Published at 11th of May 2022 05:40:46 AM

Chapter 1118

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Although it was known to all that Hanks was the illegitimate son of David Stern, it was the first time that he admitted in public.

Williams ash said: "even if it's not done by you, you have an unshirkable responsibility. We spent a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to build the TV station and playground. Hanks lost it to Kung Fu Xiao, which led to the destruction of paramount entertainment Dynasty. Mr. stern, what do you think you should do with such a great loss? "

"I don't think it's the president who should be blamed for this," said Eric clepke, David Stern's stalwart brother. No one thought about Hanks. It should have been an accident. "

"Accident?" Williams ash sneered: "I don't think it was an accident. Hanks's appointment as CEO of paramount was directly appointed by Mr. stern beyond the board of directors. If it had not been for him, with Hanks' talent, he would have nothing to do with him. After the failure of MGM's acquisition, my proposal to replace Hanks and elect another person at the board meeting was rejected by Mr. stern. Now that things have come to this point, it can be said that most of the responsibility lies in Mr. Stern's connivance with Hanks, which makes us suffer a lot. If I were to pay for Hanks' mistakes, I would never agree

"Yes. I've had problems with my business recently. I can't afford to lose so much. "

"I won't agree."

"One hundred billion dollars is allocated to me, that is six billion dollars. Let me lose 6 billion for no reason. I won't do it even if I am killed. "

Several shareholders are clamoring.

David Stern, with a grim face, lifted his spectacles on the bridge of his nose and said, "I didn't want you to pay for this hundred billion dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you a new member of the board of directors, Mr. Benton. "

As soon as David Stern's voice fell, a thin, middle-aged man in his forties opened the door of the conference room and came in from outside.

"Hello, I'm mark Benton and I'm very happy to work with you in the future."

David Stern, with a smile on his face, said, "Mr. Benton is the president of mark real estate, the most famous company in Europe and America. I have sold him 7% of the shares in stell networks. I think it's up to him to rebuild paramount amusement park. Of course, the money will be paid by me. It will never be worse than before. As for the TV station, I will deal with it. Mr. ash, do you have any questions? "

Williams ash's heart sank, but his face brightened. "I didn't expect Mr. Benton to be our colleague. With his joining, it is undoubtedly a good thing that can't be better for us

Others also welcomed.

Mark Benton is the most famous real estate tycoon in Europe and the United States. He is worth at least 400 billion US dollars and is in the top 20 of the world's rich list, so no one wants to offend him.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much

David Stern clapped his hands and said, "I have a proposal. In order to make our stell network company develop faster and better, I want to carry out the fourth round of financing. Do you have any comments? "

Williams ash frowned and said, "is Mr. Benton financing?"

Mark Benton laughs, "I can only give 200 billion dollars at the most."

"I agree to finance, but I need to be prepared," says Williams ash

He is bent on taking over stell networks, and this financing is a good opportunity.

Other shareholders have different attitudes, but no one is against it.

David Stern said with a smile: "well, the financing is settled. Let's set a maximum amount of RMB 200 billion per person. There is a premise that we can't continue to increase shareholders."

As soon as Williams ash heard this, he immediately objected: "how to raise funds without increasing shareholders? Are we on our own? All of a sudden, Mr. stern, you're trying to monopolize STEL networks. "

David Stern said: "we already have 14 shareholders. If we add more shareholders, it will be too much and too complicated for the development of our company. So, let's vote on a show of hands. Please raise your hand if you agree with me. "


six of the 14 shareholders raised their hands, including David Stern and mark Benton, eight of them, holding 68% of the shares, far ahead of Williams ash and others.

Williams ash was so gloomy that he was about to drip.

He was determined to replace David Steele. He originally intended to deal with the Hanks incident and directly attack David Stern. He did not want to be preempted by him. He asked Mark Benton. Moreover, he also wanted to further consolidate his position and increase the voice of the board of directors through financing. This is absolutely bad for Williams ash One thing that can be worse.

However, he has been unable to stop it now. The gap in the balance of power is still very large, and it is estimated that it will be even larger after financing.A light of victory flashed in David Stern's eyes and said, "since everyone agrees, it's settled. The next question is about the selection of CEO of Paramount Pictures. You can speak freely, choose a few talented and capable people, and then choose the most suitable one. Who has a good proposal now? "

Ten minutes later, Paramount Pictures CEO chose Ricky Franklin, David Stern's man.

In the end, it is the old people who have been in business for decades. With all their actions, they not only solved the problem easily, but also regained control of paramount. The means are really powerful.

David Stern left with mark Benton.

Williams ash sat there quietly, with a cold look, and said in a cold voice, "Paramount Pictures is over. With David Stern as his big enemy, Shaw would never give us a chance. It will prove that you are totally wrong to help him

With that, Williams ash got up and went out.

David Stern's financing, though sudden, gave him a chance.

Although he did not have money, the most important thing the European consortium behind him was money.

David Stern's office

David Stern poured a glass of red wine for mark Benton himself, picked it up, touched it and said, "thank you."

Mark Benton took a sip and said, "I'm Hanks' uncle. I should help you. Oh, what a pity, my nephew

As soon as David stell heard this, his eyes twinkled and he said coldly, "it's all Kung Fu Xiao's good deeds. I will never let him go."

Mark Benton shook his head and said, "we don't have a chance. What Paramount Pictures needs most is fantastic special effects technology, especially the transformation of 3D cinema. If Xiao doesn't nod his head, paramount cinema will be in great trouble. David, we're stuck in the neck

"You are right. I want to talk to Ricky about Paramount's development. Mark, the inside of stell networks is very unstable, as you just saw. I am worried that Williams ash will take advantage of the opportunity of financing to increase his voice on the board of directors? "

"Don't worry about it. Williams ash had no way to raise money. His other businesses are very bad, the only one he can get is STEL networks. No one in the European consortium is willing to lend him money without increasing shareholders, because Williams ash has nothing in his hand to pledge. "

"Yes. In this way, the two of us can get another 20% of the shares, so that I can completely control the board of directors. Thank you again, mark

After the competition in the board of directors, David Stern not only did not lose power as expected, but took advantage of this opportunity to change the world. Xiao Yunhai had to sigh that this man was really powerful. Of course, he won't have the slightest fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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