Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:46 AM

Chapter 1130

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When they returned to the box, Zhao Banshan didn't show any joy and said, "brother Xiao, this Xue Pinglang is known as a poisonous wolf in Liaoyang. He is cruel and domineering. I'm sure he won't give up

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "happiness and anger do not form in color. Xue Pinglang is a character. I'll be careful. "

Zhao Banshan sighed and said, "it's all my fault. Why did you choose to eat here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhao, don't say that. If you don't come here, where do you want us to eat such authentic northeast food. Don't worry about it. The most important thing in our crew is kung fu master. Let alone Xue Pinglang's courage, even if he really sent a gangster here, we would still be afraid of him. Come on, let's go on drinking. "

Half an hour later, we were well fed and left Liaoyang hotel.

In box 2, Xue Pinglang had a glass of cold water filled from the bathroom and poured it on Shen Jun's face, which immediately woke him up.

"Xiao Yunhai, I want your life."

"Bang." As soon as Shen Jun's voice fell, he was slapped in the face by Xue Pinglang.

Shen Jun was stunned, covered his face and said, "boss."

Xue Pinglang said angrily, "you are more daring than the heaven. You even dare to offend the richest man in the world and let his wife accompany him. Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Shen Jun was sad and said, "boss, I can't be angry. Xiao Yunhai is so arrogant that he looks down on us. I was deliberately trying to plug him, but he slapped me two times when he came up and knocked out my teeth. Boss, you can't spare him, otherwise we can't mix in Liaoyang. "

Xue Pinglang snorted and said, "what do you want? Sent someone to do it? Is your brain blocked by shit? The richest man in the world died in Liaoyang, so we can't bury him with him. "

Shen Jun said: "boss, what should I do? In Northeast China, we have lost face. "

Then, Xue zhilang didn't want to win. Let the brothers check. Where are they filming? We can take the right medicine. "

A glimmer of joy flashed on Shen Jun's face and said, "yes, boss."

That night, goose feather like snow fell from the sky, turning Liaoyang into a world wrapped in snow.

Xiao Yunhai woke up in the morning and looked through the window. He was very happy.

Such an environment is suitable for those scenes of Zhao Wanqing.

"Wife, wake up, we're going to start?"

Last night, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing fought fiercely for a whole night. Almost every gesture was used, and Zhao Wanqing was tossed to death.

"Husband, you're letting me sleep for a while. I'm tired to death." Zhao Wanqing did not open her eyes.

That pair of lazy Sleeping Beauty posture, almost let Xiao Yunhai take off clothes, again.

Xiao Yunhai sits on the edge of the bed, reaches into the quilt, and touches Zhao Wanqing's sensitive parts.

Zhao Wanqing couldn't help laughing, and the quilt was kicked away, revealing her beautiful body.

"Honey, you are dead." Zhao Wanqing, wrapped in a quilt, was coquettish and angry.

Xiao Yunhai gave her a hard kiss on her forehead and said, "the heavy snow in these two days has really helped us a lot. Wife, this is your play. If you don't get up, what will the crew do? "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "this is not to blame you. Knowing this, he came to trouble me last night

Xiao Yunhai said: "how can you blame me? Are you to blame? "

"By what?"

"Who makes you look so beautiful and in good shape. Even Liu Xiahui can't stand holding a beautiful woman like you. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's praise for changing the pattern, Zhao Wanqing couldn't help but puff, and said with a delicate smile, "you are very good at flattering."

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, wife, get up quickly. If you don't get up again, it will be a joke. "

Zhao Wanqing said: "then you don't hurry to bring me clothes, the Northeast weather is really cold to death."

After getting up, the couple went downstairs to have breakfast and set off with the crew.

As the snow was so heavy that people could not drive, they had to walk.

Xiao Yunhai has thought of this point for a long time, so the location of the studio is not far away from the hotel, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

In the process of marching, Xiao Yunhai received a call from the deputy director who rushed to the station in advance.

"Director Xiao, things are not good. There are a group of gangsters who demolish our studio."

Xiao Yunhai heard, immediately thought of the wolf door in his mind, and said: "serious?"

"Very serious. It's not until the afternoon, at least

"How many of them are there?"

"More than fifty."

"Yes, I see. Don't conflict with them. I'll be right there. "

Next to Zhao Wanqing, seeing her husband who was deep like water after the phone call, she said, "husband, what's wrong with the studio?"Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a shrewd, way: "a group of gangsters have made our studio completely different."

Chen Jie said, "director Xiao, is he a member of the Canglang clan?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "eight nine does not leave ten."

The crowd quickened their pace and came to the set. Sure enough, they saw more than 50 thugs with iron bars, one by one, wearing mink hats and military coats, sitting on stools, chatting and knocking melon seeds.

His face was red with cold, but he was still there pretending to be relaxed.

Xiao Yunhai sneered and went to a small head, and said, "you are the people of the wolf gate? Did Xue Pinglang ask you to come and make trouble for me? "

The little leader said with a smile: "what wolf gate? We don't know. My brothers mainly want to see the snow here. Do you mind? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course not. But it's not appropriate for you to smash my set

Small head eye disdains to say: "here is the place of no owner, by what say is your?"? Take out the land ownership certificate and I'll have a look

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he laughed and said, "you know the law very well. I ask you, when are you going to stay here? "

"It depends on our mood," he said

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK. I got it! I'm sure there's a place you'll love very much. "

Xiao Yunhai stood up, went to one side, took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Shengli in the past.

"Uncle, my studio has been smashed by the wolf clan people in your territory. How can you help me?"

When Xiao Shengli heard this, he was furious and said: "these gangsters dare to ask you for trouble. They are really brave. All right, I'll send someone to catch them all in the barracks now "

Xiao Yunhai said," uncle, what name do you use to arrest them? "

Xiao Shengli said: "your studio area is my military training base. This group of people sabotage is interfering with our training."

Xiao Yunhai said happily and sincerely, "uncle, you are too good. I think there are three other bases that have been destroyed. One is at the abandoned railway station, and the other is... "

Xiao Shengli said," OK, I know all about it. This wolf clan has been doing evil in Liaoyang for many years. If the soldiers had not been allowed to interfere in politics, I would have destroyed them. Now that you're in trouble, let them disappear. "

For the army, the wolf gate is like an ant. You just need to step on it, and it's done.

A dramatist came up to Xiao Yunhai and said angrily, "director Xiao, other studios have been smashed. What should we do now? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "wait, wait for someone to clean them up. Some people do evil to themselves and cannot live. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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