Published at 11th of May 2022 05:39:02 AM

Chapter 1120

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Kristi's report took ten minutes to give Xiao Yunhai a general understanding of his financial situation.

Even he was surprised to have so many industries in just a few years.

"What do I need to do now?" Xiao Yunhai said

Christie laughed: "it's mainly the choice of the director of paramount TV. This position is really important. Raul from dozens of resumes, to find the most suitable, you need to personally interview. There are 14 cities overlapping our Marvel children's paradise. I don't know how to deal with it? After all, we can't open two playgrounds in one place at the same time. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'm going to make a movie recently. Let Raul bring the three of them to Yanjing. I'll meet them here. As for the fourteen paramount playgrounds, let's run them for a while, and we'll talk about it later. "

Christie nodded and said, "OK."

As soon as they had finished their conversation, Xiao Yunhai received a call from the front desk, saying that Mr. Paramount's new CEO, Ricky Franklin, wanted to see him.

Xiao Yunhai smile slightly, way: "good, you let him come up."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said to Kristi: "David Stern can't stand it, let Franklin, the new CEO of paramount, find it."

Christie said: "this Ricky Franklin is much more powerful than Hanks. He is very famous on Wall Street. I have met him several times, and my impression can be described in four words. He is smart and wise. Mr. Xiao, if nothing happens, I'll go first. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded.

Soon after Kristi left, Xiao Yunhai met Mr. Franklin.

He is not very old. He is at most thirty-two-three years old. He is one meter eight in height. His hair is meticulously combed. His appearance is much more handsome than Xiao Yunhai. What impresses people most is that his eyes are very flexible and vivid, which makes people feel that he is a energetic and unconventional person.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said, "Hello, Mr. Franklin. Nice to meet you."

Franklin seemed to be very curious about Xiao Yunhai, the richest man in the world who was much younger than himself. After looking him up and down, he said, "Mr. Xiao, it's just a little rude. I mainly want to see how a 25-year-old richest man in the world is different from ordinary people? "

Xiao Yunhai smile, made a gesture to please sit down, said: "are a pair of eyes, two ears, can there be more than one?"

Franklin said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw is so humorous. You give me a very strange feeling, between the brows of heroic, clear eyes, seems to be able to see through the heart

Xiao Yunhai laughed: "that's the character in the novel. To get to the point, Mr. Franklin, I don't know what you're doing here? As you should know, my relationship with Mr. David Stern and paramount is at its worst. "

Franklin nodded and said, "of course I know. Mr. Xiao, I'd like to discuss two things with you this time. One is about paramount playground. As far as I know, there are 14 amusement parks in the same place as your children's playground, and I hope to be able to buy them back. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "it seems that you still intend to build an amusement park. Hehe, do you think I can sell it? "



"Because you are a wise businessman. Paramount playground is a chicken rib in your hand. It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it. If you can sell it to us, you will lose a big trouble, and we don't have to spend any more time building a new playground. Isn't it the best of both worlds

Xiao Yunhai looked at Franklin deeply and said in his heart, "no wonder Kristi would say that he is smart and wise. If he had changed ordinary people, he might have been moved by him."

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Franklin, I'm afraid I've let you down this time. The grudges between me and paramount are not something that can go away. Hanks died because of me, and David Stern will never let me go. Similarly, because my 3D movie almost failed to be shown in America, I would not have any cooperation with him. I will keep the paramount playgrounds in these 14 cities. When your new amusement park is set up, I will fight against you. "

"You said I was a wise businessman, and you were totally wrong. My position as a director, an actor and an artist is the credit of my subordinates. Moreover, I also have a problem of being impulsive. I have not never done anything that I have done to lose a thousand and injure the enemy eight hundred times. For me, I feel comfortable only when my enemies are uncomfortable. Even if it makes me have nothing, I don't care. Do you understand? "

Franklin frowned and said, "Mr. Shaw, why not. There is a saying in China that it is better to settle an enemy than to settle it. If paramount and manwei fight again, it will only hurt both sides, and it will do no good to anyone. "

"Wrong." Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you don't seem to recognize the situation. I have the three cores of paramount, the TV station and the playground. You have only one cinema line left. 3D is the most popular movie in the world for at least a few years. As long as you don't have a 3D screen, I'm sure you can't go on. What's more, paramount uses our fantastic special effects technology. In a year's time, as long as I don't renew my contract with you, how can paramount make movies. Now that Paramount's life and death are in my hands, do you think it's going to hurt both sides? "Franklin gave a wry smile and said, "yes. You're right. We are in a dead end now. Unless you can open a door for us, Paramount will only be blocked. Mr. stern asked me to be CEO of paramount, and I was actually very reluctant because it had so many problems. Mr. Xiao, to tell you the truth, my second thing is to discuss the issue of 3D screen transformation. It seems that you will not agree. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I can promise, but the price is the same as what I said before. It must be increased ten times. Sign if you agree. If you don't, you can go back and wait for death. Mr. Franklin, I don't mean anything to you. I'm just targeting paramount and Steele. I'm sorry to let you come here in vain

Ricky Franklin sighed and said, "I didn't expect the two companies to be so hostile. Come on, I'll report to Mr. stern and see what he means? Mr. Xiao, I hope you can think about it again. Goodbye. "


After Ricky Franklin left, Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "this man's joy and anger are not in form of color, some are unfathomable." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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