Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:57 AM

Chapter 1123

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai flew straight to Liaoyang and came to the "master of the first generation" crew, directing everyone to set up the set.

Three days later, he flew to Guangzhou and finally to Xiangjiang. He ran from north to south where the film needed.

On December 18, two days before the shooting of the master of the first generation, Xiao Yunhai flew back to Liaoyang again.

At this time, most of the crew have arrived and are busy.

Several leading actors Huang Qiusheng, Deng Yue, Chen Jie and others came to the set one after another a week ago.

When Xiao Yunhai arrived, Deng Yue was practicing Baji boxing in front of Luo Tianxiong, a movement instructor.

His fists and feet were fierce and fierce. His eyes were as sharp as a knife. He had a strong murderous spirit, which made everyone applaud in unison.

Xiao Yunhai also can't help nodding. He thinks he's looking for him to play a line of heaven. He's looking for the right person.

It may be that seeing Xiao Yunhai coming slowly, Deng more and more suddenly drank: "look at the fist."

With a kick of his right leg, his body was like a tiger. With a huge momentum, he rushed to Xiao Yunhai and hit Xiao Yunhai's chest with an elbow.

He knew that he would not be Xiao Yunhai's opponent if he practiced for several decades, so this time, he tried his best to keep his hands.

Xiao Yunhai smiles, hands behind his back, steps to the left, oblique step, body micro contraction, and then shoulder up a top, just caught Deng Yue's elbow, and then the body a shock, Deng Yue felt that he was pushed by a strong push backward three steps, almost sitting on the ground.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother Deng, Kung Fu is good, but it's a pity that he didn't use it flexibly. Compared with me, there is still a little distance. "

Deng more rolled a white eye, not good gas said: "what is a little distance, clearly is the difference between heaven and earth, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "I mean it's a little bit worse than when I don't use my hands or feet."

Deng covered his chest more and more, pointed to Xiao Yunhai, and said with indignation: "you are poisonous." When they heard this, they could not help laughing.

After greeting the crowd, Xiao Yunhai said, "elder martial brother, how are your Kung Fu? Is there anything wrong with filming? "

Luo Tianxiong said with a smile: "they are all very good. Chen Jie has practiced Bagua palm for 12 years. Every move is elegant and natural, fast and cruel. He has no problem shooting. Deng Yue has been practicing shawl boxing for the past two days. The so-called Baji plus splitting and hanging makes the gods and ghosts afraid. I want to combine these two kinds of Kung Fu, the effect should be very good. The other teachers you are looking for are famous kung fu masters in the industry, so there is no problem. I don't know how well your family leaders have practiced. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "she's almost trained to be bright."

Luo Tianxiong was surprised and said, "No. Wan Qing has been practicing for a long time. How can she enter the house so quickly. This is just a talent for martial arts. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "her physical fitness is good, and she has been practicing the health preserving boxing created by her grandfather all the time. In addition, her nutrition can keep up with her, and her Qi and blood are sufficient, and her progress is naturally faster. She'll be here this afternoon. You can ask her to call a few times

Luo Tianxiong nodded and said, "OK. I designed a lot of martial arts according to your requirements. I'm going to ask the brothers to call you, the world's best expert, and then we'll have a good discussion. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, let's design the action as soon as possible, so that we can step up our practice. Deng Ge, Chen Ge and a few teachers, you also come to think about it, so as not to appear any inappropriate place

They all nodded, sat around and began to design their movements.

It took a whole day for everyone to discuss and set up a plan. I don't know how many times it has been modified. At 6:00 p.m., when Zhao Wanqing came, it was almost finished.

At the suggestion of Luo Tianxiong, Zhao Wanqing played a set of Eight Trigram palms in front of everyone and won cheers.

The more Deng looked at the ruddy Zhao Wanqing and said with a bitter smile, "Wanqing, I always feel that I have played very well, but you just played a little better. Well, we don't take this kind of blow, OK

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "brother Deng, you are too modest. I've heard from sister Xinyi that five or six big men are not your opponents in your current Kung Fu. I can play three at the most

Deng Yue said, "I was bragging to her. Don't say five or six, even two or three are not necessarily to deal with. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother Deng, from the explosive power and speed you just attacked me, it should be no problem to deal with seven or eight. But don't try it out. If you don't, you will hurt. What you practice is a real killing fist. If you are angry, you may die. "

Deng Yue solemnly said: "don't worry, the master who taught me Baji Quan also told me so. I firmly remember it."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. Let's call it a day. Teachers, brothers and sisters, now I invite you to drink. You can choose any hotel here"Good." Everyone cheered in unison.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai saw that the crew were doing their work in an orderly manner on the set. He was very satisfied.

I took the car to other shooting sites to have a look. After careful inspection, I pointed out a few small problems and asked them to revise them as soon as possible.

He took Zhao Wanqing to the supermarket to buy some gifts and came to Liaoyang military region to see his second uncle Xiao Shengli.

He had already called Xiao Shengli to have lunch at his home, so when Xiao Yunhai came to the gate of the military area command, Xiao Shengli's guards were waiting for him.

Under the guidance of the guards, Xiao Yunhai came to the family home where Xiao Shengli lived.

Since he became commander of the military region four years ago, Xiao Shengli has been living in the compound of the military region. His working place is less than 100 meters, so it is very convenient to go back to work.

Walking into the courtyard, Xiao Yunhai found that the area inside was not small, about 100 square meters, with its own water pressure well. There was also a vegetable garden in front of it, but there were no vegetables in winter, but the land was very flat.

"Yunhai, Wanqing, you're here. Come in."

Second aunt Meng Lizhen heard the sound, opened the door, saw two people, said happily.

For Xiao Yunhai this nephew, Meng Lizhen is very appreciative and grateful.

The Xiao family is a military and political family. Although they have great power, they are strictly controlled by the old man. They are not allowed to do business outside. Therefore, both the family and the son's family are in a bit of a pinch.

Since Xiao Yunhai came back to Xiao's family, he asked the old man to give them money. During the Spring Festival alone, the family gave tens of millions of yuan, which significantly improved their life.

Now, the third generation of Xiao's family is engaged in military affairs, politics and business, which complement each other. Although the three brothers do not often meet, their relationship is very good.

In a big family, what can be more warm than this relationship.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Auntie, I haven't seen you for a year. Why are you getting younger and younger?"

Meng Lizhen said, "don't you lie here with your eyes open. I'm over 50 this year. What's younger? Look at you two. Come and buy something. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "after all, this is my first time here, so I have to mean it. Don't worry. Next time you come here, you'll carry one head on two shoulders. If you don't have enough money, you'll never give up. "

Meng Lizhen chuckled, took Zhao Wanqing's hand and said, "Wanqing, you should take good care of him. They are the richest people in the world, and they are still so rude. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "if he is serious, that's strange. However, Yunhai is right. You look much better than last year, auntie

Meng Lizhen asked them to sit down and said, "do you have any? Maybe I'm happy these two days. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what makes you so happy? Second brother promoted? I didn't listen to him

Meng Lizhen said: "I don't care whether he is promoted or not. I'm really happy that I'm going to be a grandmother again, and this time I'm a grandson. "

"Oh, Hello, auntie. Congratulations. Why didn't you tell the old man about such a big thing as the Xiao family's addition? " Xiaoyun Haidao.

Meng Lizhen said: "we want to give him a surprise on the Chinese New Year."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "when the time comes, my grandfather will be able to jump happily." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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