Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:00 AM

Chapter 112

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After a while, a thin middle-aged man in his forties appeared with two men and a woman.

The middle-aged man saw Chen Qingqing standing there waiting for him. He hastened his pace and came to Chen Qingqing. He held his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, it's been a long time since I saw him."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your boy is also filming here. When did you come here?"

Zhang Menglong said: "I just arrived yesterday. By the way, let me introduce it to you. This is Luo Tianxiong, the action director of our production team. I believe you have heard of famous kung fu masters in the industry. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "I have heard of master Luo's Kung Fu for a long time. It's said that the Luo family is the most professional action group in the circle. All of them have unique skills and extraordinary skills. Unfortunately, my old man is not an action film maker. Otherwise, I really want to cooperate with you. "

Luo Tianxiong is a fat man about 40 years old. He is very tall and has the style of chivalry. When he heard Chen Qingqing's words, he said with a smile: "director Chen has a good reputation. Our Luojia classes are basically brothers. It's thanks to our master that we can have today. If director Chen wants to make kung fu movies in the future, please come to us. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "OK. The other two, Monroe, you don't have to introduce them. Chen Jie, the action star and the blue heart after the movie, are all acquaintances. "

Chen Jie said with a smile: "director Zhang, director Chen and I are both surnamed Chen. We are a family. Compared with you, we are much closer."

Blue heart said with a smile: "my first play at that time was director Chen's" a safe journey ". At that time, I couldn't do anything, thanks to Director Chen's tireless teaching me."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "blue girl, I can tell from your words that you still remember that I was too strict with you at that time."

Blue heart a listen, even voice Jiao smile way: "where have, you can't wrong me."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "you are in your thirties, and you are still so naughty. Let me introduce the chief creators of our production team. Lao Huang, stop talking. You must know each other. This is Xiao Yunhai, the hero of our drama group, and the beautiful woman next to her is our heroine Zhao Wanqing. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing nodded to everyone together.

Zhao Wanqing is really beautiful

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "sister LAN is really beautiful."

Luo Tianxiong frowned and looked at Xiao Yunhai all the time. He always felt that the young man in front of him had seen him before, but he couldn't remember. Xiao Yunhai looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Chen Jie asked in a strange way: "Mr. Luo, why have you been staring at Mr. Xiao."

"Mr. Xiao?" Luo Tianxiong suddenly thought of something and asked in a quick voice, "your surname is Xiao. Do you know Xiao Rufeng?"

Luo Tianxiong's anxious voice surprised everyone and didn't understand what happened.

Xiao Yunhai could no longer restrain himself. He laughed and pointed to Luo Tianxiong and said, "Xiao Yunhai is Xiao Rufeng, Xiao Rufeng is Xiao Yunhai. I changed my name when I was 10 years old. Ha ha, elder martial brother Luo, we haven't seen each other for 13 years. How are you doing? "

When Luo Tianxiong heard Xiao Yunhai's words, he stayed there, his eyes full of tears. He grabbed Xiao Yunhai's arm and said excitedly, "you are like the wind, you are really like the wind. Yes, thirteen years. You should be so old. Master, is he in good health? I'm really unfilial. I haven't dared to see him for more than ten years. " With that, the tears could not stop pouring down.

It turns out that Luo Tianxiong was an orphan. At the age of 18, he joined the underworld at that time. He was cut down on the street by his enemies. He was rescued by Xiao Yunhai's grandfather Chen Jiahong.

After the wound healed, Chen Jiahong accepted him as an apprentice and passed on his kung fu. Under Chen Jiahong's teaching by example, Luo Tianxiong's temperament has changed a lot. He is not so extreme and hostile to society.

Twelve years later, Luo Tianxiong practiced Kung Fu to the point of dark strength. After watching a martial arts movie, he wanted to be an action star.

Chen Jiahong is a very traditional person. He has always thought that "actors are merciless and bitches are unjust". When he heard that he was going to be a dramatist, he was greatly opposed.

Finally, Luo Tianxiong banged his head to Chen Jiahong and left Xingyi Taiji gate.

Xiao Yunhai was only seven years old at that time. After practicing martial arts, Luo Tianxiong often took him out to play and bought him delicious food. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai liked this fat man very much.

Other people see Luo Tianxiong's appearance, all silly eyes, do not know what is going on.

Zhang Menglong cooperated with him many times, and he admired Luo Tianxiong very much. In Zhang Menglong's heart, Luo Tianxiong is definitely an iron man with no tears. In the crew, no matter how much he was hurt and how bad his sin was, he was never seen crying out for pain.

Zhang Menglong has always thought that Luo Tianxiong has no tears, but he just saw a young man and he cried like this. Is this still the headmaster of Luojia class.

Brother Xiao yunxiong said: "I'm sorry to see the tears of Luo's father. Grandfather can eat half a cow a day. How is his health? In a few days, it will be his ninetieth birthday. Would you like to go back to see him? "On hearing this, Luo Tianxiong asked, "can I go to see him? He won't be angry. All the things that I sent to you were sent back by my master. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "elder martial brother, you are really intelligent and confused for a time. If your grandfather didn't forgive you, do you think there would be so many Taiji brothers in your Luo family to help you? In fact, what you don't know is the movies you directed, which my grandfather had seen secretly. Every time you write the word "Taiji menluo family class" at the back of the movie, my grandfather is still very happy. Besides, didn't I come out to act? He didn't even recognize me as a grandson.

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Luo Tianxiong suddenly realized that he slapped himself in the face and said, "I'm a damn pig brain. Rufeng, no, Yunhai. I will take luojiaban to make amends for Shifu's birthday. Then you'll have to help me out. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "don't worry. In fact, we are connected by the same fate. I didn't go back for two years because I fell out with my dad. I don't think I'm any better. "

Luo Tianxiong asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his hand and said, "elder martial brother Luo, let's not talk now. Everyone is waiting for us."

Luo Tianxiong patted his forehead, and then thought that he was on a visit. Thinking of his tearful appearance in front of him, he immediately felt embarrassed. He said with a smile: "I'm sorry. I'm a little excited and I don't control my emotions."

Zhang Menglong joked: "Lao Luo, we've known each other for so many years. It's the first time I've seen you piss."

Luo Tianxiong said awkwardly, "it's just that you can't love yourself. Eh, by the way, director Zhang, isn't our crew short of a sword master? My younger martial brother is just right. With his kung fu, it doesn't take him half a day to get that fight down. "

After listening to Luo Tianxiong's words, Zhang Menglong clapped his hands and said, "yes. Chen Qingqing waved her hand and said with a smile, "as long as Yunhai agrees, it's OK. I didn't expect Mr. Luo to go out of the same door with Yunhai. It's fate. Well, let's go and have a look at the crew. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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