Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:49 AM

Chapter 1116

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As the crowd was about to leave, David Stern and his bodyguards blocked Xiao Yunhai's way.

"Xiao, it won't be over." Said David Stern, with red eyes and a sad face.

Hanks's holding a gun in China is a felony in itself. Now he killed two people in public, and he is bound to be sentenced to death.

No matter how powerful David Stern is, he can't be saved. You know, this is a live broadcast in front of hundreds of millions of Chinese audiences.

Xiao Yun sea expressionless said: "this thing really will not end. Your son shot at me in full view of the public. Your bodyguard was so close that he didn't respond. Mr. Steele, I now suspect that you and he have conspired to do this. It's a pity that Chanin Tatum is so pathetic that he didn't expect the muzzle of the gun to face him

David Stern shot a cold light and said, "if it wasn't for you, how could he have gambled so much?"

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "your logic is so funny. When I was in America, Hanks sent me a challenge to win back the 20 billion dollars. I didn't promise at all. I flew back to Huaxia. Then he chased me to Huaxia, and started netizens all over China to force me to accept the martial arts contest. Now that he lost the contest, he couldn't stand the blow. He shot at me, and you turned upside down. Well, Mr. stern, do you think that's right? "

The opposition between the two big men immediately attracted everyone's attention.

David Stern looked at Xiao Yunhai coldly for a long time, and finally said fiercely, "Xiao, let's see."

Xiao Yunhai said scornfully: "you'd better solve the inner problems of stell first."

Paramount entertainment empire has three core components, one is television, one is cinema, and the other is playground.

Now three to two, all for Xiao Yunhai to do the wedding dress, the shareholders of STEL network company can stand it is strange.

Looking at the back of David Steele's leaving, Liang Hui said: "cloud sea, you should be careful in the future. The STEL network company is not easy to provoke."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry about teacher Liang. I'm not easy to make trouble with."

Out of the ring, Xiao Yunhai was quickly surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Xiao, what's going on inside? Why did someone die there? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm sorry, you'd better ask the police for relevant questions. I'm very tired now and need to go home and rest. By the way, please help me to say that from today on, I will not accept any challenge from anyone else. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left by car.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai left, the reporters put their targets on the stars who came out of the boxing hall.

At this time, the network has become a pot of porridge.

"My God, is that foreigner crazy? How dare you carry a gun in China. "

"That guy is crazy. Fortunately, he didn't hurt the emperor."

"Yunhuang is too good. From the TV, he obviously felt the danger, which was able to avoid easily

"If you don't see or hear, you should avoid danger. Does the realm of online novels really exist in reality

"Although the contest between emperor Yun and Nakagawa Dazhi was only a few seconds, the contents of it went deep. Not to mention anything else, their powerful explosive power is not comparable to ordinary people. It's amazing. "

"Yes. The distance of ten meters is as fast as an inch. Unfortunately, Nakagawa's death is unjustified. "

"No wonder people say that it's the world of guns. Even if a kung fu master is hit, it's still over."

When Zhao Wanqing came back to his home, he cried bitterly.

Zhao Wanqing almost fainted when she saw Hanks shooting Xiao Yunhai on TV.

Xiao Yunhai patted Zhao Wanqing on the back and said with a smile, "didn't I tell you? The so-called pistol can't help me at all. "

Zhao Wanqing tearfully said: "but I am still afraid."

Xiao Yunhai comforted him: "OK, OK, it's all right. Dad, mom, you're all here. "

Xiao Yunhai hugs Zhao Wanqing and comes to the living room. Seeing both parents sitting on the sofa, Xiao Yunhai says hello.

Chen Xiuzhu said: "the scene on TV almost scared me to death. I just called your grandfather and gave him a good talk. Let you do such a dangerous thing, he is not worried, I am still worried

Zhao Mingsheng said with a lingering fear: "this time is really too unexpected. No one thought that a great paramount CEO would do such a thing in the live broadcast. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "he is dead, and David Stern will also be implicated by him. Perhaps, because of this matter, the president of stell network company will be replaced. "

Xiao Changfeng asked, "what is the origin of Zhongchuan's ambition? I think he's very good. "

The cold light in Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed away and said: "I've already been checked. Hum, it's time to settle old accounts with some people."Soon, Thomas had a serious traffic accident on his way home and died on the spot.

After the contest with Nakagawa Dazhi, Xiao Yunhai won Paramount's TV station and amusement parks all over the United States.

At this time, everyone knew that the contest would involve hundreds of billions of dollars. No wonder Hanks would go crazy.

On the second day of the contest, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Wu Liang, director of journey to the west, asking when he would join the team.

Xiao Yunhai said: "director Wu, I really don't mean it. I should have gone yesterday afternoon, but there are some things that need to be dealt with, so it's a waste of time. "

Although Wu Liang is only a first-line director in the circle, he has been in the industry for 20 years. He has been shortlisted for the golden cup award for best director three times, but he has not won it once.

Compared with Xiao Yunhai, there is no comparability in identity or status.

Maybe even he didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would be such a good talker. Instead of looking down on himself, he even apologized. This surprised Wu Liang, and his impression of Xiao Yunhai suddenly rose to the highest point.

"Mr. Xiao, you didn't delay the filming. The reason why I'm calling you is to make sure when you will arrive, and I can arrange a meeting. I don't mean to urge you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "arrive before 6 o'clock this afternoon, and we can start shooting tomorrow."

Wu Liang said happily, "that's great. I'll send a car to pick you up this afternoon."

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. I'll see you then. "

After calling, Wu Liang said to the busy deputy director, "Mr. Xiao will arrive before six o'clock. Let's go and pick up at four o'clock."

The deputy director nodded and agreed.

Zhao WuFan, who plays the monkey king next to him, said, "director Wu, is Mr. Xiao good to talk? Don't have an ancestor. "

Zhao WuFan is a drama actor. His main performance is monkey opera. Later, when he couldn't get along with it, he went to the entertainment industry and made a lot of films and TV dramas. Unfortunately, they were all popular.

It can be said that the role of Monkey King is tailor-made for him. Wu Liang dares to take over the play, in large part, because he plays the role of Monkey King.

If you come to another person, Wu Liang will not dare to take it.

"Lao Zhao, don't worry about it. Mr. Xiao is famous for his good temper, humor and fun in the circle. The most important thing is that he has no airs. As long as you don't touch his bottom line, anything. I called him just now, and they apologized to me for the delay in filming. "

Zhao WuFan said with a smile: "who doesn't know that he came late because of the competition with others. I watched the video on the Internet. Good guy, it's really scary. It is said that there are still shooting cases. Unfortunately, this section is pinched. Otherwise, I really want to see how kungfu masters avoid bullets. It's amazing. When I get to know him well, I must ask him to teach me some tricks. "

Wu Liang said, "come on. He can't teach you Kung Fu for three or five days at most. All right, let's keep shooting. We'll have a few more shows. We'll finish work ahead of time in the afternoon. Other people can't pick them up. Mr. Xiao, I have to go. "

Zhao WuFan said, "count me in. I'll go with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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