Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:58 AM

Chapter 113

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Zhang Menglong and they stayed in the crew for half an hour and then went back. After all, they were in a hurry to film.

Before leaving, Luo Tianxiong invited Xiao Yunhai to a restaurant nearby for dinner in the evening.

At 7 p.m., Xiao Yunhai arrived at the restaurant on time. There were more than ten people sitting in the restaurant. All of them were disciples of Xingyi Taiji sect.

Xiao Yunhai drank a full six catties of Maotai liquor. With his huge capacity, he was also drunk and unconscious. He didn't even know how to get back to the hotel.

When Xiao Yunhai got up the next day, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. It was the first time in two years that he got up so late.

After patting his dizzy head and smelling the smell of wine, Xiao Yunhai rushed to the bathroom for a hot bath, changed his clothes, and ate something at random in the hotel, and then rushed to the crew.

When he came to the crew, Deng Yue took the lead in seeing Xiao Yunhai. He went over and directly pulled him aside. He asked, "Xiao Yunhai, be honest. Are you in love with Zhao Wanqing?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and pretended to be stupid and said, "No. I'm not so lucky. "

"No?" Deng Yue was puzzled and said, "I saw Zhao Wanqing help you into your room last night. I didn't come out for a long time. Am I wrong? No, you're kidding me. You used a real kiss yesterday. Zhao Wanqing didn't get angry. It's not normal. Add in what happened last night, and I'm sure you'll be better, aren't you? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "brother Deng, can we not be so gossipy? Last night, my senior brothers and I had too much to drink. I didn't even know how to get back to the hotel. All right, I have to report to the director

After getting rid of gossip Deng Yue, Xiao Yunhai found director Chen Qingqing.

At this time, the crew is shooting the scene of fourteen elder brother and Ruoxi, Xiao Yunhai can only watch there.

In the crew, as long as it is shooting, no matter what you have, even if the sky falls, you have to wait for the game to finish.

Xiao Yunhai watched their performance for a while and nodded.

After so many days of running in, the cooperation between the actors has been very tacit. In addition, everyone was stimulated by Xiao Yunhai, and they all tried to improve their acting skills. After catching up with each other, the crew gradually formed a good atmosphere of competition.

"Perfect, past."

When Xiao Yunhai saw that the scene was finished, he said to Chen Qingqing, "director Chen, I'm really sorry. I drank a little too much yesterday and didn't get up this morning. "

Chen Qingqing looked at Xiao Yunhai and said with a smile, "it's very good that you can still get up. You martial arts practitioners are different from ordinary people. Other people drink with cups, and you use bottles directly. Boy, thirteen people have drunk fifty-two bottles of wine. I'm scared to hear that. Although young people are in good health, they should also pay attention to their bodies. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded to show that he understood.

"By the way, you go to the Wulin troupe this afternoon, and Zhang Menglong is going to shoot you and Chen Jie. If everything goes well, it will be almost finished in two hours. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I know."

After talking with Chen Qingqing, Xiao Yunhai comes to Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing said Xiao Yunhai fiercely for ten minutes until she found that everyone was looking at her with strange eyes. Zhao Wanqing's face turned red and she stopped.

Everyone showed a clear look.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to the "Wulin" crew.

Director Zhang Menglong was setting up the scene at this time. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, he came to shake hands with him and said with a smile, "listen to Mr. Chen, you will be in the production team this morning. Young people are very good. Lao Luo and they didn't come here until 12 o'clock

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "we have not seen each other for many years. We are a little excited. It's our fault to drink too much and delay the filming of the crew. "

Zhang Menglong waved his hand and said, "it's OK. I'm mainly afraid your body can't stand it. Lao Li, take Xiao Xiao to change clothes and make up. Let's start shooting at two o'clock. "

Xiao Yunhai followed Lao Li to the dressing room, where several supporting roles were sitting.

Lao Li made up Xiao Yunhai a little, put on an ancient man's long hair headgear and put on a white robe. A graceful white swordsman appeared in the mirror.

After carefully looking around, Lao Li clapped his hands and said with a smile: "yes, the director's eyesight is really good. Your appearance and temperament are very suitable for this role."

Xiao Yunhai smile, said: "this also thanks to teacher Li's skillful hand."

After the two men came out, Xiao Yunhai saw that Chen Jie was ready and was talking with Luo Tianxiong about something with his sword. He's the main character with his own make-up car.

"Yunhai, come here quickly. Let's make a row and try to pass the customs once." Luo Tianxiong greets Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai went to Luo Tianxiong and saw that his face turned pale. He asked with concern, "are you OK, elder martial brother? Don't you look very well? ""It's OK." Luo Tianxiong waved his hand and said, "it's old now. Otherwise, it's OK to drink three or four catties."

Looking at Luo Tianxiong, Chen Jie couldn't help laughing and said, "teacher Luo is a huge amount."

Luo Tianxiong is not angry. He laughs and says, "OK, no kidding. Let's get to work. It has been delayed for a whole morning. If I don't perform well in the afternoon, I'm afraid director Zhang will not be able to speak there. "

Xiao Yunhai and Chen Jie both nodded.

Although the play is called Wulin, it is actually a modern film.

Xiao Yunhai's character is an actor with unique swordsmanship. He is shooting an ancient costume drama in a drama group, and is found by the kung fu master played by Chen Jie. Two people compare sword, Xiao Yunhai is defeated and killed.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai did not have a line.

Xiao Yunhai thinks that this play is a bit like the one man's Wulin shot by Zhenzi Dan and Wang Baoqiang in the past.

Director Zhang Menglong's meaning is very clear. Chen Jie's sword technique should be vicious and vicious. He should recruit and stab Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai, on the other hand, wants to make the sword technique naturally elegant and unpredictable.

This is a test of Luo Tianxiong's action skills.

Fortunately, we are all martial arts practitioners. After discussing with each other for half an hour, we can almost design the movements.

"The first item of scene 21 of Wulin begins."

With the order of the recording, the whole drama group suddenly quieted down, and all departments began to shoot as much as possible.

First, Chen Jie, with a sword in his hand, walked slowly into the set of the play. At this time, Xiao Yunhai is listening to the director, nodding.

"Hello, who are you? This is filming. Get out of here

A small supporting actor came to Chen Jie and yelled at him.

Seeing that Chen Jie didn't speak, the small supporting role wanted to push him. Chen Jie stabbed his arm with a sword, and the blood flowed down.

All of a sudden, everyone is scared away, leaving only Chen Jie and Xiao Yunhai far away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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