Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:48 AM

Chapter 1117

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At 5:30 p.m., Xiao Yunhai came out of Lianyungang airport with a pair of big sunglasses and assistant Sima Qian.

Since he has his own private plane, no matter where Xiao Yunhai goes, reporters have been unable to know in advance, which makes it very convenient for him to go out.

Zhao WuFan, who was waiting there, saw him, touched Wu Liang beside him, pointed to Xiao Yunhai and said, "director Wu, do you think that's Mr. Xiao?"

Wu Liang looked at the past, carefully identified it, nodded and said, "yes, it's him."

They immediately met up.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Wu Liang, director of journey to the West. This is Mr. Zhao WuFan, the actor of Monkey King."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with them and said, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhao, let's get on the bus and talk again. How can I find that so many people seem to be looking at us. "

Wu Liang also found the problem and said, "OK. Mr. Xiao, how many people have you come? I've brought two cars. I don't know if it's enough? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "there is no one else except me and brother Qian. Ha ha, I just play for a few days. Why do I bring so many people here? Do you eat or drink

Wu Liang and Zhao WuFan could not help laughing, and said in their hearts: "no wonder he has such a good wind review in the circle. As expected, he has no superstar's airs."

After getting on the car, Xiao Yunhai took off his glasses and said with a long sigh of relief: "from small to large, I am not afraid of heaven and earth. But now, I found that what I fear most is the reporter, which is so speechless. "

Zhao WuFan said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, you are a big star. You can make headlines for several days with your words. Of course, journalists are flocking to it. It's not like us. Even if we give people money, they don't necessarily look up to us. "

What Zhao WuFan said is the truth.

Because there are too many first-line and above stars in this world, it is really very difficult for those second and third tier stars to make headlines.

It is said that some magazines even offer a price. Without the important news of big stars, the second and third tier stars can spend money on the page. The front page headlines should be at least 2 million or even 10 million.

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't worry, Miss Zhao. After our journey to the west is broadcast, you will feel a headache for reporters. "

The implication, of course, is that journey to the west can be a big fire.

Zhao WuFan said with a smile, "I'll borrow your good words."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai is so approachable and humorous, Wu Liang and Zhao WuFan are relieved at the same time.

The three people chatted very opportunistic, and soon became good friends.

On that night, Wu Liang made a living in the East and called together the creators of journey to the west, and accompanied Xiao Yunhai to have a meal.

During the dinner, everyone spoke freely and the atmosphere was very warm.

The next morning, the shooting officially started. Xiao Yunhai showed everyone a strong martial arts and aloof Erlang God with his acting skills, which made the cast members admire him very much.

when there was no part in the play, many actors came to ask him some questions about his acting skills. Xiao Yunhai was also a comer. He answered carefully and soon became a member of the crew.

A week's play ended in less than five days.

Just as he said goodbye to everyone and was ready to go back to Yanjing, the crew suddenly made a noise.

"Look, a lot of reporters are coming. Oh, it turns out that it's sunny. "

"Well, isn't it supposed to be the day after tomorrow? Why did you come so early? "

"Nonsense, of course, I came to see the emperor."

After a while, Zhao Wanqing, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a tight red coat, came over with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai rushed to meet up, said: "wife, you do not explain the genius to come over?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "the plane has come to pick you up. Can't you let them fly around? That's too troublesome. I'd better come here in advance. Is this director Wu? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. This is director Wu Liangwu. This is Mr. Zhao WuFan, your enemy. This is monk Tang ... "

after seeing Zhao Wanqing say hello to the crowd, Xiao Yunhai said:" everyone, my leader is here, I'm going to shoot here for ten days and a half months. If you have anything, please help me a lot. "

"No problem."

"What else? Of course. "

"If Miss Zhao has anything to do, just say it."

The crowd echoed.

That night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing invited the whole drama group to have a meal, and then Xiao Yunhai flew back to Yanjing. It was November 20.

"2012" and "biochemical crisis" have been on for 20 days, and there is no doubt about the outcome.

The global box office of 2012 reached a horrifying $16.25 billion, exceeding Xiao Yunhai's first target of 15 billion. Many fans are looking at whether it can reach 20 billion.In the present situation, there should be no problem. Because its average attendance rate is still as high as 75%. Although it is far less difficult to get a ticket at the beginning, it is still very powerful compared with other films. At the same time, the scores on the Internet are all above 9.5.

However, under the pressure of 2012, biochemical crisis only won 5.2 billion US dollars, which is half of the 10 billion US dollars predicted by Weaver.

Hanks, a gun murderer, was sentenced to death by the court two days ago without the fourth suspense.

After the execution, David Stern returned to the United States with his body.

In this way, the bridge between Xiao Yunhai and Stell is completely completed.

However, Xiao Yunhai is not worried about this, because David Stern's troubles are very many, especially the stern network company, which may cause a great shock due to Hanks' behavior.

Once stern was removed from the position of chairman of the board of directors by those shareholders, there would be no threat to Xiao Yunhai.

With the popularity of 2012, dreamy special effects company has made a lot of money. Cinemas from all over the world have gathered in Yanjing, asking them to help them transform 3D cinemas.

A rough estimate shows that the company has made $86 billion just by signing the contract, which is the net profit after paying the business tax and taking all the costs into account.

The market value of dream company soared and soared again, reaching a terrible $330 billion.

Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world, is more secure.

After managing Hanks' funeral, David Stern held a shareholders' meeting in the company's conference room.

As David Stern expected, Williams ash was the first to take the lead.

"President stern, Hanks shot and killed Mr. Tatum. Should you give us an account?"

David Stern said, "Hanks is dead. What else does Mr. ash want? Do you want my life to pay for it? "

Williams ash snorted and said, "you can see it. Your bodyguard is right next to Hanks. Why didn't they stop him when he was ready to shoot Tatum with his gun? "

David Stern frowned and said, "who would have thought Hanks would suddenly point his gun at him, not even Tatum, let alone the others. Ash, do you think I conspired with Hanks to kill Tatum? Well, if it were for you, would you do it with your son's life? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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