Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:59 AM

Chapter 1122

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Two days later, Xiao Yunhai met Raul and three candidates for director in DreamWorks. They were 36 year old French Stuart Townsend, 38 year old Italian Robert donheim and 42 year old German Kenneth Brana.

After the interview, Xiao Yunhai found that Townsend was smart, capable and flexible, and could give a lot of methods to deal with the problems raised.

Blanna is serious and dull. He always talks and does things in a strict way, and he considers problems comprehensively.

The last donheim is full of aggression. When he speaks, his eyes are bright and he doesn't like to be led by Xiao Yunhai by the nose. Every time he answers a question, he thinks it is the best answer in his heart, which is very decisive.

After seeing the three people's personalities and styles, Xiao Yunhai resolutely chose the most pioneering spirit of donheim.

Because his TV station has just started broadcasting, everything starts from scratch, and he needs an enterprising and vigorous director.

Townsend is really very smart, has a lot of methods, but is not good at making decisions.

Blanna is too conservative, more conservative and less aggressive.

Only donnheim is fully in line with Xiao Yunhai's head.

It would be perfect if Townsend could be the deputy director of marvel, but he obviously didn't like to do it for others.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai entertained three people in a five-star hotel, and announced his decision in the afternoon.

After learning that he has become the head of the Taiwan TV station, donheim seems very calm and does not have any joy. It seems that everything is under his control. Xiao Yunhai has a high look at the calm he shows.

Raul and donheim spent the whole afternoon in Xiao Yunhai's office, discussing how to do a good job in TV station.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Raul, have you started shooting the superhero TV series adapted by the screenwriter team?"

Raul nodded and said, "the scripts were completed a month ago. There are six scripts in total, including" lightning man "," green arrow "," Superman "and so on. The directors and actors have already found out. Two of the plays have been shooting for half a month, and the others have been launched in a week. In addition, through the online solicitation of the three animation department all completed, the quality is very good, can be broadcast on TV. In addition, we have recently received a lot of scripts, from which we have selected six of the best and are looking for directors. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then speed up. As long as it's appropriate, you don't need to ask me for my opinion, just start shooting. We are so rich now that we don't have to worry too much about the cost of filming. I have only one word. We must ensure the quality of TV plays. We marvel either don't do it, we must do our best. After shooting, I will check, unqualified directly into the garbage can, so as not to lose our manwei face

Raul said, "I understand. Marvel is the guarantee that you will become a high-quality film and TV series. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, we just want to establish a brand. That's Marvel's product. It must be a fine product. Donheim, the same is true for TV stations. We don't want any shoddy programs. We only broadcast high-quality programs. "

Donheim nodded, a trace of approval flashed in his eyes and said, "boss, I finally know why you can make so many good movies and TV series. Don't worry, I will guard the TV station. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "very good. Director donheim, the work of TV station is very complicated. I give you absolute power. You should use the fastest speed to get it on the right track. Money is not a problem. You can't ask Raul for it. Raul, as long as it doesn't exceed 500 million dollars, you can make the decision directly. "

Raul said, "I understand, boss."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I won't keep you. I have asked my private plane to wait for you at Yanjing International Airport. Go back to work as soon as possible. "

"Thank you, boss."

On the way to the airport, donheim said gratefully, "Raul, thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet my boss."

Raul shook his head and said, "I'm not being selfish. I think you really have the ability to do a good job in TV. Robert, your talent and ability are top-notch, but you are a bit rebellious and aggressive, which makes it difficult for you

"Take Mr. Xiao's conversation with you, I'll bet you've had a dispute with him, and you've robbed him of the right to speak, right?"

Donheim sipped his lips, nodded and said, "yes, I admit it. I'm afraid I can't change this character in my life

Raul said with a smile: "after all the Hollywood, only Mr. Xiao can accommodate you. He is broad-minded and generous. I think he just takes a fancy to your aggressiveness and initiative. Manwei TV station is a start-up. It needs a pioneering director. You just fit in with this point. Old man, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "

Donheim asked, "Raul, can the boss really give us the greatest freedom, as Hollywood has been telling us? Do I need to report everything to him? Or what kind of things need to be reported to him? "Raul said, "don't you hear me? You don't need to ask about things below 500 million dollars. Just call me. If it exceeds 500 million, it will be reported to him. I tell you, the boss gives us a lot of power. Since he became the boss of marvel, he often stayed there in the early days. When the company got on track, it was all handed over to me. I just need to report manwei's achievements and problems once a month. The boss doesn't care about the process and only looks at the results. As long as you can do a good job and set up a TV station, you don't need to consider salary. I've never been paid a month. "

Donheim said, "what do you get if you don't get a monthly salary? It won't be shares, will it? "

Raul nodded and said, "yes. By the end of the year, I will get 0.5% of Marvel's annual total profit. "

"How much is that?" donheim said

Raul said: "it should be 100 million dollars, and the heads of other departments are 0.1%, at least 20 million dollars. Even for ordinary employees, it is estimated that there will be 200000 bonus

When donheim heard this, he said with astonishment: "Mr. Shaw is too generous. In other companies in Hollywood, it would be nice to have a person in charge like you in the millions. Br >

even if the boss of the company has worked overtime, it will be very generous for all employees to say: "even if there is no work done by the boss, they will be very generous. So, Robert, come on. As long as you do a good job in the TV station, I can tell you clearly that in less than two years, you will be a billionaire. "

Donheim nodded heavily.

After finishing the affairs of Marvel TV station, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing attended the global Premiere of Harry Potter held by MGM in Yanjing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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