Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:47 AM

Chapter 1129

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Shen Jun seemed to have drunk some wine, and his body was a little shaky. After looking around, he found Zhao Banshan, who was sitting on the throne. He laughed and said, "who should I be? It turned out to be Miss Zhao. "

Shen Shan, please stand up for me

Although it was ordered by Zhao Banshan first, he did not dare to offend such a rogue leader as Shen Jun, and he spoke very politely.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid not. Our boss will be here later. He invited a very important guest today. He must be in box one

Zhao Banshan frowned and said, "Mr. Shen, we are already in the middle of the process. It is not appropriate for you to ask us to move places again."

Shen Jun glared and said, "what's wrong? Don't they agree? Brother, don't you think so

Zhao Banshan's position in Liaoyang was not low, and Shen Jun was not easy to offend, so he pointed his spearhead at Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting on the throne.

As long as Xiao Yunhai is finished by him, Zhao Banshan has no reason not to let him go.

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "I have never been used to it. If you want to drink, go to number two. "

Shen Jun laughed and said, "boy, you are very brave. Do you know who we are? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "who are you? Does it matter to me? Sorry, we're having dinner. You can go out. "

Xiao Yunhai doesn't want to see them all.

But sometimes, the more you don't want trouble, the more trouble you get.

Shen Jun felt that Xiao Yunhai had made him lose face. His face changed and he threatened: "you boy, don't toast, eat or drink. We has the final say in this field of Liaoyang. You're wise. Now get out of here

Zhao Banshan patted the table and said, "Mr. Shen, have you drunk too much? Can't you tell who this is? "

Shen Jun listened and looked at Xiao Yunhai carefully and said, "Oh, Hello, it's the famous cloud emperor. It's really disrespectful."

Yao Na said, "Mr. Shen, since you recognize it, you'd better leave."

"Sister Na is here too. It's really a flood that has washed into the Dragon King temple. The whole family doesn't know a family. However, Mr. Xiao, my eldest brother is not very good-natured. You can't help but give us a break. "

After recognizing Xiao Yunhai's identity, Shen Jun was still there, which surprised everyone.

However, turning to think about it, he may not know Xiao Yunhai's identity background. He thinks Xiao Yunhai is just a big star, so he has no fear.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't want to say it again. Mr. Shen, please leave at once. If you want to book this box, you can wait until we have finished our meal. "

Shen Jun, with a gloomy face, said, "Mr. Xiao, you are too much. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not oppress a local snake. You are of noble status. Why offend us at the bottom for a box. Isn't there a saying that barefoot people don't wear shoes? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "everyone is wearing shoes now. There is no barefoot. Mr. Shen, we are going to have a drink. Please don't disturb our elegance. "

Shen Jun nodded and said without expression: "let's wait and see."

Shen Jun didn't do anything radical. He couldn't make a deal, so he turned around and left.

Zhao Banshan worried and said: "brother Xiao, I'm really sorry, please have a drink, even such a thing happened."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. It's just some clowns."

Yao Na said, "Yunhai, don't be too careless. This canglangmen is very powerful. It is said that they often do some illegal business with foreigners. If you offend them this time, I'm afraid they'll get in your way. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "soldiers will block the water and cover up the earth. We don't need to worry about it, and continue to drink."

After a while, Xiao Shengli sent a message to Xiao Yunhai, saying that the land was ok, but the price was very high.

Xiao Yunhai told Zhao Banshan that Zhao Banshan didn't care much about money. He was very grateful to Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing's angry voice just returned to the bathroom.

What are you doing

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's face changed, he put down his chopsticks and rushed out of the box.

As fast as thunder and lightning, people on the table even saw a shadow.

After Xiao Yunhai went out, he saw Zhao Wanqing stopped at the gate of box 2 by a group of thugs. Shen Jun was the leader.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, he asked me to go to the second box to drink with others."

Xiao Yunhai walked up to Zhao Wanqing, took her hand and said with indifference: "it's meaningless for you to go alone. I'll go with you to accompany them. I'd like to see which bastard dares to eat the gall of bear heart leopard and let you accompany me with wine. "

Shen Jun snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Xiao, you stars are all porcelain. You'd better not touch us. Before, many female stars came here to perform. They had to pay homage to our boss's Wharf first. "Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "well, you'd better say goodbye to me."

