Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:48 AM

Chapter 1128

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That day, Xiao Yunhai finished filming Zhao Wanqing and a group of old opera bones, and was having a tea break.

A troupe trotted over and said, "director Xiao, Mr. Zhao Banshan and Mr. Yao Na have come to visit our class."

Zhao Wanqing and Huang Qiuhai immediately stood up to meet them.

Xiao Yunhai is very strict in controlling the set. Without his permission, no one can come in, especially reporters.

"Miss Zhao, sister Na, why don't you say it in advance? You hit me by surprise."

Under the flash of countless reporters, Xiao Yunhai hugged them and said happily.

After greeting each other with others, Yao Na, who was frank and frank, said: "I haven't said you with Mr. Zhao. It's so hard for you to enter the studio. You've hung us up for a long time. If it had not been Miss Zhao, I would have turned around and left

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is my negligence. I was mainly trying to stop the reporters, but I forgot that my good friends would come too. Wait for the director, notice to go on, friends in the circle come to visit, let them go directly. Miss Zhao and sister Na, let's go. I'll take you to see our set. "

Zhao Banshan said: "Yunhai, I have brought several apprentices here. They are preparing to make a film, just to learn from you, the world's largest director. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "communication is OK. It's too much to use the word" learning ". It's not up to my level. "

Zhao Banshan laughed and said: "a film box office has reached more than 20 billion dollars. If such a director can't be a teacher, who can be a director in the world?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "don't praise me, Miss Zhao. Let's go in. "

So, the people walked into the set together.

An hour later, Zhao Banshan and Yao Na left.

Before leaving, Zhao Banshan said: "brother Xiao, since you have come to Liaoyang to film, how can you give me a chance to be a good host. So, when you're free, I'll treat our crew to dinner? "

Yao Na said, "Miss Zhao, I'll take it."

Zhao Banshan said with a smile, "that won't work. My hometown is here, and the company is here. You are from Fushun. Don't argue with me. Xiao, make a date quickly. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good today. It looks like it's going to snow tomorrow. We're going to film in the snow. "

Zhao Banshan nodded and said, "OK, no problem. How about six o'clock this afternoon at Liaoyang hotel? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK. We don't want to eat anything else. We'll have the Northeast specialty. "

Zhao Banshan said with a smile: "that's the best and most authentic restaurant for Northeast cuisine. OK. I'll see you in the evening. "

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai arrived at Liaoyang Hotel on time with the film directors.

Zhao Banshan and Yao Na had already arrived, and they walked into box one with them.

After sitting down, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, what are you busy with recently?"

Zhao Banshan said: "in addition to participating in some TV performances, is filming, mainly rural themes."

Yao Na said with a smile: "Yunhai, you may not know that Mr. Zhao started shooting four TV series in one breath, which is very powerful."

Zhao Banshan waved his hand and said, "Lao Na, you are damaging me. Don't say this in front of the sea of clouds. I can't afford to lose that man. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhao, if this is called humiliation, how can you let other film and television companies live?"

Everyone laughed.

As they drank tea, they chatted and laughed, and soon the food and wine were brought up, all of which are the characteristics of Northeast China.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Zhao Banshan said, "brother Xiao, I have something to ask for today. Can you help me? If you can, it doesn't matter if you can't

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what's the matter? You said

Zhao Banshan said: "I like a piece of land, in the outskirts of Liaoyang, want to set up a big stage there, later our sketch, Errenzhuan will go there to perform."

Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "do you have one in the city?"

Zhao Wanqing touched his arm and said, "husband, you are stupid. Mr. Zhao's field is so hot that I can't put it down in the city. I'm ready to go to the suburbs. Right? Miss Zhao. "

Zhao Banshan Road: "shame."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm really stupid. Mr. Zhao, is that piece of land hard to make? "

Zhao Banshan nodded and said: "money is not a problem. The key is that the land was used for training by Liaoyang military region. Now it is abandoned and has become a big warehouse. I can't speak in the military area, so please help me

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized: "so it is. OK, I'll ask you now. But I'm not sure

Zhao Banshan clapped his thigh and said happily, "great, as long as you help me ask. If it really doesn't work, I'll find another place. "Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed to Uncle Xiao Shengli.

"Is it done at the coal mine?" Xiao Shengli picked up the phone and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's not so fast. Yesterday Christie called me and said she was communicating with the government. "

A few days ago, Kristi and the experts had already reached a conclusion after exploration. The coal mine is a large open-pit coal mine. It is divided into eight layers. The reserve is estimated to be 1.4 billion tons. Moreover, the coal quality is particularly good. The more the coal is, the better it is.

After Christie learned about the situation, she reported to Xiao Yunhai and quickly flew to Yanjing.

Xiao Shengli said, "why did you call me

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, I'm having dinner with Mr. Zhao Banshan. He took a fancy to your old training ground in the suburb of Liaoyang and wanted to buy it. Isn't that for me to ask? If it works, money is not a problem. "

Xiao Shengli said with a smile: "you boy is quite good at being a man. OK, I'll call you later. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, uncle."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Banshan, "I'll have the news later."

Zhao Banshan said happily: "brother Xiao, thank you very much."

At this time, a loud and arrogant voice suddenly sounded outside.

"Who dares to snatch the first box with me? Is it killing me?"

Soon, the door opened, and a bald man with a finger thick gold chain on his wrist and neck broke in with five or six gangsters in spite of the dissuasion of the hotel staff.

Zhao Banshan lowered his voice and said, "this bald man named Shen Jun is the No.2 figure of Canglang gate, the largest underground force in Liaoyang. He has thousands of people under his command, which is very powerful."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and now he really despises these so-called gangs.

In China, there is no place for them. At most, they can engage in underground activities, just like ground mice. If you dare to make a big noise, you will be dealt with by the government immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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