one in this world is my opponent. Ms. Kristi, Hanks and I have made an agreement to sign various agreements this evening and have a fight in a boxing ring at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Your task is to review those agreements and related information to ensure that there are no mistakes, so that they won't acknowledge the loss. "Christie nodded and said, "I understand. On the plane, I saw Paramount's men coming. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. I was afraid that stell networks would detect and stop Hanks' madness, and my plans would be in vain. "

Christie sighed, "I hope you win."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I will win. This is an agreement drawn up by Hanks, which is actually a legal bet. I saw that there was no problem, so I signed it. In the evening, Wu Hao will take my signed 3D technology transfer agreement and US $30 billion check to negotiate with you. Dozens of bodyguards will protect you all the way. The middleman is Huaxia commercial bank. Everything will be locked in their safe before the competition. I'm not going to be there tonight, so I don't have to worry about looking at Hanks

Christie said, "OK, I see."

Back at the villa, Xiao Yunhai, as usual, after dinner with his family, lay down on the sofa to amuse the two children. There was no tension before the war.

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, are you so sure?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and said with a smile, "I've seen things that I'm not sure about. What I'm thinking now is whether Hanks can have a good drink after the contest. He was awesome. If you know that marvel is short of TV stations, send them to me. Knowing that Marvel was going to build a children's paradise, he gave me Paramount's playgrounds all over the country. Such a good man, he is the only one in the world. "

Zhao Wanqing gave a light bah, stretched out her jade finger, nodded Xiao Yunhai's forehead, and said with a smile: "you, speaking can make people angry. Honey, once Hanks signs the deal, what will happen to stell networks. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's too late to oppose fiercely. Maybe David Stern will be there in person for tomorrow's contest, though it won't help

At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Kristi, and all the things have been settled. You can go to Huaxia commercial bank to handle the reception procedures as long as you can draw the winner or loser tomorrow.

At the same time, Hanks received a call from his father, David Stern.

"Hanks, you son of a bitch, what have you done? Do you want Paramount's life? "

David Stern yelled at him thousands of miles away.

David Stern thought that Hanks was going to China to relieve his frustration of losing paramount CEO, so he didn't care about him.

What he didn't expect was that he took the courage of ambitious leopard and took Paramount's TV station and playground to gamble with Xiao Yunhai. This is not for fun.

Once lost, Paramount's foundation will be gone, and the entertainment empire that STEL network wants to build will also be annihilated. On the contrary, Marvel Comics Co., Ltd. of Xiao Yunhai can rise with the tide and become a giant among Hollywood giants. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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