"Pa" sound, Xiao Yunhai gave Shen Jun a loud slap in the face, mouth teeth all fly out, five fingers clearly printed on his face.

"It's a big problem." Yao Na, who just came out of the box, sighed after seeing all this.

"Sister Na, it's just a bunch of thugs. What's the big deal?" Chen Jie said with a smile.

Zhao Banshan said: "this Canglang gate is different from the common gangsters. I heard that they have guns in their hands."

As soon as Chen Jie heard this, he became nervous and said, "such a cow. Does the government care? "

Yao Na said: "there is no evidence that people are normal international trading companies."

Shen Jun covered his face and looked at Xiao Yunhai with an unbelievable look. Then his face became extremely resentful and said, "do you dare to hit me? Do you dare to beat me


Xiao Yunhai didn't say a word. He slapped him hard on the other side of his face. He said coldly, "keep your mouth clean."

Shen Jun is going crazy. He takes out a fruit knife from his arms and stabs it at Xiao Yunhai.

Yao Na and others exclaimed: "sea of clouds, be careful."

Xiao Yunhai looked at him contemptuously. His right foot took a half step forward. His whole body was filled with Qi and blood, and his fist was smashed in half a step, hitting him in the chest.

Shen Jun flew high and high, then hit the ceiling, plopped down heavily, and fainted directly.

The other gangsters look at each other, draw out the fruit knife at the same time, and rush to Xiao Yunhai.

Chen Jie, Deng Yue, Huang Qiusheng and others have come to Xiao Yunhai and are preparing to fight with them. A voice full of dignity rings from box 2.

"Stop it all."

Hearing the sound, those hooligans who rushed forward immediately stopped, and Qi Qigong said in a voice, "boss."

Out of box 2 came a ferocious man of about 40 years old with a long scar on his neck. Although he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, he looked very bluffing. If he was shooting a movie, he would definitely be the best choice for the leader of the underworld.

Yao Na whispered in Xiao Yunhai's ear: "this is Xue Pinglang, the eldest of Canglang gate."

Xiao Yunhai nodded gently and looked at him with great interest to see how the boss was going to deal with this matter.

Xue Pinglang looked at Shen Jun who was knocked unconscious by Xiao Yunhai, frowned and said, "who did it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I did it. Mr. Xue, the people under your command are just making trouble for you. I'll help you discipline him. "

Xue Pinglang looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "are you Mr. Xiao Yunhai?"

Zhao Banshan stood up and said, "Mr. Xue, this is Mr. Xiao. It was just a misunderstanding."

Xue Pinglang said coldly: "this is not a misunderstanding. Mr. Xiao, even if Shen Jun offends you, you don't need to be so cruel. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "he can't speak, so I slapped him in the face. Then he'll kill me with a fruit knife, and you won't let me get caught. "

Xue Pinglang threatened: "Mr. Xiao, you are the richest man in the world. We are just street thugs. No matter in terms of fame or status, we are all 18000 miles away. Why not make a fuss about such trifles. You know, when the dog is in a hurry, he jumps over the wall. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I'm just having a meal here. When the meal is half done, your staff will come and ask me to move. Mr. Xue, if you were me, would you move to another box

Speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai's face suddenly turned cold and said: "the last thing he should do is stop my wife and want her to accompany you to dinner. Hehe, you canglangmen are really brave. You don't really think Liaoyang is your

Xue Pinglang naturally knew what kind of virtue his subordinates were. He did not doubt the authenticity of Xiao Yunhai's words. He said, "my subordinates have no eyes. I'll make amends to Mr. Xiao on their behalf. We've beaten and scolded, Mr. Xiao. Can we go now

Xiao Yunhai was very surprised at Xue Pinglang's words. He didn't expect this underworld boss to say such words in public.

At the same time, Xiao Yunhai also mentioned the highest level of danger to him, saying: "of course." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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