Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:54 AM

Chapter 1124

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Three people are chatting hot, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rings. Open a look, it is Xiao Shengli's call.

"Second uncle, I'm home. I'm chatting with my aunt."

Xiao Shengli way: "I know you boy arrived, hurry to the big playground."

"Why do I go to the playground?" Xiao Yunhai asked

Xiao Shengli didn't have a good temper to say: "let you come, ask so many why?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes, commander Xiao, I will go right now. "

after hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai stood up and said," Auntie, you two have a chat first. I'll go to the playground and have a look. I don't know what my second uncle asked me to do. "

when he came to the playground, Xiao Yunhai saw that Xiao Shengli was lecturing more than 30 special soldiers.

"Last year, our military region won the first place in the special forces competition. Do you think you are very good? You don't need to train any more? Ah? What a mess. Don't you understand the truth that arrogance leads to defeat? I heard that the training of other military regions is very hard. Last year's second ranking Tianshan military region has even made a slogan to kill Liaoyang military region. Why do you really want to be killed by them? I'll tell you, don't think you are so good. In fact, you are still far from it. Not convinced, right? If you don't say anything else, just compare it with my nephew, and you can't do it. "

Xiao Shengli waved to Xiao Yunhai and said, "see? This man should be known to all? "

"Yes." More than 30 special forces answered in unison, the voice was extremely loud.

Xiao Shengli said: "he is my nephew, the richest man in the world who controls more than 600 billion US dollars. He is also a top kung fu master. Don't you think you're amazing? Fight him. As long as one person can knock him to the ground, you don't need to train any more. Come on, who dares to go. "

Xiao Yunhai heard what he said and said in a low voice: "uncle, you asked me to come here and let me fight with these special soldiers. Isn't it a little unsophisticated?"

Xiao Shengli said: "in more than a month, it will be the national special forces competition, but this group of boys are more proud than others, and they don't train well all day. You've just come to teach them a lesson. Let them know that there's heaven and there's someone out there. "

"Me." At this time, a tall, dark skin, muscular special forces stand out.

Xiao Shengli nodded and said, "good. This is what we soldiers want. Yunhai, this guy has practiced iron cloth shirt. Don't upset your boat in the gutter. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a speechless face: "second uncle, you are driving ducks to the shelf."

"What? Are you afraid? "

"Not to be afraid, but to feel unnecessary."

"Well, you can help me. Go ahead and don't hurt them. "

Xiao Yunhai took off his clothes and handed it to Xiao Shengli, saying, "well, let me see the strength of the special forces in the military region."

Come to the field, see this tall and burly special combat soldier, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brother, you must be careful."

"I should give it to you," the special soldier said. Commander, Mr. Xiao is delicate and expensive. What should I do if I hurt him? "

If you can be promoted to Xiao immediately, he will hurt me. Zhang Kui, you don't need to keep your hands and try your best. "

He is very aware of his nephew's Kung Fu. I'm afraid there are no people in the world who can hurt him.

Zhang Kui said, "OK. Mr. Xiao, I'm offended. "

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Kui's muscles tensed suddenly and rushed up with the momentum of the three armies.

When Xiao Yunhai was still three meters away, he raised his big fist and hit him in the chest. His movements were neat and there was no muddle.

The special forces pay attention to killing the enemy with the fastest speed.

Although Zhang Kui exhausted all his strength, he was also very measured and did not fight against Xiao Yunhai's vital points.

With Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu, even if he is beaten up, there will be no harm at all.

"Come on, Zhang Kui."

"Zhang Kui is strong."

All the special forces under the stage cheered for Zhang Kui.

It's a pity that this is not a close battle at all. The gap between the two is too big.

With a smile on his left hand, Xiao Yun held out his right hand and clenched Zhang Kui's fist with a smile. Then he felt a strong force pulling him forward. With a plop, he fell down.

The shouts of the special forces suddenly stopped. Obviously, no one thought that Zhang Kui, who ranked at least the top five in personal combat ability, would be so useless that he couldn't even pick up one of the other's faces.

