Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:50 AM

Chapter 1127

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Xiao Yunhai did not worry, but let Chen Jie feel.

The third

the fourth

the fifth one

was stuck five times in a row in the first scene. Chen Jie felt a little overwhelmed and said, "director Xiao, I want to pause for a moment to find out what I feel."

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Brother Chen, play those villains. You can ask Mr. Huang for advice. That's what he's famous for

Chen Jie's eyes brightened and said, "Mr. Huang, please help me. I'm going crazy now

Huang Qiusheng pulled him aside and said, "don't worry. Take your time. That's what acting is like. If you want to play a bad man, the most important thing is two places, eyes and temperament. The performance you just showed was too soft. There are some problems

Half an hour later, under Huang Qiusheng's words and deeds, Chen Jie finally grasped the characteristics of the role and passed the sixth one-time.

At this time, it was noon, and the crew all went to dinner.

During the dinner, Chen Jiecheng said sincerely: "Mr. Xiao, teachers, I'm really sorry. This morning I've delayed my time."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. Filming, it's inevitable. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "Chen Jie, you are very talented in acting. It's just that before the show was too narrow, most of them played decent roles in action movies. I think it's very unfavorable for your future development. You're still young, so you should try other types of plays. "

Chen Jie nodded and said, "thank you for your advice. I also feel this problem, so I have been in transition in the past two years, but I have made several films in succession. The box office reputation is very ordinary, and I have been scolded. Well, I don't have any confidence. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "I remember you are not a professional. Why not go to film school? You've been shooting for so many years, and you're experienced. It's time to make a summary. It's necessary for me to improve my acting skills. "

Chen Jie said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, you really want to go with me. If it wasn't for director Xiao who asked me to play Ma San, I would be in Yanjing film academy now. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "it seems that I delayed you."

Chen Jie said, "don't say that, director Xiao. You can't help but know how rare it is for us actors to be able to play your part. In any case, I can't let go of this opportunity. "

Huang Qiusheng asked: "Yunhai, I have seen the script of our play from the beginning to the end more than ten times. It can be said that this is a film with both literary and commercial elements. Are you really not going to take it abroad? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. I mainly want to see the effect of the film on the completion of translation? As you know, many of the lines in this play are proverbs, which are not easy to do. "

Huang Qiusheng nodded his head and said, "flowers are hidden in the leaves for a time, and it's hard to translate such a language."

Seeing the disappointment in the actor's eyes, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if I don't go to the cinema, I'll put it on the video websites in all parts of the world. It's estimated that making a billion dollars should not be a problem. At that time, fans all over the world will know us as well. As a matter of fact, the development of film has become global, and there are many opportunities. "

Deng Yue said with a smile, "yes. Some time ago, I made a Hollywood action blockbuster. I was full of confidence, but after watching "2012" by Yunhai, I almost didn't faint. If I'm going to put it on this movie, I'm sure it's going to be a bad movie. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "fans are drawing a new picture, I guess 3D film in a year absolutely no 2D film can match. Even if it is a bad film, it is estimated that it will enter the cinema to see. After a year, it's hard to say when the novelty is over. "

Huang Qiusheng said: "so you prepared and made four 3D Marvel superheroes movies at one go. You just want to make a big profit by making a time difference, don't you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. The box office of 2012 is about 80 dollars on average. The next one is up to 60 dollars, and then to the next one, that is, 50 dollars. Then at 40 and 30, the box office declines in turn until it stabilizes down. The earlier a 3D movie is released, the more money it will make. That's for sure. "

Deng Yue sighed: "this is the technical advantage, it is another form of monopoly."

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Kristi.

"Mr. Xiao, I have arrived at Liaoyang airport. Would you like to meet us?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "you should tell me in advance. You wait there for a moment, and I'll let Wanqing pass by. "

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "wife, you don't have a part in the afternoon. Help me to pick up Kristi at the airport."

Zhao Wanqing said, "no problem. Shall I bring her here or go straight to my uncle? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "let her come here. I have a lot to remind her of. "

Christie is a business elite. She looks at money and advocates the maximum profit with the least cost.But this time, the large-scale coal mine is different from the general business. This is what uncle Xiao Shengli protected Xiao Yunhai by special means. It's not too much to say that power is used for personal gain.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai must be very perfect, and can not give people a little bit of truth, lest the Xiao family be implicated in the future.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai had just finished two plays, and Zhao Wanqing took Kristi to the set.

Taking advantage of the rest, Xiao Yunhai and Kristi came to a corner and talked.

"Ms. Christie, the reason why I asked Wanqing to bring you here is that I have something important to talk to you about."

Christie said with a smile, "boss, please say so."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if after our exploration, this coal mine is accurate and has 1.25 billion tons, then I want you to buy the mining right at least 20% higher than the international mining price when negotiating with the government. You can't lose a cent, understand?"

Christie said in surprise, "Mr. Shaw, I don't understand. What are you doing for? Do you know? If this coal mine is really a large coal mine of high quality, your 20% increase will reach 10 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if it is 20 billion, it doesn't matter. Kristi, China's national conditions are different from that of the United States. We are the first in politics and the second in economy. This coal mine was left by my uncle in order to arrange for the veterans in their military area. If I use the family relationship to let the government suffer, then my uncle and I will be tainted. Once caught by political opponents, my family will be in danger. No matter how much money I have, it's no use. Do you understand? "

Christie nodded and said, "you mean we'd rather suffer ourselves than your government, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Buying coal mining rights at a price of 120 percent will not be a problem anywhere, and it will not constitute a crime of abusing power for personal gain. "

Christie said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I remember. What else can I do for you

Xiao Yunhai said: "the establishment of the coal company will be determined. Ms. Christie, what's the background of all the experts you've got? Can they do it? "

"I've hired six experts, all of them the world's top coal exploration experts, and I paid them 30 million dollars," Kristi said. You can rest assured of their ability. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "shit, it's only a few days. It's so dark. OK, after the exploration is completed, you should contact the government quickly and buy it to avoid long night dreams. As for those documents and so on, my uncle will deal with them for us. "

Christie said with a smile, "yes, Mr. Shaw."

After seeing off Kristi, Xiao Yunhai went back to the studio to continue shooting, which was very smooth for several consecutive days.

What makes Xiao Yunhai even more happy is that the weather forecast says that there will be heavy snow next week, and it will be three days at a time. There are a lot of plays in the snow in "master of the generation", which can be regarded as the heart of Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai sent people to set up the set as soon as possible, especially the drama between Zhao Wanqing and Chen Jie on the train platform.

Before that, they contacted Liaoyang Railway Bureau, rented an abandoned platform, spent a lot of money to find a train, and after redecorating it, it became quite like the flavor of the Republic of China.

Zhao Wanqing and Chen Jie have been practicing for a long time for this play. As long as they don't fall off the chain, there should be no problem.

Xiao Yunhai's crew is always the most abundant, even if they go to other places to arrange the set, other plays are still in full swing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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