Published at 11th of May 2022 05:38:44 AM

Chapter 1131

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Liaoyang military region's dispatch speed is very fast, all the way trot, only took 40 minutes to arrive.

The leader is Zhang Kui, the defeated general of Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, are they?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's right."

"All my teammates, these people are obstructing our military training, smashing our military training base, and by the order of the chief, I will take them all to the military area command." Zhang Kui roared.

"Yes." More than a hundred soldiers aimed at the gang and raised their guns.

These gangsters, who had never seen this battle, were scared to death one by one. They quickly threw away the sticks, held their heads in both hands, knelt in the snow, and yelled, "Sir, spare your life, sir."

Xiao Yunhai went to the little head with a frightened face and said with a smile, "now can you tell me who sent you? If not, I'll let the soldiers take care of you alone. If you smash military facilities, you will be shot. "

Xiaotoumu swallowed hard and spit. His face was pale and his teeth chattered. He didn't know whether it was frozen or frightened.

"Spare your life, Mr. Xiao," I said. We are the staff of Canglang international trading company. We have been ordered by our boss, Mr. Xue Pinglang, to make trouble here. The main purpose is to make you unable to make a movie. "

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said, "you are smart."

Xiao Yunhai stood up, shook hands with Zhang Kui and said, "thank you, brothers."

Zhang Kui said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, you are welcome. If you have a chance, I will learn from you again."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "there will be this opportunity."

After more than 100 soldiers escorted more than 50 gangsters to leave, Xiao Yunhai said: "don't be so dazed. Hurry up and get this scene filmed in the afternoon. The train station should also be restored as soon as possible. We will shoot this evening. Tell my brothers, it's hard today, and the salary is three times as much as usual. "

"Yes, director Xiao."

When they heard that they were paid three times as much, they were all excited.

Stimulated by money, the set was finished at 3 p.m.

Xiao Yunhai looked around and started shooting when there was no problem.

Zhao Wanqing in order to play this role, all the scenes have been in her mind for countless times, so the shooting is very smooth.

In particular, she practiced the eight trigrams palm in the snow. Her body shape was natural and unrestrained, and her beautiful face was extremely beautiful.

Xiao Yunhai said happily: "wife, this lens is definitely an award-winning lens, your interpretation is really wonderful."

Zhao Wanqing is the first time to hear her husband praise her so much, and her face is like a flower.

After shooting the drama here, Xiao Yunhai is preparing to change the venue when he suddenly receives a strange phone call.

"Hello, who is it? I'm Xiao Yunhai. "

"Mr. Xiao, you are really a good means to mobilize the soldiers of the military region. I planted this time. Please hold your hand and let them go. I will thank Xue Pinglang a lot in the future. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Xue, I really didn't expect that you sent so many people to make trouble for me because of a small matter last night. Do you know how much I have lost? "

Xue Pinglang said, "Mr. Xiao, how can you let them go?"

Xiao Yunhai was about to speak when he heard a confused voice from Xue Pinglang's phone.

"Who are you?" Xue Pinglang angrily said.

"You are Xue Pinglang, good. We are soldiers of Liaoyang military region. You are suspected of engaging in drug trade and sending people to destroy our military training. Now come with us. "

"I'm not going. You're so brave. I'm going to complain to the government."

"If the bandits dare to resist, they will be killed immediately."

Xue Pinglang's voice immediately disappeared. After a while, he roared: "Xiao Yunhai, you are cruel."

Then there was no sound on the phone.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, it's really vigorous to do things. He sent someone to arrest Xue Pinglang, and the wolf gate was completely finished. Ha ha, now I feel that the strength of the Xiao family is too strong. Just a word from my uncle has destroyed the Canglang gate which has been in Northeast China for more than ten years. It's good to save them trouble. Let's go. Let's head for the railway station

The drama on the railway station is mainly the play between Zhao Wanqing and Chen Jie.

One of them inherits the soft power of the Gong family's eight trigrams, and the other inherits the strength of the palace family's eight trigrams, which is definitely the highlight of the film.

Xiao Yunhai and Luo Tianxiong designed wonderful movements for the two people, giving full play to the characteristics of their Kung Fu.

But even though the two practiced many times in private, it still took more than 11 o'clock to finish shooting.

When we got back to the hotel, it was half past twelve.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing, whose face was red with cold. He grabbed her hand and said with heartache, "wife, you have worked hard today."Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "I haven't seen you say that on the set."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there are so many people on the set, how funny. You go and sit on the bed and I'll bring you a basin of hot water. Come on, let's just take a hot bath to avoid cold. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "but I don't want to move at all. I'm really tired today. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you don't need to move. I'll carry you in."

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing immediately stood up and said, "no, I'll do it myself. So you don't have to do that again. I tell you, I can't stand it today. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, whatever you want."

After taking a bath, Xiao Yunhai fell asleep with Zhao Wanqing in his arms. Maybe Zhao Wanqing was really tired and fell asleep in less than five minutes.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Xiao Shengli.

"Yunhai, I have good news for you. The wolf gate is over."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Er Bo, you are too fast. After only one night, Xue Pinglang will not be able to do so. "

Xiao Shengli said with a smile: "this boy is also looking for death. There are several guns and more than ten kilograms of drugs hidden in the wall of the office. Shen Jun, who was beaten by you all over the place to look for teeth, confessed several homicide cases committed by Xue Pinglang in order to make contributions. Do you think he can survive? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this guy is really brave. Second uncle, thank you for me

Xiao Shengli said: "are you too insincere? Why is he also the richest man in the world

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK, then I will donate one billion yuan to our military region, OK?"

Xiao Shengli laughed and said, "it's almost the same."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Er Bo, I also tell you some good news. Yesterday, I got a call from Kristi that we won the mining rights of the coal mine at a price over 20% of the international average price. In the near future, I will invest 30 billion US dollars to buy various equipment and set up a large coal company. You can summon the veterans. I'll take as many as you have, and the salary will be at least 6000. "

Xiao Shengli said happily, "it's really great. I asked the Political Department of the military region to contact them immediately to see how many people would like to come. Yunhai, when will the company start? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it is estimated that it will be four months later."

Xiao Shengli said: "OK, I will give you an accurate number in half a month. Yunhai, on behalf of all the veterans of Liaoyang military region, thank you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Er Bo, you are so formal that I am not used to it. Moreover, this coal company is a cornucopia. I should thank you very much. "

Xiao Shengli said: "OK, let's not thank you here. If it's OK, I'll hang up. "

"Goodbye, second uncle."

Xue Pinglang was arrested in prison for possession of guns and drugs, and the matter of choosing a day for trial soon spread to Liaoyang.

Countless people who have been bullied by canglangmen are ecstatic, and many even set off firecrackers.

After hearing the news, Zhao Banshan sighed: "in just one day or more, we got rid of the social cancer of canglangmen. This Xiao is really fierce."

After hearing about it, the crew became more awed by Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting behind the surveillance screen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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