Xiao Yunhai used the strength of Taijiquan. Zhang Kui fell to the ground not because of how much force Xiao Yunhai exerted on him, but because of his own strength, which was borrowed by Xiao Yunhai, which achieved such an effect.

Zhang Kui got up and, undaunted, rushed to Xiao Yunhai again.

His explosive force is very strong, the body a rush, over the distance of five meters, straight to Xiao Yunhai's face.When the distance between his fists was only a few centimeters, Zhang Kui felt that his eyes were dazzled, and Xiao Yunhai was gone.

His reaction is also very fast, did not want to think, then kicked a foot back hard.

Unfortunately, he kicked a void, Xiao Yunhai is not behind him, but on his right side.

Zhang Kui only felt that a hand suddenly pinched his throat tightly. When he was about to struggle, the other side took the initiative to release his hand.

Zhang Kui covered his neck and looked at the smiling Xiao Yunhai and said, "I lost. If you're going to kill me, it won't take a lot of effort. No wonder everyone says you are the best in the world. You are really good. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't say anything, but Xiao Shengli laughed and said, "you little bunnies, who dares to try?"

Zhang Kui walked out of the field and said, "don't fight. Fighting alone, none of us is the enemy of Mr. Xiao. But the army is talking about cooperation. Mr. Xiao, do you dare to single out the five of us. "

"How many of you have?" Xiao asked

Zhang Kui was stunned and said, "thirty two."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "then you can go together."


Xiao Yunhai's words made the whole special brigade very angry.

This is too arrogant.

Xiao Yunhai turned his neck and said: "two years ago, I set up a security company, which is full of retired special soldiers. One vs. sixty, they're defeated. "

"In that case, Mr. Xiao, don't blame us for cheating more than we do."

Xiao Yunhai's body is strong, and his momentum rises suddenly. His eyes are shining. His bones are clattering. His blood is surging in his blood vessels, just like a raging sea.

"If you can knock me to the ground, I will donate 10 billion yuan to Liaoyang military region free of charge, for fear that you do not have this ability."

Xiao Yunhai stepped down from the arena, looked at the crowd and burst into cheers.

These 32 special forces are the best in the army. All of them have reached the level of dark strength, and the lowest have clear strength. How can people look down on them so much.

After a look at each other, Qi rushed to Xiao Yunhai.

Liao Dake, chief political commissar of Liaoyang military region, said with a worried face: "commander Xiao, Mr. Xiao will be OK."

Xiao Shengli said: "I hope these bastards can win. In this way, our military region will have 10 billion Chinese dollars. Unfortunately, it's too hard. "

Liao Dake said in surprise, "is Mr. Xiao really so strong?"

What a victory you can get, Xiao Jin said

Xiao Yunhai looked at the crowd, laughed, took a step forward, and then punched Zhang Kui in the front.

Zhang Kui was startled. The distance between them was at least eight meters. Xiao Yunhai did not know what method he used. He just took a step and came to his own eyes.

Just when he wanted to make a move, it seemed that he was hit by a cannon bullet in his chest, and the whole person was thrown backward. The brothers behind wanted to keep him. Unfortunately, Zhang Kui's power was too strong for them to catch him. Five or six brothers were directly pressed to the ground by Zhang Kui.

After beating Zhang Kui, Xiao Yunhai did not stop. His arm was waving like a real steel whip. With the sound of the wind, he drew to a special soldier on the left.

Tai Chi single whip.

The special soldier was whipped by Xiao Yunhai, and his ribs were almost broken. However, Xiao Yunhai mainly used collapsing force to hit the other party flying in the air, and again overpowered several special soldiers behind him.

Xiao Yunhai's strength is too strong, and the speed is as fast as lightning. These special soldiers, who are extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, are like scarecrows one by one, and they fly around like scarecrows.

The scene was chaotic, and the special forces fell to the ground.

Finally, a light footed special soldier slipped quietly behind Xiao Yunhai and was about to attack. Suddenly, he found that the whole back of the other side was leaning towards him like a mountain.

The special forces are shocked, a punch to his back, "plop" sound, such as the defeat of leather, and then the whole person to Xiao Yunhai to fly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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